One Sword Reigns Supreme

2332 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and 19th chapter: Are you insulting me?

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Shen ancient people.

The woman took Ye Xuan to a playground, this playground is nearly 10 long, surrounded, no one.

The woman turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Are you watching Xuanjing, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The woman nodded slightly, "You need to reach Dongxuan!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I can know the mystery of pond is the mystery?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

In fact, he knows, he has a large road pen, which can reach any realm, naturally can reach the Dongxuan.

However, he still wants this woman to tell, maybe there is a different harvest.

Previously, he did not use the avenue pen to directly reach the dongxia. It was because of intuition told him that he did not use the avenue to reach the Dong Xuan, I was afraid that it would not have this woman.

Moreover, once the avenue is used to enhance the realm, the consumption is too horrible.

It can be said that when he uses the avenue pen to enhance the realm, it is time to play, and now, now, there is no life.

You can wait and see!

Women said: "Sit!

Ye Xuan dish sitting on the ground.

The woman also sat down, then said: "Dong Xuan is the way of insight into the fate!

The sound fell, she gently waved at the right hand, suddenly, there was a strange red line around.

Women look at Ye Xuan, "Destiny!

Ye Xuan brows, "Delivery line?"

The woman nodded, "These, this is the fate of the people!

Ye Xuan asked, "Can you change?"

Women nod, "can!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkle, "Can?"

The woman nodded slightly, "But, only the life and death can only be changed.

Said, her palm is boiled, a flower appears in her hands, she looked at Ye Xuan, "This flower, if there is no outsiders, it will continue to grow, but if I start, it will drop it now!"

After Ye Xuan silently, he said: "How do you know, when you kill it, is it the fate?"

The woman flashed in the eyes, "You are really excellent, you are right, maybe I change the \'fate\' of the fate" is the fate that it should have, and this involves another level!

That is, half of the world!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The Dong Xuan is a half-god, and the half of the god is the ancient god?"

Woman nodding.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What are you doing now?"

Women said: "Half!"

Demi god!

Ye Xuan silent, is it too arrogant when I face the ancient god statue? At this time, the woman said again: "Dong Xuan, as the name suggests, it is really letting these fate trajectories, the most important thing is that you can practice your own fate!

Said, her palm is booming, and a force suddenly appears in her hands, "This is the power of fate.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Have you control your own fate, means you can control your own fate?"

The woman shook his head, "can\'t!

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

The woman looked at the Ye Xuan, "Because someone is stronger than you, the strong, can determine the fate of the weak, understand?"

Wen said, Ye Xuan is clearly understood.


It is nothing more than the strong, who is strong, can determine the fate of others.

Just like yours, she can decide to decide this countless universe hundreds of millions of life!

At this time, the woman suddenly got up, then said: "If necessary, contact me!

Thank you after a month, so you only have a month!

After that, she turned and left.

Originally, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "No sail!

The woman turned to look at the Ye Xuan, the Ye Xuan\'s sudden suddenly skyrocked, the momentum, he directly reached the Dongxuan.

Seeing this scene, the woman was slightly, she watched the journal in Xuan, turned and left.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman who left in a long time, browsing slightly, this mother is not shocked? I can\'t put it!

Receive your thoughts, he began to feel this hole in this hole!


On the other hand, the woman is overlooking Ye Xuan on a certain city floor.

At this time, after a old man slowed to the woman, the old man was slightly rude, then looked at the Ye Xuan and Shen Sheng in the lower side: "Why don\'t you kill this person?"

The woman shook his head slightly, "killing this person, my family is a big disaster!

Wen said, the old man suddenly shrinks, "how it is possible!

The woman looked at the leaves below, and the eyes were flashing and complex. "The average person, can you get the avenue pen?"

The old man has a deep voice: "I have transferred all intelligence to investigate this person, I get two useful news, one, this person is the Yang people, two, this person is a super VIP of Xianbaoge, and is the only one Super VIP!

According to our investigation, this person has acquired Qin Guange, as for how they know, I don\'t know.

As for the Yang.

Speaking of this, he shakes his head, "there is no news!

The woman looked at the leaves in the lower part, "there is no news," two possibilities, first, this Yang family does not exist at all, the second, this Yang is unknown universe, its martial arts civilization, Far ultra super!

Said, her eyes slowly, "second!

Wen said, the old face is not comparative, "this.

How can this possible? The length of the family, the universe we now can be almost determined to be the highest civilized universe in the universe.

How can I have a higher civilized universe? "

The woman looked at the old man, "the pattern is small!

