One Sword Reigns Supreme

2325 Swords in the second chapter of the two hundred and twelfth chapters: Welfare!

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After leaving Xuanjie, Ye Xuan came to the Chinese family.

And the Chinese family has been in front of the city.

When I saw Ye Xuan, I was so busy, and he hugged boxes, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan smiled: "The Chinese is long, not unwind!

Words have laughed: "Don\'t see the day, the stronger Ye Gongzi is stronger.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "What should I know if I am here?"

I nod, "Ye Gongzi is to recruit students, even though it is, of course, I also have a small requirement, I hope that all of the Chinese people can join Xuanxuan!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

However, I need a character!

Words, rock: "Of course, these people, I personally choose!"

Ye Xuan nod, "the Chinese is in person with you, then I naturally be relieved!"

Said, his palm is booted, and the "God Tao Code" appeared in front of the speech.

It is some hesitation.

Ye Xuan smiled: "How?"

Learning, "Ye Gongzi, on the day of the dog, lost Ye Gongzi\'s adults, and recently, Ye Gongzi was hopped with such a gift, I.

I have no pleasant!

Ye Xuan shake his head smiled, "Once the thing, it has passed, then let it go!

We should look forward, isn\'t it? Furthermore, I also received two thousand people in the day on the same day, so our original grievances, two clear!

The words are deeply average, "I have a saying that Ye Gongzi today is really relieved!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The big family, hurry to finish this" God Tao Code "!

I have to go to the home!

Words have smiled slightly, "Okay!

Said, he took the "Shintong Code".

After a while, he gave the "Shenxintong Code" to Ye Xuan, shocked: "This Qin Guange is the main, when it is true!"

Ye Xuan nod, "only my family!

Words have been stunned, "Someone is more powerful than Qin Guan girl?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Just learn, you are invincible!

Young, forever!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Forever God!

After the words were stunned, then shook his head smiled. He looked at the Ye Xuan in the distance. The heart was quite emotion. This Ye Gongzi is inert-like, and it is impeccable!

When the Jiangshan is talented, a generation is better than one generation!

Words will turn around.


After leaving Xuanjie, Ye Xuan came directly to the cloud.

This time, no one will pick him up.

Ye Xuan came to Yunshan Mountain\'s feet, this Yunshan is the core of the cloud industry. It is also the place where the gods live. This mountain can be said to be the Yunjie forbidden.

Ye Xuan just went to the foot of the mountain, an old man appeared in front of Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan also ritual, "Please also report to the Lord of God, just say to Xuanxuan, Ye Xuan, come to visit!

The old man hesitated, then: "I am sorry, the main owner is closing, I.


Ye Xuan looked at it, he thought about it, then: "How long does it take?"

The old man smiles, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, the old man suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, the main session of the main sector, two days, after two days, she went out!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Then I, etc.!

The old man nod, "Okay!

Ye Xuan referred to the top of the mountain, "Can I go?"

The old man is some hesitant.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Can it?"

The old man thought about it, then: "Ye Gongzi please!

He saw that God is good to Ye Xuan, it is true, why do you want to go to a person? Ye Xuan smiled, then came to Yunshan Mountain, the top of the mountain is very cold, look at it, the cloud is lingering, like a fairyland.

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, it seems to find anything, he walked toward the right, very fast, he came to a mountain wall, on the mountain wall, there was a sentence: Who said that the woman is not as male? See this sentence, Ye Xuan shakes his head smile, all the way, everything, basically the woman!

There is still two days!

Ye Xuan is lying in front of the mountain and then takes out an ancient book.


This ancient book is unknown from what year.

There is no practitioner in the book, that is, some of the ancient verses prepared by the literati. It is rigorous to say that this is the oldest collection of romantic poetry in a history of literature.

It is a pity that it has been disabled and is not full.

Ye Xuan has some feelings, all the way, experience the universe, each universe has its own civilization, but this civilization, most of them are martial arts!

The strong people are the universe, the so-called literary civilization, is not valued, and the stronger forces, the less attention, the more you pay attention to this.

Of course, Ye Xuan also understood.

The universe, there is no strength, everything is dull!

He is now open, and the education is also based on strong strength. If there is no powerful strength, open the book? That is dreaming.

Many times this world is like this, you want to deal with you, you have to talk to the other party.

At the end, it is reason to make a fist!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan smiled and learned, and he had to work hard to improve strength.

