One Sword Reigns Supreme

2312 Jian Zhongxian two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine chapters: I am crazy!

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Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, as if I want to look at Ye Xuan.


Clear confidence!

This man is really confident in front of you.

And a confident man is undoubtedly the most attractive.

Yanbei suddenly smiled slightly, "I hope we don\'t be an enemy!

Said, she saw a four-week, "Ye Gongzi, can I stay here for two days? Because I found that the atmosphere here is very good, I also want to read a few days, will not be too long!

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Yanbei smiled: "Thank you!"

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "" is polite!

Girl is free, I am busy!

After that, he left the hall.

Inside the temple, Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, Shen Si, I didn\'t know what I thought.


Outside the mysterious book, a man is looking at the Xuan Academy.

This person is the month of the surroundings.

In the moon, I looked at the school, and my face was quite gloomy.

At this time, an old man walked to the side of the moon, and he was slightly ceremony, "Less Lord!

There is no expression at the moon, "Can you find him?"

The old man shook his head.

Swords, "I can\'t find it?"

The old man nodded, "I only know that he came here soon, then became the Lord of this falling Xuanzong, in addition to this, nothing to find!

After the moon is silent, he said: "What is this Xuanzong?"

The old man shakes his head, "this Xuanzong is a very very ordinary force!

I have been investigated before, in the past, a green shirt, Jian Xiu came here, he created this Xuanzong, but soon, he left, no longer appeared.

Now, Ye Xuan is called a young master by these college students, it is clear that this Ye Xuan is related to the green shirt sword!

Looking at the old man, "Why?" That a green shirt sword repair? "

The old man shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Wrinkled with the eyebrows.

The old man quickly said again: "A few big top strong people, no him!

Silence of the moon.

After a moment, the moon asked again, "What is the" God Tao Code "?"

The old man said: "As far as we know, the" Shenxintong Code "was taken by the main god of the clouds, and the gods came into contact with Ye Xuan.

The moon is slightly smashed, "He is a human man?"

The old man shook his head, "the possibility is not big, because this Ya Xuan is indeed the first time to come to this gods.

The moon is slow and slow.

The old man is deeply said: "This person is extremely mysterious.

The moonlight said: "I know, and, it may not be simple!"


Said, his mouth has a bruises, "What is it?"

The old man hesitated, then said: "Leight, we should not work with this person now, this person is unknown, we must first figure out his origin!

Ranks, fearless!

The romance is a cold smile, "I don\'t measure?"

The old man wants to say.

The speech is turned around, "Second Uncle, I know you worry.

But we didn\'t return!

You also see that Xian Guzhen is very different from his attitude. If it is made by them, Xian Guzhong must be taken away by him. At that time, we swallowed the ancient city plan will completely bubble.

The old man is silent.

The moon continues to say: "Moreover, I have grown with him, you think, can we still be better? Now he is there, he has a chance, he will step on my words!

The old man whispered.

In the middle of the moon, he looked at the wets in the distance in the distance. "I want him to die!"

The old man looked at the moon, and the heart sighed, disappointed.

He knows that his family has been in an intention.

This Ye Xuan, the fool knows that it is not ordinary person, the more investigated, it means that the other party is not simple!

Ye Xuan exposed there was "Shen Tao Code" and now there is nothing, why? Because no one dares to move him!

If you move this time, it is really stupid!

Thinking of this, the old man is slightly rude, then turn around and retreat.

This is, it is immediately reported to the city!

I saw the old man leaving, the words were cold and cold, and he naturally knew what the other party had to do.

Without thinking, he disappeared directly in the same place.

After a while, the moon came to Xianbao Pavilion.

In the room, the moon is relatively compared with Nanqing.

Nanqing looked at the moon, did not speak.

Month, laughed: "Nanqing President, with you, I am going to see the mountain!"

I want that Ye Xuan Dynasty!

Nanqing\'s right hand slightly fused, he hesitated, then said; "How to die?"

Looking at Nanqing, smiling, "It is best to be a little!"

Nanqing is silent.

Swordslock continues: "I don\'t have much time!

Because my father may not let me continue to go to the Ye Xuan, I have to go as soon as possible.

Said, he took out a quilt to Nanqing.

In the quie, there is an eight million fears!

Nanqing hesitated and then said: "Is this a master?"

The moon laughed: "I can mobilize two knowledge of Xuanjing, but I still don\'t worry, I want to ask the two Know Xuanzi, four knowing the impersonation, even if the Ye Xuan hides the strength. It will also die!

After the silence of Nanqing, he said: "When is the unman ready to do?"

In the eyes of the moon, I wiped a cold, "I am now!

Nanqing closed the quench in front of him, then said: "I fixed my best to cooperate with the state!

