One Sword Reigns Supreme

2333 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and twenty chapters: I don't want to give you a face!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the face of the ancient people in the field became ugly.

Of course, more is anger!

He Ye Xuan wins, one pays two, this man wins, one lost ten.

This is in the contempt!

In front of Ye Xuan, the young man said calmly: "Do you want to play? If you want to play!"

We are very popular in front of us!

When you hear young men, the gods in the field have begun to bet.

All are gambling youth men win!

After a while, the gamble has reached a million people!

All is a gambling young man wins. This young man is the most enchanting person of the Shengu family. This face is of course given, and they all look at Ye Xuan is not cool, a foreign person, why is it in Shengu Yang Wei? Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan has some speechless, this is another big country? These young people plus the old monsters only raise a million rushed!

Is it too poor? Still Qin Guan Fu Po, people are more rich.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and turned to the youth man, smiled: "Can you start?"

Young man nod, "Y!

Said, he looked to Ye Xuan, laughed, "You are really confident, so.

Here, a sword is no exactly before his eyebrows.


The young man is suddenly shrinking, this is really too unfair!

Almost instinct, his arms ranks.


The young man is directly retreating by this sword, and it is just stopped, the flesh is blocked, followed by a sword suddenly arrived in his eyebrows!

Suddenly become a sword in the field!

Have you lost? This is defeated? Two swords? A sword broken flesh, a sword, the soul? Everyone is full of face!

In the distance, Ye Xuan took all the Nats in the table, and then he looked to the youth man, "you lose!

Said, he is the palm of your hand, the young man is slowly floating into his hands!

A total of 20 million fears!

The angle of the hips is slightly picked up.

Now he, there are 500 million fears, you can temporarily understand the urgentity.

In the distance, the young man suddenly roared, "You sneak!

Sneak attack!

I heard the words, those the gods in the field also roared, "sneak attack!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Did I ask you when I shot, \'Can you start?"

Young men have some ugly.

Ye Xuan smiled: "How do you answer me? You give me an answer Yes, you can!

Since you can, do I have any questions? "

Young man: "


At this time, one side, a woman suddenly stood up, the woman looked very young, the end of the year, dressed in a green skirt, the five senses, is a little beauty, but at this moment, she is angry with Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looks to the woman, "How is it shameless?"

The woman angered: "Gu Xin\'s big brother talks with you, and you will shoot, this is not a sneak attack?"

Ye Xuan asked, "I didn\'t ask him to start?"

The woman angered: "But he is talking!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled. "The test has begun, but also nonsense, this behavior is not a mental space?"

The woman glared at Ye Xuan, "But he is talking!


Ye Xuan listened to the eyes, "Do you have a poison?"

The woman is angry with Ye Xuan, "You are shameless, it is sneak attack!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Sister, according to my temper, you will die, die hundreds of times!

After finishing, he turned and left.

In the field, those gods of the ancient people did not give up, and they were still angry with Ye Xuan.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he turned to look at the strong people, "Qi et al., Then play again, who?"

Who comes? Suddenly quiet in the field!

Although Ye Xuan Gang has raided, but the strength is there, if there is no strength, even if you sneak again, it is useless!

Just then, the woman was suddenly angered: "You sneak attack, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


In all people, Ye Xuan directly slap in the woman\'s face.


In an instant, all the teeth in the women\'s mouth came out with a blood sprayed. At the same time, Ye Xuan suddenly buckled the woman\'s throat, and then slammed into the ground.


The ground is directly cracked, and the woman\'s head is embedded in the ground.

Ye Xuan\'s right foot stepped on the woman\'s body, the look was calm, "I have give you your face, but you choose not!

You don\'t cherish it, then I don\'t need to be polite with you!

Said, his right foot suddenly stepped on the woman\'s face.


In an instant, the woman\'s face was broken directly, bloody arrived!


At this moment, a roaring suddenly sounded from the distance.

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, there, a black man is angering him.

Ye Xuan blinked, "You look at me so angry. You come over!

Everyone: ".

The black man listened to Ye Xuan\'s words, and the throat suddenly rolled, and then trembled: "What do you bully a girl?"

The sound falls, and a sword suddenly arrived in his eyebrows!

Black man is stale.

Ye Xuan\'s right hand suddenly passed down to the front.


