One Sword Reigns Supreme

2319 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and six chapters: the communication is still coming?

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Xiao Yue looked at Ye Xuan, the more you look, the better!

This young man is really excellent.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly got up, laughed: "Xiao elders, I have other things, then I will leave!"

The old man\'s eyes, he really can\'t stand it!

He is doubting that this old man has any bad habits.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuantili is a little cold.

Xiao Yue slightly, then said: "This is going?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Xiao Yue hesitated and then said: "Do you want to meet my daughter? She is really good!

Ye Xuan: ".

After half an minutes, Ye Xuan and Yanbei left the Taikoo City.

In addition, the Ye Xuan on the carriage shook his head smile.

The Xiao Yue just just is really too enthusiastic!

I have to introduce my daughter to myself.

Is it a good color? Really is!

At this time, Yanbei suddenly said: "Is it very cool?"

Ye Xuan looks to Yanbei, "What is it?"

Yanbei looks calm, "people have to introduce you to his daughter, is you not cool in your heart?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Xiao elders, it is too enthusiastic!"

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, I smiled and smiled. "Don\'t you be interested in his daughter? Maybe it is really a big beauty!

Ye Xuan smiled, then said: "If you say that you are a big beauty, don\'t I have one around me?"

Yanbei slightly, and immediately understood, when you look down on the Ye Xuan, "the oil is slippery!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Let\'s go to Xuanjie!

After that, he looked down and shaken the horse rope, the next moment, the carriage was long.

Inside the carriage, Ye Xuan is sitting, taking the Erlang legs, in his hand, holding a roll of ancient books.

Hiki sits next to Ye Xuan, she follows Ye Xuan, but her body has not leaned on Ye Xuan, maintaining a certain distance.

Ye Xuan also didn\'t care about her. She is now the biggest interest is not a beautiful, but reading a book.

Ye Xuan read the book is very serious, he found that there is a benefit of reading the book, that is, you can improve your own thoughts and realm, you can open your own horizons, you can remove your own impetuous!

Once he used to be too impetuous!

Moreover, it is quite heavy.

And he found that when he was really calm, when he set himself, his cultivation speed was faster!

He feels that he will encounter his old man in the future, be sure to let the old man read more, this old is a good thing to kill all day, it is really boring.

At this time, Yanbei suddenly said: "Do you have a woman who likes?"

Ye Xuan is slight, then smiled: "Yes!

Yan Beibei stayed, then said: "Who?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "A girl who likes to wear a white dress, she likes to take a gun, she doesn\'t like to talk.

After Yanbei silence, he said: "How do you know?"

Ye Xuan put down the book, he looked outside the window, whispered: "That year, I am still very young.

Anzhen show!

Looking at the distance in the distance, Ye Xi Xi gradually floated to the Qingcheng once.


Thinking of the Anzhen Xiu, who used to be snow, the corner of the Ye Xuanzhi can\'t help but look slightly. He still remembers that the Qingcheng, the woman riding a white horse.

Have to say, encounter Anzhen show, he is lucky.

Yanbei looked at the Ye Xuan, and the look was frustrated.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Yanbei girl, you know what you like, what is love?"

Yanbei stunned.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, put down the ancient books, then said: "When you are he is here, only him in the eyes; he is not there, everything has his shadow.

I really want to come up when I read the book in the middle of the night, I imagined what he was doing now, and my heart is a little warm, but never contact him!

Like to love, it is different.

Summary, like it is a touch of love, love is deeply like!

Yanbei silence.

She naturally knows Ye Xuan\'s meaning.

Yanbei looked straight to Ye Xuan, "Do you think I am now, just like it, not love, right?"

After Ye Xuan silently, he said: "I don\'t think I am good to let a woman in love with me a few days!

Yanbei stared at Ye Xuan, "Do you know? All love, all from you like.

I admit that I am now, just like it, I like it, I\'m not enough, it is really not enough.

But what is it? Can I like you? "

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, Yanbei suddenly grabbed Ye Xuan\'s collar, angered: "You don\'t want to give the old lady, I will ask you, can I like you?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Yanbei dead stars to Ye Xuan, "Can you still can\'t?"

