One Sword Reigns Supreme

2320 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and seventh chapter: really invincible!

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Have to say, this moment is completely .

What happened? He didn\'t see how Ye Xuan appeared in the sword, then his flesh was gone!

At this moment, the head is a blank!

Ye Xuan looked at the black robe of only the soul, laughed: "Is there?"

The black robe is busy, at this moment, his head has resumed clear. He knows that he underestimates the strength of this man in front of him, and it is greatly underestimated!

Ye Xuan said: "Yanbei is the person of my college, she doesn\'t want to go now, we should respect her willingness and freedom, what do you think?"

The black robe hesitated and then trembled: "What is your saying!

Ye Xuan has some dissatisfaction, "I am talking to you, not threatening you!"

The black robe is silent.


Can you tell the truth, can you first take the top of my head? Is there this truth in the world? Ye Xuan also said: "We should respect each person\'s personal freedom, what do you think?"

The black robe hesitated, and then said; "Can you really tell?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

You can rest assured, although I am killed, but I am basically not murder, this, you can rest assured!

Blackweague people stale.

Ye Xuan said: "You said!

After the black robes are silent, I said: "I think you are right!

Ye Xixiang asked, "True?"

Black robe nodded, "True!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Then you go back to tell the Yan nationality, he said that Yanbei is now the students of my college, any problem, and the Yan family can come directly to me.

The black robe looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is there a problem?"

The black robe hesitated and then said: "Can I have a question?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

The black robe thought about it, then: "This is a nun family, and the outper is inserted. Is it not very good?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "She is now my student!"

The black robe said: "She first is a Yan people, as a nun, family has cultivated her, she also cares about the family, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan nod, "is this!

I heard the words, the black robe is just a smooth: "She as a goddener, she serves our God, of course, I understand that this is indeed unreasonable, but the customs of the universe are different, we should have to Respect the customs and culture of others? "

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, "it makes sense!

The black robes continue to say: "I am looking for her, I have not said to hurt her, and you can\'t break my flesh, is it some?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "It\'s you want to come!

Of course, I admit that I am a little heavy, but I don\'t know you.

You are so weak, I don\'t insult you, just now I really have a complement!

The black robe face Pang Zhuang twitch, he silently took a moment, said: "Okay, this is my fault, it is my grass rate!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Back to the topic, since you respect our customs culture, should it let her go back with me?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "No!

The black robe is stiff, "Are you not going to tell?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "No!

I mean, after a while, I will go back with her!

The black robe looked at the Ye Xuan, the eyebrows, "You, do you know the Northern Hikang?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Do you want to tell me that you are very powerful?"

The black robe is calm, "Don\'t dare!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Go back and tell you that the Hiki family is long, I have been with Yanbei, and then, when you are in the Chinese, I will tell you, if you want to come.

Said, he smiled slightly and didn\'t speak.

The black robe looked at Ye Xuan, "If the Wood, what do you?"

Ye Xuan\'s head is spread, and the sword of the black robe is suddenly turned into her hands. He turned and pulled Yanbei to go on the carriage. "I invincible, you are free!"

Blackweague: "

Among the eyes of the black robe, Ye Xuan\'s carriage slowly drove.

Originally, the black robes were silent after a moment, whispered: "Young people, you don\'t know anything about our strength!"

After finishing, he turned and disappeared at the end of the starry.



Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you really want to go to the nun?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Yanbei looked at the Ye Xuan, and the eyes were complex.

Ye Xuan put down the ancient books in his hand, then laughed: "Worry?"

The Hook nodded. "My father is an old stubborn, and he is extremely loyal to the ancient gods, not only him. The strong people of our ancient are extremely loyal to those ancient gods. You want to change their ideas, it is impossible!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Nothing, you will give it to me every time.

Yanbei looked at the Ye Xuan, slightly down, I don\'t know how to look at it.