When the moon, he got up and laughed: "Nanqing president, you really enough!

After finishing, he turned and left.

After Nanqing silence, he said: "For the knowledge of impersonation, come with me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Soon, there is a nine breath to follow Nanqing.


Watching an institution.

Ye Xuan lie on a small grace slope above the mountains, he looked at the Erlang Legs, the right hand pillows his head, and the left hand held a roll of ancient books, and on the side, it was a fruit plate.

It\'s so pleasant!

At this time, Qingqiu went to the Xuanqi, she gave Ye Xuanzhi, then put it in the Ye Xuanzhao, "Leader brother!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "There is no matter to be attentive!

Qingqiu smiled, "I have a question to ask you!

Ye Xuan nod, "asked!

Qingqiu blinked, "I have reached the year of control, and now I have encountered some small difficulties when breaking through the rounds.

Years Control!

Ye Xuan stunned, he turned to look at Qingqiu, Qingqiu\'s eyes blink, a face is true.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, laughed: "What is difficult?"

Qingqiu glanced over the Ye Xuan, then turned around.

Ye Xuan smiled and continued to read the book, but the heart has been shocked.

He also felt that he was a waste!

Oh shit!

It\'s just improper!

In the distance, the Qingqiu hands are clarified, the small feet are connected, angry: "Hey, are you so difficult to praise me?"


Shortly after Qingqiu, Li Xue came to Ye Xuanqiao, she was slightly rude, "Dean!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Sit!

Li Xue hesitated, then sat next to it, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Dean, I want to leave the college!

Ye Xuan looked at Li Xue, "But I am worried to bring trouble to the book?"

Li Xue nodded.

Ye Xuan said: "Is your father to find you trouble, or is the ancient yuan?"

Li Xue wants to say.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If your father is looking for you, you let him come to me, I interrupt his legs, if it is too ancient yuan to find you trouble, I won\'t have him!

Li Xue, "Dean, isn\'t you with Xian Guzhen?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "A code belongs!

Li Xue looked at Ye Xuan, "Why do you protect me?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Because you are my student!"

Li Xue asked again, "Why do you accept me to be your student?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "When I go to Xiangu, I only give me enough respect!"

Li Xue looked at Ye Xuan. "If you tell you, you will send" God Tao Code ", they will respect you!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "that kind of respect, not really respect.

Said, he looked to Li Xue, "You are a very good girl, it is also a very kind girl, and the embarrassment of the ancient dollar can not match you!"

Remember, marriage is a big thing in the woman\'s life, don\'t be wronged, if you don\'t like it, just say it out, don\'t go to the committee.

In the past, you didn\'t rely on the mountain, but now, I am your biggest relying on the mountain. Who dares to force you, I am a hammer to explode his head!

Li Xue looked at Ye Xuan, just looked at it, she was holding her hands and trembled.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Qingqiu is the first of the martial arts, if you want to practice, any problem can be questioned.

Of course, this gimmick now may not know much more, if you have a problem, you can ask me or the old!

By the way, the "God Tao Code" did you see? "

Li Xue is down, "Can I see?"

Ye Xuan brows, "of course!

Anyone who is a student, you can see.

Not only that, in the future, I will write some of my cultivation myself and put it in the college. Everyone can watch!

Li Xue hesitated and said: "The hospital.

Ye Gongzi, why are you so good? "

Ye Xuan asked, "I am ok?"

Li Xue nodded, "Very good, no better than you!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "That is, I have never seen me crazy, I am crazy, I even want to kill me!"

Li Xue: ".

Ye Xuan also said: "No.

When I am not mad, I have this idea.

Green shirt man: "

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly descended from the sky, directly enveloped Ye Xuan and Li Xue, Li Xue\'s face was instantly changed, she consciously got up and blocked in front of Ye Xuan.

At this time, the moon and Nanqing appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

After two people, there are eleven enlightenment!

See this scene, Li Xue faces instantly, but she didn\'t retreat.

Looking at Ye Xuan, smiling, "Ye Gongzi, we met again.

Does it? "

Ye Xuan nod, "a bit.

When the moon is staring at Ye Xuan, "You have no knowledge about my strength, I don\'t know anything, the so-called ignorant is fearless, and now, I want you to understand what is desperate!

At this moment, Nanqing, the south of the South Qing, and suddenly got absorbed by Ye Xuan, "Ye Ye!"


The speech is directly stunned.

Ye Xuan looked at the surroundings, laughing, "You have this role, really don\'t match me, come, come, call the ancestors!

I want to hit your ancestors!

Everyone: ".

At this time, Xian Guzhen suddenly appeared in the field, when I saw Nanqing and the nine-known knowledge of the top of the Xuanjing, she was directly.