The sword directly into the meat, once, blood covered the black man with a black man.

Ye Xuan looked at the black man, "I am bullying now, are you not a woman?"

Black man trembling: "You.

This is a god ancient!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. He looked at the four weeks, then said: "If you are not satisfied, even though I am playing me, I am here!


I heard the words, in the field, the young people of the ancient people suddenly became anger, but they didn\'t have one person!

The strength of Ye Xuanzhang is really horrible!

Ye Xuan smiled: "How, the people of Shen Ancient will only do the fish battle?"

At this time, a man suddenly angered: "You caught my god ancient people, you.

A sword is suddenly arriving at the man.

The man glared at Ye Xuan. "You have a species, I will kill me, I am not afraid of death, I.


The sword is directly in the hole.


The man is directly erased!

Really erase!

At this moment, in the field, those gods strong faces were dramatic.

They didn\'t think that Ye Xuanzhen dared to kill people in Shengu!

At this time, the ancient cousin suddenly cooled: "You are in contempt.

Have not finished, a sword suddenly arrived in his eyebrows!

Ye Xuan is turned to Gu Xin, "Are you a contemporary genius of Shenguo?"

Gu Xin did not look at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan brows, "Are you so bad?"

The ancient blind eye is now, "" You insult me!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "What qualifications do you have to insult you? First, you can\'t afford, second, lose, you have not recognized the facts, what is the fact? That is, I am a person you can\'t afford. what!

Do you know why I am coming to you? Because I can\'t play your family, I just got it!

You can\'t play me, but I have to force it with me. Are you stupid? "

The sound fell, the sword did not enter the ancient eyebrows, and it was necessary to complete the town to kill Gu Xin. At this time, a horrible force suddenly shrouded Gu Xin, the next moment, the sword in the ancient body was shocked directly. !

At this time, an old man appeared in front of Gu Xin!

It is the old man who has been following the ethnicity before!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, too much!

Ye Xuan brows, "Over?

Said, he shook his head smiled. "Is this ancient ancient people? It\'s really disappointing, and a big education is this.

After finishing, he turned and left.

Some of the faces of the old people have some ugly.

At this time, the young gods in the surroundings suddenly began to anger Ye Xuan and let Ye Xuan roll out the ancient people.

Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he turned and looked at the strong people, "Do you let me roll?"

One of them angered: "Yes!

This is a god ancient, you are not a god ancient people, you hurry.

Ye Xuan nod, "roll!

The sound fell, he turned to the sword, straight to the depths of the sky!

See this scene, the old face is instantly changed, "Ye Gongzi.

Ye Xuan has disappeared in the end of the sky.

The deep situation of the starry sky suddenly stopped, and there was a woman in front of him.

This person is the long!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "It is your family to roll!"

The woman looks calm, "You have a little flower boxing!

Ye Xuan: ".

The woman suddenly disappeared in the original place, Ye Xuan stunned, the next moment, his eyes changed, turned in an instant, and he was in the past.

In the field, those gods are still there.

Seeing the woman, all the Shengu people in the field quickly respectfully respect, "the family!

The woman turned and looked at Ye Xuan, "You only say that Shen ancient education is like this.

Can you talk about it in detail? "

Ye Xuan said: "What?"

The woman looked at Ye Xuan. "I think that Shen ancient people do need to change it, are you not teaching? Do you want, I will give you a class in Shenguang?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not interested!

The woman is smashed.

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, turn it away.

Jun, do you teach me? Do you be a stick? Just then, the woman suddenly said: "Money!

Ye Xuan stopped, he turned to look at the woman, "How much?"

Women said: "Can talk!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "One hundred million people in a month!

I heard the words, the woman\'s brow again got it again. "Why don\'t you grab?"

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, a "Shenxintong Code" slowly drifting to the woman, "Have you seen this book?"

The woman opened a look, the next moment, she stunned, "this.

In the distance, Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I have written.

Qin Guan: ".


PS: Thank you for all voting and rewards!

This month\'s update is not especially given, but everyone is still so supported, it is really a bit embarrassed.

Code words, not all of life, after all, I still have real life, and I have a long time, back pain, now you must exercise every day.

They are tears.

Less update, I am really sorry, everyone forgive me!