One Sword Reigns Supreme

2324 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and one chapter: there is interest, there is affection!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Flicker? When he heard the words of this black robe, Ye Xuan\'s mentality collapsed directly.

He can swear, he has never been so sincere!

However, this old man also thought he was flicking him? What is wrong? Ye Xuan is speechless.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, the face was full of graphics, "You are not very fooled? Come, continue to fool, I will look at you quietly!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I hurt!

Yanbei suddenly became a little curious, "What egg?"

Ye Xuan: ".

In the distance, the old people suddenly smiled: "How, not fooling? You.

Here, the old man\'s eyes suddenly shrink, because a little sword is not known when he appeared in his eyebrows.


This sword is one by four swords!

When I saw this sword, the whole body of the black robe was vertical at this moment.

Death\'s breath!

He has never been away from death, this moment, he knows that he is bad!

Very bad enemy!

Because of the greatness of the enemy, he was directly hitting a unfair, so it could not be the best defense at all, and only the passive defense can be rushed.


That sword light suddenly stabbed the old man\'s eyebrows, in an instant, the old man flesh is directly broken, and the spirade is virtual, but his soul is crazy, you want to open the distance from Ye Xuan!

However, Ye Xuan has already been expected, so when the soul of the black robe is just a moment, it is a sword!

It is still !


This sword did not enter the black noodles.


The soul of the black robe is dramatic, and it is directly placed in place.

At this moment, the old people in the black robes are all round, such as copper bells, among the eyes, full of horror and incredibility.

He has not thought that he was killed by a young sword!

How can this be? The hole in the darkness of the black robe is also a full face.

Two swords? Two swords kill the dive? Is this crazy? The old man looked at Ye Xuan. It is about to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t talk, I am afraid that my egg is hurt!"

The sound is falling, the old man is directly erased!


At this time, another strong man was crazy, at this time, Ye Xi\'s heart spread, a pen cut.


A stroke, the momentum, the tunnel is directly erased.

Yanbei is standing!

The two eyes are great, and the beauty is incredible.

Xi Van looked at the pen in the blister, did not speak.

At this time, the horizon suddenly broke, the next moment, a horrible breath swept.

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

The sky is gradually condensed.

See this vain, the beautiful brow is frowned.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky of the sky, and the vain was watching him.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, not talking.

After the vain is silent, it suddenly disappeared.

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he took the two women who came to the valley.

After I wonder how long, Ye Xuan returned to the view of the scholarship of the universe of the gods, and he went to the Xuan Academy, and Ye Xuan was coming to the bamboo forest that he cultivated. He sat in the ground, the whole person appeared. Weakness is weak.

Whether it is to show a sword, there is still a tone of the avenue pen, this consumption is too big.

At this moment, he is already close to the virtual, no strength, otherwise, before, he will go directly to Fu City!

After about two hours, the leaves on the place were slow and slowly opened their eyes. At this moment, his face recovered some.

Ye Xuan shakes his head smiles. Although he has a large road pen and , but still can\'t be caught, once the number of other people is too much, he is consumed by the group, that is also very dangerous.

Therefore, be sure to avoid being grouped!

In addition, it is also necessary to cultivate your forces.

At this time, a footsteps suddenly sounded.

Ye Xuan turned his head, and people are Qingqiu!

The Qingqiu took a cup of tea to the Ye Xuan face, she smiled slightly, "" Leishainese brother, drink tea!

Ye Xuan smiled, he took a drink, then laughed: "Is there something?"

Qingqiu\'s white eyes, Ye Xuan, "Can you come to you?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Of course!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan, blinking, "Less master brother, have you found anything else?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "What?"

Qingqiu glanced over the Ye Xuan, "Hey!

After that, she turned her head.

After the Qingqiu left, Ye Xuan fell into silence.


At this moment, others have been numb!

Because Qingqiu, I have reached half-step knowledge!

Half-step knowledge!

Ye Xuan is not good!

What the hell? At this moment, he feels that he is a waste!

Big waste!

His second generation feels a bit away from the Qingqiu cultivation. Which big reincarnation is it? Can you leave this extent? Like a god!

Moreover, this big brother will have a source with himself.

But he can\'t think of his brain.

At this moment, he really didn\'t want to practice!

Have a three sword with Qin Guan, he also recognized!

Now, this little girl will come from the front of themselves every day.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan snorted, do you want to take it in front of me? I don\'t give you, I will not see it!

After a while, Ye Xuan was inserted.

