One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 98

After entering the courtyard, Lu Xiaocai found that there was a hole in the courtyard, and several houses on the ground were ordinary. But from these houses, you can enter a wide underground trading place. Nearly a thousand monks came one after another. There was a roar in the venue. There were some small private rooms separated by spirit wood around the venue. When he came, the monk like the accountant didn\'t mention it. It seems that he was booked by other monks early.

A friar has to spend five spirit stones and private rooms just to come in. Nearly a thousand friars present can earn more than 5000 spirit stones in a day. The speed of earning spirit stones is really like robbing. Occasionally, greed appeared in the eyes of several monks, but after the main photographer and two foundation building friars successively boarded the main stage, many friars present calmed down one after another. They are two masters of foundation building. Even if they have this idea, they don\'t have the courage.

"Thank you for participating in this auction. I\'m Fu Zengquan, the main photographer of this auction. Many Taoist friends may criticize the high admission fee of the five holy stones, but I believe the treasures that will appear later will make Taoist friends feel worthwhile." fat Fu Zengquan smiled, picked up his small copper hammer and tapped on a small gong, "We have provided ten spirit objects for this auction, and now we will start shooting the first one. The fourth level defense spirit talisman and the five element spirit armor talisman! They can normally maintain a column of incense for a long time, or they can bear the full blow of magic tools. The starting price is 2000 lower spirit stones, and the price increase each time is no less than 100 lower spirit stones."

"What? A fourth-order defensive talisman!" the friars present immediately roared and talked about it.

Lu Xiaotian\'s eyes narrowed when he heard the fourth level defensive talisman. It seems that many spirit objects in this auction are specially prepared for the friars of the blood forbidden area. Friars of Zhuji can\'t enter the blood forbidden area because their fighting skills are likely to lead to the collapse of the blood forbidden area. The fourth level offensive talisman is equivalent to a blow by friars of Zhuji, and they are not allowed to be brought in, but the fourth level defensive talisman The Royal talisman is not aggressive.

However, its powerful defense ability can withstand three attacks by magic tools. For the friars who enter it, it is tantamount to one more life at the critical time. After all, once the friars in the most powerful Qi refining period are attacked by magic tools, they will never be spared.

However, the price is a little unreasonable. There are 2000 pieces of inferior spirit stones. It can only last for one column of incense. Even the foundation friar will have great pain and will not use it at all. After all, it is only a one-time consumable. The price is not much worse than a magic weapon. Although the foundation friar is much richer than the Qi refining friar, the pill used in the foundation period is spent on cultivation Spirit stone is also astronomical.

"It\'s good to exchange the spirit stone for a chance to save your life. I\'ll take this spirit talisman, 2100 spirit stones!" but even if it\'s more expensive, some people still give up the flower spirit stone for their own life or the lives of their children. A white faced young man asked for a price.

"I\'ve also taken a fancy to this talisman. Two thousand and two hundred spirit stones." a middle-aged man said lazily with a beautiful nun in his arms.

"I\'m afraid you can\'t be happy. 2300 spirit stones." the white faced boy said.

"You\'re not the only one with a spirit stone. Two thousand five hundred spirit stones!" the middle-aged man said.

"It seems that today\'s bidding is really wonderful. Two or five hundred spirit stones once! Two or five hundred spirit stones twice. If there is no further price increase, it will belong to Taoist friend No. 53." Fu Zengquan encouraged.

"Two thousand six hundred spirit stones!" the white faced boy hesitated and bit his teeth.

"OK, 2600 spirit stones. Is there any higher one?"

"Although I have an ice silk silkworm armor, which is quite effective to resist the attack of spirit tools, I still can\'t resist the magic tools. There are many spirit stones in the enchantment, but no matter how many spirit stones have to be used, as long as I can successfully survive in the blood forbidden area and successfully build the foundation, it\'s worth the cost. Three thousand spirit stones!" After a while of thinking, Lu Xiaotian directly asked for the price. He also had his own reason for asking for the price. Instead of entanglement, maybe the price will rise higher in the end. It\'s better to shout the price higher and show his determination.

"The real person doesn\'t show his face. This Taoist friend even called 3000 inferior spirit stones in one breath." Fu Zengquan said with an exaggerated face, "is there any higher? If not, this rare and the only four grade spirit talisman in this auction will be taken away by this Taoist friend."

"3100 spirit stones!" the white faced boy glared at Lu Xiaotian.

"3500 spirit stones!" Lu Xiaotian raised the price again without hesitation.

The white faced boy\'s eyes showed a murderous spirit. He was about to increase the price. He was pulled by another friar nearby. The white faced boy hesitated again and again, and finally sat back reluctantly.

"Well, today\'s bidding is really wonderful. 3500 spirit stones once!" Fu Zengquan almost got up. If today\'s monks fight like this, the auction will really make a lot of money.

"3500 Lingshi three times, deal!" Fu Zengquan made a final decision.

"I\'m really a black sheep. I spent 3500 spirit stones to buy a fourth-order defense talisman." a friar in the auction said with half ridicule and half envy.

Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. It may seem to others that he has lost his family to the extreme, but it\'s worth paying some price to get this talisman.

The second auction item appeared is a top-grade defense spirit weapon, incandescent gold armor. The starting price is 300 Lingshi. Lu Xiaotian has little interest. Although the red gold armor has good defense, its weight also affects his action. The ice silk silkworm armor on his body is not inferior to it, and it is light and handy. Without interest, he went directly to the auction and handed in the spirit stone backstage. He regarded it as a treasure and put away the five element spirit armor amulet.

"Taoist friend, wait a minute." the person who received the spirit stone was the accountant at the door, who smiled and stopped Lu Xiaotian.

"What\'s up?" Lu Xiaotian stopped and frowned.

"This is the VIP waist token of our club. If you are interested in it in the future, you can come to our club to participate in the auction at any time. We will not charge any entry fee. You can book the box in advance," said the cashier.

"Let\'s talk about the future." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and left the backstage directly. Thousands of spirit stones have been spent. Do you care about the admission fee of these spirit stones? As for the box or the lobby, there is no big difference for him.

Back in the auction hall, the fiery gold armor was taken away by a man with a face full of flesh at a super high price of 900 spirit stones. The price is very high, but the best spirit tools are valuable, especially the defensive spirit tools. It\'s not surprising to catch up with the blood forbidden area again.