One Sword Reigns Supreme

2342 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty-nine chapters: destroy your tenth!

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Have to say, everyone in the city is completely!

Especially those who just watch Ye Xuan, they did not think that the rules of Xianbao City were broken by a teenager!

No, not broken, but change!

If the Mrs. Xiao, this is away!

Of course, more people are in the curious that boy!

Is this a relative of the Xianbaoge Pavilion? On the side, the ancient cold looked at Xiao Mrs. "Stick!

After that, she turned and left.

Mrs. Xiao: ".

At this time, the two half-gods appeared in front of Xiaoqu people, seeing this scene, Xiaoman\'s face is instantly changing, "Xiao Jia.

I am Xiaojia.

The old people headed whispered, "no ovate!

Mrs. Xiao: ".

No one knows how Xuebaoge is to settle his wife. Anyway, after the lady, the Mrs. Xiao has not appeared since the fairy city.


Today is the day of Xianbaoge auction, so today\'s Xianbao City is extremely lively.

Many forces come from all over the universe!

The reason why it is so enthusiastic, because Xianbao Pavilion is going to auction a ruins!

Taoist Taoist!

This secret is built by the Taoist God, saying that God, is undoubtedly a legend.

In the current history, he is the first person who exceeds the ancient gods!

Nowadays, the cosmic ceilings are now the ancient gods, but have not had the strong on the ancient gods, and this god is also a legend, but everyone didn\'t think that this Qin Guan actually found a mysterious border. !

What does that mean? It means that this god is true!

That is to say, finding this secret, it is very likely to get the gods.

The strong sense of the half-gods, the ancient world is strong, and the inception of the ancient appearance is more

Therefore, this time to participate in the auction will be super forces of all universe.

Ye Xuan and Gu Hai have just arrived at the door of Xianbaoge auction venue, Xiao Wei is personally greeted, Xiao Yu smiles, "Ye Shao, I will take you to your box!

After finishing, he made a hand gesture and then took the way.

Under the leadership of Xiao Wei, Ye Xuan and ancient cold came to a luxurious box, from this location, you can show the entire auction venue, is the best position!

Xiao Lao smiled: "Ye Shao, is you also coming for the remains?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the remains?"

Xiao Yan slightly, then explained: "Taoist remains!

Ye Xuan brows micro wrinkles, "Taoist remains?"

Xiao Lao nodded, "I didn\'t know if I didn\'t know if I didn\'t know if I didn\'t know if I didn\'t hear it."

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Xiao Yu Shen said: "This person is a beautiful talent, but now the first person of the universe, because he is the first person who exceeds the ancient gods.

Speaking of this, he suddenly talked, and then said; "Of course, can\'t compare with Yang people!

Ye Xuan: ".

The ancient cold looked at the Ye Xuan, and the heart was shocked.

Xiao Lao continued: "We get the main news of the home, the specific location of this remaining, if you want to shoot the map, you are afraid that you should prepare for 200 million!

Ye Xuan brows, "If I need, can I find Qin Guan directly?"

I heard the words, Xiao Yu slightly, and then quickly said: "Yes!

He suddenly had some sweat. He also thought of him at this moment that the relationship between Ye Xuan and his home is not very good!

The map map is in the eyes of outsiders, is precious, but in Qin Guan, it is estimated that there is no difference with waste paper!

Ye Xuan needs, directly open to find her, isn\'t it very simple? Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Is there anything I can use today?"

Xiao Yu Shen said: "Today, you will be auction two pieces of God, the first, the Taoist remains, the second, Qiankun Dao Shi Die!"

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "Qiankun stone fragment?"

Xiao Lang nod, "This complete Qiankun Dao Stone, contains three extremely terrible power, that is, the power of the past, now the power, the future!"

Ye Xuan suddenly made a moment, and after the stream, a sword had no signs in front of Xiao Wei.


Ye Xuan looked Xiao Yan, "Is it this?"

Xiao Wei shook his head, "Ye Shao, you just have a future, simple, and you didn\'t really have the future, this is a special force. In the world, you said this sword. Only the form, but there is no internal force, that is, you didn\'t really control the future.

Of course, your sword is also extremely strong, because it is too strange, and your sword is very high, but for true power, threat is not big, such as ancient gods!

And the stone, stone, if it is a complete Qiankun stone stone, once the mirror, can easily go to the ancient gods!

Ye Xuan light channel: "Is it so powerful?"

Xiao Lao nodded, "It\'s very powerful, this god fragment is the main auction!

Ye Xuan has some doubts, "so powerful, why do she have to auction?"

Xiao Yan laughed, "The owner can\'t see!