Old man: ".

The woman looked down in the next Ye Xuan, the look is complicated, because she went out, I saw the broad world, so I never thought that the ancient people were too powerful!

The old man hesitated, then said: "The family is long, if he is really from a higher civilized universe, then why do you bring him back?"

The woman looks calm, "Let him go with the emperor\'s" to be more than the martial art, if you win, naturally, and if he will die in the hands of the emperor, then, he will conflict with the emperor. At that time, my god ancient family can sit on the profit!

The old man is slightly rolling, admire: "This, high!

Women said: "He has any needs in this month, you can satisfy him!"

After that, she turned and left.

The old man looked at the leaves under the next eye, silent.


Above the square, Ye Xuan has returned from the pond to Xuanjing.

Ye Xuan had to feel, this avenue pen is really a bit cheating, he is familiar with the dongxia in Xuanjing, and then controls the power of his fate, and when he restores the Xuanxuan, he It can easily reach the dongxia, not relying on the pen.

However, this is too great to have a demand for the earth!

He learned from Kao Xuan to Dongxuan, and he spent 30 million toon!

thirty million!

Even if he, there are some distressed!

And he also collapses, why do you spend so much from knowing how to know how to get to Dongdong? And Xihan and others need five or six million horns? Is it because I am too fast? It is important to know that Xi Van and others are watching Xuanjing, but it has been a long time for a long time, and he just reached the Xuanxiang.

No matter what, he now finds a way to make money!

Moreover, after reaching the Dongxun, it doesn\'t mean that he is really a dongxia!

After all, it is rising by the avenue pen, and he needs to precipitate, and you need to consolidate your realm.

Now, Ye Xuan is in consolidating his realm.

And this consolidates the realm, it also needs to spend a feminine!

Looking at the less and less, he is getting less and less, he started a little!

I have to make a way to earn bad breath!

In addition to consolidating your realm, he is still constantly cultivating his own swords.

And the cultivation of the swords, there is no repair of the realm!

The sword is cultivated, which is cultivated, the heart\'s deposit, the breakthrough, and this is never a sitting, you can enjoy it!

No hurry!

Ye Xuan is also trying to make him slow down, don\'t be impatient.

Decompose, no years, the past one day.

On this day, I was practicing Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, not far from him, standing on a young man, young man wearing a black tight robber, angry, eyebrows with a majesty.

Ye Xuan asked, "Is there something?"

The young man is calm, "I will learn!

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Youth men\'s brows, "So nothing?"

I heard the words, Ye Xuanbou also wrinkled, "Do you really want to fight?"

Youth men have no expression, "Is this still fake?"

Ye Xuan nod, "to a bet, more interesting, what do you think?"

Young man looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

You said, how to bet? "

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, a quite ring appears in his hand, "I have all the harsh, there are still 30 million, gambling 300 million"

Wen said, young man stunned.

300 million Young men have a sudden junction suddenly.

How can he take 30 million? The whole god ancient family is afraid that only the tribe is able to take 300 million hunters.

Oh shit!

Does this guy are so arrogant? Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Can I can\'t afford?"

Young men looked at the Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan said: "Poor, don\'t come out to fight.

After finishing, his eyes slowly closed and continued to cultivate.

After the young man is silent, he said: "I don\'t have so many words, we play small points?"

Ye Xuan opened his eyes to see youth man, "How much do you have?"

Young man hesitated, then said: "3 million!

Ye Xuan is anger, "There is only 3 million, you also dare to come to me? Are you insulting me?"

Young man: "

Ye Xuan also said: "Too few, don\'t fight!

Young man angered: "Did you need this?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Don\'t you waste time? Time for you, maybe there is no, but it is very treasure to me!

Young men are about to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly said: "This, you can get together to 10 million

Young man looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you so confident?"

Ye Xuan, "Are you so confident?"

After the young man looked at the black diameters, he said: "You are waiting!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Not long after, the young man is folded back, he is the palm of your hand, a quite ring appears in his hand, in the quench, just a million rushed.

At this moment, there are many strong people in the ancient people around, there are old generations, and there are also a few people.

The young man looked at Ye Xuan, "Can you hit it?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Young men brow me, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Wait!

Said, he suddenly took out a table, then said; "All, I am with your gods, have you gamble? Gambling me, one pays two, gambling you Shengu Talent , One lost ten!

Said, he seriously said: "This is a good opportunity to make a fortune!

Wait, you have to grasp!

Everyone: ".