Remove his thoughts, Ye Xuan continued to read the book, see what, he lightly said: "The world is turbid, I am alone, everyone is drunk. I wake up.

"Did you write it?"

At this time, a sound came from the blisters of the leaves.

Ye Xuan turned his head, and the gods were slow, and today\'s gods wore a green skirt, the long skirt, repaired the mountains and water, quiet and elegant, and her face, still with a silver Masters, therefore, can only see half of the face, but this is half the face, but also the country.

Ye Xuan got in the hands of the ancient books, laughed: "Not.

Speaking of this, he seems to find anything, flashing in his eyes, "Dong Xuan?"

He found that this god has reached Dong Xuan!

God looked at Ye Xuan, "How did you find it?"

Ye Xuan smashed the pen of the waist, "This matter can be broken!

God looked at the pen of Ye Xuan waist, and then asked again, "What pen?"

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Avenue pen!

God slightly, then said: "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuanqi asked, "Can I have a defrauding you?"

God suddenly moved to the face of Ye Xuan, this approach, Ye Xuan Don smelled a faint fragrance, let people have a little bit of horses.

God\'s direct view of Ye Xuan, "Avenue pen?"

Ye Xuan nod, he took the avenue pen and then handed it to the gods, "Look?"

After the god looked at Ye Xuan film, she took the avenue pen, when holding the avenue pen, her eyes suddenly shrink, and quickly released, "you.

Ye Xuan brows, "You can\'t hold this pen?"

He found that the previous Xihan is also the case, just a contact of the avenue pen.

God is shocking, her voice is slightly trembled, "Holding this moment, I feel like I am going to be erased!

Have erased? Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, he looks to the avenue pen, "Why don\'t I feel this?"

Avenue pen: ".

God suddenly asked again, "This is a big road pen?"

Ye Xuan is somewhat incooling, "I am lie to you?"

God is a bit incredible, "Why do you have a large road?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Do we want to be a topic?"

After the silence of the gods, he said: "Good!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I came this time, I want to talk to you, this is the case, my college will make people think about it, I want to come to the cloud, can you see it?"

God looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

God suddenly said: "Can I help me?"

Ye Xuan nod, "You said!

Shen Sheng said: "I think you will take me a place.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where?"

God said: "Cloud Tomb!

Ye Xuan brows, "cloud tomb?"

God nodd, "I have a regulation since the Yunjie has come, that every one of the people, I have to go to this cloud, I don\'t know why, I only know, I am in the Junjian Go, no one back!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Danger?"

God nod, "is very dangerous!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "If you are willing to go with me, it is good.

I heard the words, the smile suddenly disappeared on the face of Ye Xuan, and his look was so cold, "Don\'t go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

God is slightly, seeing Ye Xuan has disappeared in the sky, she quickly disappeared in the same place.

At the end of the sky, God blocked in front of Ye Xuan, she looked at Ye Xuan, "said it, why are you angry?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "you think yourself!

God is smashed.

Ye Xuan looked at the gods, "I can\'t think of it, I want to think!

After finishing, he will leave, at this time, God suddenly pulled him right arm, "If you don\'t want to go, don\'t you use this?"

Ye Xuan looked at the gods, "This is what you think?"

God stared at Ye Xuan, "What is wrong?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Originally, I thought I was a friend with you, but I want to be wrong!

You said that I will help you, I have almost all hesitated and promise, but you say to give me the benefits.

I and ask you, I will help you for your benefit? You said the benefits, I ask you, what benefits can you give me? If you say that the Zhenyi, I have the number of "God Tao Code", each worth of hundreds of millions of veins!

If you say that God, I am a big road, and the universe is the universe. What can be compared to this pen? "

Said, he approaches the gods, directly looking at the eyes, "Benefits? You said, what can you give me?"

God is silent.

Ye Xuan also said: "I take you as a friend, and you? Speak every time you live!

Something, then I don\'t have to be friends with you, leave!

After that, he turned to leave.

God is dead and pulled him.

Ye Xuan is moving to see the gods, somewhat incooling, "What do you want to do?"

God hesitated, then said: "I said something wrong!"

Do you want to be angry!

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression, "Little sincerity!

God looked at Ye Xuan, "What do you want!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I am watching the institution of the book, now I am lacking, do you want to enter me in Xuan Academy? Welfare!

God; "
