One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 97

Chifeng town is an antique town with pavilions. In Chifeng Town, there are both immortals and secular mortals. After all, there are thousands of disciples of LingXiao palace, who have multiplied from generation to generation. There are always some mortals without immortal cultivation qualification. Or some palace disciples who have joined the world and experienced met secular women and took them to a place not far from the palace gate to settle down.

Several generations later, many people gathered here. It has developed into a large town. Occasionally, monks passing by the Lingxiao Palace also choose to settle here. Some casual practitioners kill and seize treasures in other places and offend other sects. If it is inconvenient to sell the spirit objects and cannot go through formal channels, they will go to other sects and choose to sell the spirit objects privately. In particular, the disciples of several major schools have to cross the border from now on, which makes Chifeng town much more prosperous than usual.

Lu Xiaotian fell in a nearby grove by the spirit crane. When he came out again, he was already a man wearing a black cloak with a long scar on his face.

He shuttled through the streets of the town, walked through several alleys, and found the address of the auction at the gate of a courtyard. There are two late gas refining guards at the door, and another accountant.

"Stop, strangers are not allowed in." the friar at the door stopped Lu Xiaotian.

"I\'ve come to sign up for the auction." Lu Xiaotian said hoarsely.

"Five spirit stones." the accountant smiled and said.

Lu Xiaotian didn\'t talk nonsense and handed it directly to Lingshi. The accountant handed a green jade card and said, "there is still an hour and a half before the auction. Taoist friends must enter before the auction, and then it will be invalid."

"I see." Lu Xiaotian paid Lingshi directly. While there was still time, I wandered around the streets of the town. The shops of LingXiao palace were basically made of some spiritual tools, pills and spiritual herbs planted by the disciples of LingXiao palace. The disciples of various sects gathered this time. Although the level is not high, there are many novel things.

Lu Xiaotian saw some vendors along the way and didn\'t see any suitable ones. I couldn\'t help but think that he had a magic weapon in his hand and a top-grade defense spirit weapon, ice silk silkworm armor. Other things that can be used during the gas refining period are naturally out of favor.

However, just when he felt that there was nothing to go around, he suddenly inadvertently saw a coughing old woman in an insignificant corner of the alley, her cultivation in the later stage of Qi refining. There was a book on the stall, which was the Hunyuan Sutra. Next to the Hunyuan Sutra, there were three black spiritual tablets.

The old woman put out a few things that were almost the same as those owned by the old man in black. When Lu Xiaotian came closer, he couldn\'t help jumping. It turned out to be the early chapter of foundation building in Hunyuan Sutra.

"How do you sell this skill?" Lu Xiaotian went to the old woman\'s stall and asked.

"If you don\'t sell it, you can only exchange it for a pill to improve your cultivation in the later stage of Qi refining. Twenty yuan Qi pills are enough." the old woman shook her head and said.

Lu Xiaotian frowned. "Hunyuan Sutra" is a rare skill. He has found it in the book collection hall of LingXiao palace and can\'t find it at all. However, as long as he can successfully build a foundation, he can naturally obtain other foundation building skills in LingXiao palace. Just spend some Lingshi, and the price is not expensive. He didn\'t have the pill, but the old woman\'s request was strange. It\'s reasonable that most people wouldn\'t choose such an eccentric skill. If you sell the spirit stone, you can buy pills. Why bother asking for a panacea? In vain, he turned away some people who wanted to buy Kung Fu.

However, the Hunyuan sutra was very important to him. Although Lu Xiaotian hesitated a little, he still took out a bottle of Wuhua Dan and said, "here are eight Wuhua Dan."

"Wu Hua Dan?" an unexpected look flashed on the old woman\'s face. Most of the Qi refining disciples used the popular yuan Qi Dan. Everyone who could use Wu Hua Dan had a great background, from the Xiuxian sect, Jianji, and even the children of the Jindan family.

Seeing that the old woman accepted the Wuhua pill, Lu Xiaotian took the skill and turned around and left.

"Taoist friend, do you want to see these scales? You only need a few Wuhua pills." the old woman called Lu Xiaotian behind her.

"Do these black scales have any effect?" Lu Xiaotian turned and asked.

"I don\'t know, but this is the strange part of this scale. The origin of these scales is very different. It is said that they all come from an ancient friar site. It must be unique, but ordinary friars can\'t figure it out." the old woman smiled.

"No, since ordinary friars don\'t understand, I don\'t need to spend my time on such useless scales."

He had several scales on his hand and couldn\'t figure out what it was. The old man who built the foundation who met in the library hall also had several pieces in his hand. Even the friar who built the foundation couldn\'t study them thoroughly. Now it\'s useless to hold them. And the old woman didn\'t look right. He didn\'t want to cause too much trouble. With that, Lu Xiaotian left directly.

"Second sister, is there anything strange about this person?" Lu Xiaotian asked gloomily when three friars appeared in the alley shortly after he left.

"This man is very careful. When he bought Hunyuan Sutra just now, he obviously looked at these scales. I\'m not sure. But if we can take out Wuhua Dan as an exchange, we must have a lot of money. We should make a thorough inquiry about the pill on him. If we can get other Hunyuan Sutra from him, we will make a lot of money. Now the map we have is part of the second floor of the secret place, that\'s it It\'s a place where friars of foundation building only go. It\'s of no use to us. Only after we get the skill of Qi refining period and the map, maybe we can enter it and find the foundation building pill. "The old woman snorted," there\'s a mistake to kill. Hunyuan classic " The skill is so eccentric that ordinary people won\'t choose it at all. If he hasn\'t practiced it, how can he choose this skill for no reason? "

"The second sister is right. She made a mistake and didn\'t let it go. It\'s rare that this person is still alone. When we get out of town, let\'s find a chance to cut it off." another short middle-aged man nodded.

"In that case, you\'re good at tracking the third brother. Follow him closely and leave a secret signal. I\'ll follow the second sister and the fourth brother later." the eagle nose old man immediately made a decision and said to the middle-aged green shirt who hasn\'t spoken next to him.

Qingshan middle-aged nodded and walked lightly in the direction Lu Xiaotian left. After nearly an hour, Lu Xiaotian handed in a jade card to the guard and entered the courtyard where the auction was held. The middle-aged man in black shirt smiled to himself, "he even went to the auction. It seems that he is really a fat sheep."