Ye Xuan suddenly opened the curtain, he looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance; "Evask is not a solution, if I have not guess, you don\'t like to be a goddess, but you do your father and your people, or Have feelings, right? "

Oki nodded, such as Ye Xuan said, although she didn\'t want to do what God, she wanted to go back, after all, the Hiki is her home.

Ye Xuan received his attention, he looked to Yanbei, "" There is an emotion, then we should talk to them, talk!

Everyone is still a family, what do you say? "

Yanbei looks to Ye Xuan, "Do you know? They only respect those who have background, you go, even if you personal strength is strong, they will not really face you.

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Yanbei. He smiled slightly. He gently bombed the hair on the shoulders of Yan, and then smiled: "Don\'t talk to me on the background!

Yanbei is some indisal, "Why?"

Ye Xuan smiled, "because of my background.

Really invincible!

Yan Bei glared in Ye Xuan, "Your people are good, just sometimes love bragging, this habit is not good!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Have to say, Ye Xuan is a bit speechless.

He found that he is not suitable for telling the truth, is true!

At this time, suddenly the rain was raining.

The carriage is outside, and the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and Ye Xuan has not read it, but chatting with Yanbei.

Yanbei sat next to Ye Xuan, her head leaned on the window, she looked at the light rain outside the window, whispered: "I have never been so quiet!"

Said, she suddenly turned around to see Ya Xuan, "I don\'t know why, I will stay with you, I am not very quiet, but I still feel very safe!"

Ye Xuan light channel: "I have a person who likes!"

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, "Then you still have me!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "I am not!"

Yanbei Direct View Leaf Xuan, "That is your fault!

Ye Xuan brows, "why?"

Yanbei\'s head suddenly leaned on Ye Xuan Shoulders, whispered: "You are wrong, it is too good, I don\'t know, I don\'t know my heart.

You damn a heart thief.

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Do I have so good?"

Yanbei nodded, "people handsome, rich, have learning, strength is also strong, and is the mysterious, still considerate.

Said, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Is there a man better than you than you?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then; "there should be no!


Yanbei suddenly laughed, she was white and her eyes, "There is still a little, your face is a little thick!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Rain is getting bigger and bigger, looking away from the window, the line of sight is blurred.

Not long after, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Ye Xuan looked away, there is no longer in front of the carriage, where a old man is standing, and the old man holds a folding fan.

This old man is Li Xue\'s father Li Wei.

Ye Xuan turned to look at Yanbei and smiled: "Let\'s go!

Yanbei shook his head, "You go down!"

I am here to see the book!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, who walked away, her palm became open, and a trip appeared in her hands.

Looking at the Ye Xuan in the rain, Yanbei\'s eyes gradually blurred, as soon as it was a rain, "I know that you are very powerful, very powerful.

However, I can\'t let you go to the nation with me.

Perhaps, the Hiki has no strength behind you, but I don\'t dare to gamble, I really don\'t dare to gamble, because if you bet.

You will die.

Said, her eyes are in my eyes, and if the rain outside the window is generally, it is getting bigger and bigger.

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, her face, tears such as decidment, but I laughed, "I have never thought that I have never thought that I have never thought that I like it in such a short time. Previous man.

But like it is to like it, it is really uncontrolled!

what can I do? "

Said, her smile suddenly became bitter, "But.

You already have people who like it!

In the words, her heart suddenly like a needle, "When you say that you have a favorite person, do you know how much my heart is? Do you experience it? You should have not experienced it.

You are so good, what you like, you will definitely like you.

Why isn\'t I encountered you.


When she said, she gradually became awkward. She immediately pinched the person in her hand, "Let me see you more.

A bitter.

In the distance, Ye Xuan slowly walked to Li Wei, see Ye Xuan went, Li Wei went up, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he turned his head, his eyes fell directly in the carriage Inside, at this moment, the carriage is empty.

gone? Ye Xuan stunned.

After the silence is a moment, Ye Xuan shook his head. "Is this your choice?"

After finishing, he turned and walked toward Li Wei.

It is your choice, then I respect your choice.

He gave up the idea of ​​going to the Shenshan Yan.