Ye Xuan: ".

Xiao Zhu suddenly got up, "Ye Gongzi, the auction will start immediately, I have to hosted, if you need it, you can tell you!

Ye Xuan nod, "Go!

Xiao Yu\'s slightly, retired.

In the field, Ye Xuan is below the bottom. At this moment, people have more and more, have to say that he is a little shocked, because the lowest is the dumpling!

The gods and the ancient gods are a lot!

Obviously, many forces want to get this ruins!

Taoist heroes!

Ye Xuan directly gave up this idea because he did not have that much money.

At this moment, the avenue between the Ye Xuan waist suddenly slightly fused.

Ye Xuan Huang got up, he was next to him, and the ancient cold brows, "How?"

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, "danger!


At that moment, the avenue pen gives him feedback!


The avenue pen has never given him so feedback!

At this time, the sound of the avenue suddenly sounded in his mind, "immediately walked!

Go now!

Ye Xuanqi suddenly became dignified, he knew that it is a big event!

Without any hesitation, he is open, and it is necessary to mourn Xuan Tian order, call Xiao Wei, and at this time, a horrible percentage suddenly shrouded the entire Xianbaoge!

This moment, there are countless strong faces in the temple.

Does anyone have to move to Xianbaoge? Below, Xiao Wei is slightly smashed, and the right hand is slowly grasped!

Who eats a leopard? Dare to move to Xianbaoge? At this moment, a sputum suddenly became a dark vortex.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu suddenly shocked, "Let\'s go!


The sound fell, he suddenly jumped, and the right hand was separated toward the whirlworthy. At this time, the whirlpool suddenly broke out a horrible force!


In an instant, Xiao Wei, as ancient god, was actually directly retired to tens of thousands of feet, at the same time, the whole Xianbaoge was collapsed, and all the strong people in the middle of the gods were all killed in an instant!

The whole Xianbao City is shocked!

This is the god of the ancient times!

Have the God of the ancient gods to the Xianbao Pavilion? On the other hand, Xiao Wei looked at the distance. At this moment, his flesh is turned off.

He didn\'t have a hand with the ancient gods, this is the first time, and at this moment he discovered how much his gap with the ancient gang.

It seems to be what, Xiao Lao is busy, and a token will rise up.

Contact Qin Guan!

This thing is very serious, you must contact Qin Guan!

However, very fast, Xiao Lao\'s face changed again, because he found that he did not contact Qin Guan!

Fail to contact? what happened? Xiao Yu\'s face has become a little pale.


I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan and Gu Chan appeared on a wasteland, this wasteland, no side, on the top of the head, the sky is gray, some depressed.

Ye Xuan double-eyed closed, dark thinking.

Who is targeting himself? He now basically there is no enemy, the previous Lady? Obviously it is impossible, the other party should have such a horrible ability.

Emperor God? It is impossible, although he promised to help the ancient cold and these, but the other party should not be so own, but also, the emperor is not such a horrible strength!


Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, he thought of the ancient god of Shenshan Yansheng, very obvious, it should be that!

For so long, he thought that the other party had forgotten him, it was obvious, he thought more!

Just then, the leaves of the leaves, there was suddenly crackled away, which followed, a huge blood red altar suddenly slowly floating, in which he saw two middle-aged men, one of them Middle-aged man is the ancient god he saw in Shenshan Yan!

And next to this middle-aged man, I still stand in a middle-aged man dressed in big red robe. This middle-aged man is not old, but there is a white hair.

As this altar slowly rises, Ye Xuan found that below this altar, still standing six mysterious people in the black robes!

And these six people, all are all ancient gods!

When I saw this, the ancient cold face on the side became pale.

What is this lineup? One of the ancient gods, seven ancient gods? At this time, the ancient gods look at Ye Xuan, "I haven\'t thought of it? We met again!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Do you engage in such a big battle, just to kill me?"

The ancient god stared at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Self-introduction, my name is Xuanwu, from the Xuanqi, next to the Lord I am.

I know, you should have never heard of the mysterious god community, because you haven\'t qualified to know such advanced things in your knowledge and strength!

Ye Xuan looked at the altar, on the altar, there is a huge blood pool, the blood supply, "What is this?"

Xuanwood looked at Ye Xuan, laughing, "Do you be so arrogant on the same day, isn\'t it because there is a big road pen? You think that there is a big road, you can do it? You think that there is a big road, you can unscrupulous Do you look at it, how we will seal your avenue pen today, you have to force you forced to put your most painful cost this year.

Said, he anger to the Ye Xuan, "Let you take it, today, destroy your tenth!