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

Yanbei Lake the Ye Xuan Quan collar, then palate: "You don\'t like me, that is your business, anyway, I like you now, although I am not love, but I don\'t care, this is my right, right? ? "

Ye Xuan is in real point, "Yes!

Yanbei suddenly asked, "Do you like me?"

Said, her hands suddenly scratched, some nervous.

Ye Xuan silent.

Yanbei stared at Ye Xuan, "Is it difficult to answer?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t hate!

Yan Bei glared in Ye Xuan, "You are a ghost, I am!

The surface is angry, but her hand is loose.

Ye Xuan smiled and then went down, he covered his book on his face and closed his eyes.

Khao Xuan!

During this time, he is studying this realm every day, he wants to do it!

Otherwise, he can study the dive!

You know, there is a big road pen, he can reach the Dongxuan at any time.

His reasonable is that it is hoping to make the realm of knowing this.

Not only knowing the imaginary, he is his sword skill, he also wants to do it!

The past and the future, and when I was blended with a sword, he re-took a name: !

Now, he has a confidence to kill a knowledge of Xuanjing, as for Dong Xuan, he does not have enough grasp!

Because he had seen the gods before, I can feel the terribleness of the gods, that is, this hole is still a little doorway.

However, he is not imaginary, with his current strength, if you urinate the avenue pen, you have to kill a hole in Xijing, or it is easy!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly shocked, lying in the trough, it seems to be a bit open? At this time, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Ye Xuan brows, he got up, he got up, he looked at the carriage, not far, there was a black robe.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at Yanbei and Yanbei face quite ugly.

See Hiki, Ye Xixiang is clear, whispered: "?"

Yanbei nodded, and the right hand was slowly grasped. "I didn\'t think of them so fast.

The black robes suddenly hoarsely hoarse: "God, play for so long!"

I will go back!

After Yanbei silence, he said: "Good!

After that, she suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanzheng to talk, she hugged Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan stunned.

Yanbei hugged Ye Xuan and whispered: "I will not forget you!"

After that, she turned and jumped down the carriage, walked toward the black robe, her look is like water, it is clear that she has already done this decision!

At this moment, a hand suddenly pulled Hiki, Yanbei turned his head, is Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "You seem to be a person in my college, I have to go, I have to ask me this dean!

Yanbei Direct View Leaf Xuan, "I want to go!

Ye Xuan light channel: "Are you afraid of tired me?"

Yanbei bowed his head, she suddenly trembled: "I have cheated you!"

Ye Xuan brows, "What?"

Yanbei looked up to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan silent.

Yanbei said again: "I came to the college, there are two purposes, the first one, I want to use you, the second is to steal the" Shenke Code ".

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is there still?"

Yanbei shook his head, "no!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Now, you seem to have succeeded!

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you want me to go?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "For a statement, you are now the students of our college, I have a responsibility to protect you!

Yanbei shook his head, "I don\'t need it!

I have now quit the college!

After finishing, she turned to the black robes.

At this moment, she has never been so tangled.

She came to the college, as she said, she wants to take advantage of Ye Xuan, but after they come with Ye Xuan, she found that she began to have a good feeling for this man.

Is good, countless love.

She really wants to stay in the college, but she knows that if she stays in the college, she will bring endless trouble to Ye Xuan.

So, she decisively chooses to leave!

She doesn\'t want to give her endless trouble.

Just then, her hand was once again pulled.

Yanbei turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanmia smiled, "You can\'t go!

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, some angry, "Do you know the terrible of the Yanzu? Do you know? You don\'t know, you can\'t fight with the Hikang!

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Yanbei is going to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly pulled her behind him, "men do things, women shut up!

Yanbei: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the black robe in front of him, smiled: "We are all men, then let\'s take a little!"

Are you coming or coming? If it is a text, I will tell you the truth. If it is coming, we will play a game!

The black robes thought about it, then: "Then come!"


A sword is no sighging on the black robe. In an instant, the black robe is directly collapsed, only the soul!

Yanbei stayed, she looked at Ye Xuan, her eyes were unbelievable, she didn\'t see Ye Xuan shot, but she knew that it was Ye Xuan out!

Does he be so strong? Yanbei complete petrochemical.

In the distance, the black robes of the soul have suddenly erect their hands, making the trend of surrender, trembling: "This big brother.

I chose communication.