After Yanbei and Xi Van came to the Academy, the two women added directly to the martial arts.

Have to say, the two women are also shocked by Qingqiu, this Qingqi Talent, I can\'t use words to describe, this is a freak!

The scale of the current college is getting bigger and bigger, although the martial arts is less, but except for the Qingqiu, the minimum is the peak of Xuanzikang!

And the art and court, there have been more than one hundred people, most of them are engaged in learning, and there are also civil and military double repairs.

The college could not prevent civil and military double repair!

Ye Xuan came to the college. At this moment, the college is much lively, and it is more energetic!

Among the colleges, there are many birth faces, and these people are all selected by the book and Qingqiu, which are excellent in all aspects of the character.

These students are busy stopping the ceremony when seeing Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is also a micro-row.

Seeing Ye Xuan, there is no, those colleges have been relaxed, and many students have not seen it for Ye Xuan\'s dean, and many students have been so gentle, and everyone will increase their feelings about Ye Xuan. Many.

After a while, Ye Xuan came to Xianbaoge. He found Nansheng, then handed a list of Nanqing. "On the list, you are friends and family, you will take a trip for me, say I invite them to come The gods of the gods see Xuan Academy.

Without Qing Xuanjian, he wants to invite friends who have been to see the book of Xuan, that is too inconvenient, can only help the Xianbao Pavilion, because only Xianbaoge has established a transmission array in the Wanjie Universe.

Nanqing receives the list, then slightly, "Follow!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Nanqing is busy: "Ye Sha is polite!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan stood in the same place, he smiled slightly, at this moment, he couldn\'t wait to see the old friends.

After leaving Xianbaoge, Ye Xuan came to Xuanjie.

Just came to Xuanjie, Li Wei appeared in front of him, seeing and some, Li Wei is very excited, when you welcome it, "Ye Gongzi, you can come!

Said, he quickly took the Ye Xuan\'s carriage.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Li Yu predecessors.

Li Yili shook his head, "The words of the seniors do not dare, I am more than a few years old, it is better, I call you big brother?"

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Ye Gongzi, can you recruit students this time?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Li Wei is said: "No problem!

No problem at all!

People in Xuanjie, as long as Ye Gongzi seems to be recruited, I have no problem in my mystery!

Ye Xuan blinked, "The seniors are so generous, how should I thank the predecessor?"

Li Yizhen is not happy, "Thank you? Don\'t thank you, my daughter is a member of Xuan Academy, in order to say, I am also a family, thank you?"

He naturally also has his small abacus. Now Li Xue is watching the book, if Li Xue and Ye Xuan have something to do.

Lying in the trough!

Then I don\'t have to make a big hair? You must know that this Ye Gongzi is not that kind of imaginary yuan!

You can\'t find trouble like a couple like Xian Gu, give your own daughter.

This is why he is so enthusiastic!

Ye Xuan smiled, then the palm is spread, "The Shendao Code" slowly drifted to Li Yun, "Seniors, I know you now."

This "Shintong Code" is annotated, the value is higher!

Li Wei is busy to pick up the "Shenke Code", and then deeply a gift, "Thank you!

After a while, Ye Xuan got a "Shen Tao Code", then said: "Seniors, Li Xue is in the college, very good, don\'t worry!

Li Yili is busy: "I don\'t worry, I\'m still with Ye Gongzi, you are a gentleman, what can I worry? Even if you have something, there is no relationship, really!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Seniors, can I mention a little opinion?"

Li Yizhen, "Of course!

What is the little smash, but I am going!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "After Li Xue left the ancient people, have the seniors went to see her?"

Li Wei lived.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Seniors, Li Xue is a very good woman, also a very strong woman, but in the heart of a strong woman, there is soft, she is very interested.

I know, between the family, the family is relatively light, but it doesn\'t mean that there is no affection. If the predecessor can go to see her, give her a little concern, I believe that she will be very happy.

Whether it is for family, or for the interest, is it a great advantage, isn\'t it? "

After Li Wei silent, he was slightly rude, "taught!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I welcome the predecessors to see Xuanxuan in Xuan Shu at any time.

After finishing, he turned and left.

After Li Wei silently, turned and left.

Go to Xuan Academy.

Why? The truth is naturally very simple!

Li Xue is now watching muanchuan, and it is so good with the relationship with Ye Xuan, in case her and Ye Xuan, it will bring infinity benefits for Xuanjie.

Family? Benefit? If you have interest, you have a family.
