One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 345

Even if the tiger falls and the sun rises, the remaining power of friar Jindan is enough to deter friar Zhuji.

"No, this golden pill friar is just the end of a powerful crossbow, just trying to support." the young man in colorful clothes with machetes had sharp eyes. When he saw that dongfangyi\'s flowing fire ice shield blocked more than 20 heavy arrows, there was a slight and imperceptible pause. Although it was very short, ordinary friars could not notice it at all, but those who had the courage to pursue the golden pill friar were not ordinary people, The eyes were so fierce that even for a moment, the people present found out.

"Avenge the dead clan soldiers! Kill!" the strong old man\'s face was frightened and haunted the killing opportunity again. As soon as the machete youth reminded him, he also noticed that killing a Jindan friar would benefit their clan immeasurably, and the other party killed their clan members. Both sides have been immortal!

The Black Hawk and the green hawk rode in the air again, and the arrows fell like rain.

"Scratch!" Dongfang Yi\'s face finally lingered with a trace of anger. She stretched out her fingers and ejected several sword Qi again, but the sword Qi was separated from her body. Her face was pale again. Several flying soldiers died on the spot, and the body of the spirit Eagle fell in the air.

Swish, swish, the arrow rain pounced forward, and the Liuhuo ice shield was hit hard one after another.

Bang! Under the joint strangulation of Feiqi tribe, although the Liuhuo ice shield was strong, it could not stand the fire and thunder arrows. After endless shooting, I don\'t know how many arrows were blocked, a heavy arrow broke through the shield.

A white hand moved like lightning and grabbed the arrow. However, the powerful impact of the arrow shooting was still three points into the meat, and blood gushed out of the wound again.

Dongfang Yi\'s cold face did not have a look of pain. She directly shook the arrow in her hand at the strong man of the Green Eagle leader. This heavy arrow was a few minutes faster than when it came.

No friar Zhuji could resist the angry blow of friar Jindan. The scream sounded, and the heavy arrows passed through the six step spirit eagle and the body of the strong man above.

One person and one eagle are equivalent to two friars in the later stage of foundation construction. At this time, they die again on the spot. The golden elixir power is so powerful!

"Tao\'er!" when the strong old man saw the strong man killed by the arrow, he shouted with grief and anger. He looked like a crazy tiger controlling the spirit bird under the eagle and rushed desperately towards the dongfangyi.

Other flying cavalry soldiers are also crazy. Up to now, although they have repaired some wounds to the golden elixir, they have also fallen several people.

"What a woman, what a Jindan friar, who was besieged by three Jindan friars, killed one and seriously injured two, and could escape here. Unexpectedly, there are such people in the moon watching immortal world. If we didn\'t just pass by here, once we let her escape back and wait for her to recover, it would be a big threat to our alliance!" When the young man in beautiful clothes saw the beautiful style of dongfangyi, even the enemy couldn\'t help praising him at this time.

"But now the Feiqi tribe can\'t kill this man. We\'re afraid we can\'t get a handle on it." a middle-aged man with a long knife on his back is unwilling. The frightening force of the long knife on his back is prominent. There seem to be countless cracks on the long knife, but these cracks don\'t make people feel that the knife will be broken, but they give people a more serious threat.

Another beautiful looking woman in pink dress, with a light body and a blue rope in her hand, was not under the blazing fire sword.

"Although the people of Feiqi tribe are not strong in fighting alone, they really have an extraordinary skill in fighting together. Even if the three of us work together, we will suffer a great loss under the siege of each other. However, although the female nun of golden elixir is at the end of a powerful crossbow, she is not at the mercy of others. Feiqi tribe thinks that she has a good appetite and wants to eat this fat meat, but she overestimates her own teeth. She grits her teeth , even the flying cavalry tribe will be full of broken teeth. We still have a chance. "

The machete youth smiled and hugged his chest with both hands. He didn\'t care much about the current war situation. I don\'t seem to worry at all that the great work in front of me will be robbed by the people of Feiqi tribe.

"Let\'s wait and see. No, the old man of Feiqi tribe is desperate!" the pink dress girl\'s face changed slightly.

More than ten eagles and birds flapped their wings one after another, and a large number of eagle feathers were like a dense storm shooting at dongfangyi. The strong old man took out a bigger fire and thunder arrow from the storage bag. The fire light and thunder light intertwined on it, which even vaguely reached the terrible smell of Danyuan Magic Arrow.

"Die!" the big heavy arrow, with the endless anger of the strong old man, broke through the air among more than a dozen heavy arrows and shot at the Dongfang Instrument, and the eagle feathers close to the fire thunder arrow were burned to ashes.

It\'s equivalent to more than 20 base building friars shooting at the same time. Naturally, there is not much threat to Dongfang Yi at ordinary times. However, under the continuous damage at this time, Dongfang Yi\'s strength decreases sharply. In the face of this violent attack, Dongfang Yi also realizes that she may not be able to survive this time, but when she raises her eyebrows, the majesty of the golden pill friar can\'t be blasphemed, even if she is at the end of a powerful crossbow, I will never wait to die! Dongfang Yi scolded, the bright red lotus tongue stretched out, and an ice fan spit out. The ice fan spread in the air and grew several feet in the twinkling of an eye. Facing the horizontal fan around, the cold wind surged out of the air, and even a wisp of broken clouds nearby were rolled up. Those eagle feathers shot like knives, like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, lost their direction in the swing of the ice fan, Some even roll back. Two flying cavalry soldiers close to each other were greatly affected and even cut by the inverted eagle feather.

Even those dozens of heavy arrows are greatly affected. If they fan continuously, even these arrows are bound to lose their attack power. But at this time, the blood at the corners of Dongfang Yi\'s mouth escaped again, and the ice fan movement was stagnant. More than a dozen heavy arrows recovered their ferocious fangs again.

"Do it, the female nun of the golden elixir can\'t hold it." the young man in machete clothes shouted violently. They followed here. Naturally, they didn\'t want to see how the people of the flying riding tribe killed the hostile female nun of the golden elixir. No matter who, once the hostile friar of the golden elixir was killed, the benefits would be incalculable.

"Flying snake dish rope!" the girl in pink scolded, and the green rope in the room shook out. At one end of the green rope, there was a rotating Frisbee with countless sharp knife teeth. As long as these knife teeth were twisted, gold and stone would be crushed, not to mention human flesh and blood.

"Thousand feather sword!" the man with the sword was unwilling to show weakness. When the long knife behind him was pulled out, his wrist trembled. The long knife broke the air like electricity and cut straight towards dongfangyi.

When the machete youth saw the amazing attack in front of him, his eyes flashed. He was not eager to attack. Instead, he deceived himself into the stormy attack and made a crazy dash. He was not afraid to be torn to pieces by the violent attack.