One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 344

Looking at Lu Xiaotian leaving, Qian Dali breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, Qian Dali\'s eyes suddenly became cloudy. He dared to chase those foreign monks alone. It\'s really looking for death. But it\'s good. Lu Xiaotian\'s strength is terrible. When he entered LingXiao palace, he could twist his finger to death. It\'s only a few years later. He is still in the early stage of foundation building, and the other party has gone to the later stage of foundation building. There are even Dan yuan magic tools. Among the nearly 1000 foundation building disciples of LingXiao palace, his strength is the top.

In front of the other party, he was almost oppressed. If it weren\'t for the sect mission and so many fellow disciples on the scene, Qian Dali didn\'t even dare to imagine his end. They had a dead enemy, and Qian Dali didn\'t think there was any possibility of resolving. After all, he forced the other party into a mine with bad environment for six or seven years.

"Let\'s go!" seeing that Lu Xiaotian\'s figure had completely disappeared in the sky, Cao Haihua sighed. He was the only one in the whole team who was stronger than Lu Xiaotian. Now, once Lu Xiaotian left, there was no strong man in charge. Even if there were no two waves of powerful foreign friars, they were in a very dangerous situation. After all, they fought with foreign friars until now, There are two or more late monks in each other\'s team. In the previous battle, if Lu Xiaotian had not resolved the crisis several times and killed the hostile later friars, how could they be stable until now, and each of them earned a few merit points.

"Elder martial sister Wu, let\'s go too. With elder martial brother Lu\'s ability, I think those foreign friars can\'t help him." Peng Dayong advised him nearby.

Wu Yan stopped for a long time and finally followed the crowd to leave in the direction of Wangyue city.

No matter what the fellow disciples in the back guessed, Lu Xiaotian did have to go. The white shadow was actually dongfangyi. With Lu Xiaotian\'s eyesight, she clearly saw that dongfangyi\'s chest was red with blood. As a golden pill friar, dongfangyi was reduced to being chased by a group of foundation building friars. It can be seen how bad her situation is, It should be that he was seriously injured in fighting with the hostile Jindan friar. Now the tiger is falling and the sun is shining.

After being chased by a large number of flying riding tribes and foreign friars, killing a Jindan friar in a hostile camp must not only make these people famous, but also get huge rewards. Under normal circumstances, naturally, there is no such possibility, but Dongfang Yi was seriously injured and his combat power was greatly damaged, which obviously gave these people an excellent opportunity.

Among the more than 20 friars of Feiqi tribe, there are three foreign friars with strong breath and Danyuan magic tools. Lu Xiaotian will never provoke them at ordinary times. Moreover, his legs are not flexible now. In this level of fighting, a little negligence is the end of his fall, but the moment he saw dongfangyi\'s chest stained with blood, Lu Xiaotian felt that his originally calm heart could not calm down at all.

Even if he saw Qian Dali again, Lu Xiaotian\'s mood didn\'t fluctuate much, but when he saw dongfangyi injured and pursued by these people, a long lost anger rushed to the sky. It was not until he caught up with him for a long time that this anger became a bitter smile. Anyway, he still couldn\'t be ruthless. After all, he had some complex feelings with Dongfang Yi. Even if he knew it was a crisis, he couldn\'t sit back and ignore it.

More than 20 flying soldiers in the sky are divided into two teams: black eagle and Green Eagle, 11 and 12 respectively. Riding twenty-three together, such a powerful force is enough to sweep several ordinary foundation building teams, but all of them are used to pursue Dongfang Yi. It can be seen that these people are bound to win.

Lu Xiaotian was shocked. Dongfang Yi, who had been running away in front, slowed down. Because the distance was a little far, I didn\'t know whether he was exhausted or had another plan. It seems that Dongfang Yi\'s injury is far more serious than he thought.

The soldiers of Feiqi tribe who chased the front were divided into two and encircled dongfangyi from left and right. The black eagle flew and rode, and the strong old man headed by him suddenly met in Fengling stone mine a few months ago. The leader of the green eagle flying riding team is a middle-aged strong man who looks a little similar to the strong old man. The strong old man raised his right arm slightly and pressed it slowly. Behind him, the flying riding soldiers in a queue rushed up, and the heavy arrows rained down from the ebony long bow.

Dongfang Yi\'s eyebrows were slightly broken, her mouth was covered with blood, and her clothes fluttered. Even if she was injured at this time, she still had an icy face, her eyes were like a calm ancient well, and stretched out her fingers. With the sound of breaking through the air, several sword Qi shot away at the leaders of black eagle and Green Eagle.

"No! Tao\'er, hide!" the strong old man changed his face and shouted. The Black Hawk under the seat was psychic. The sixth level black hawk was also extremely strong in sensing the crisis. His wings turned fiercely, and he narrowly avoided the key parts. However, the fierce sword Qi was still unable to resist. He cut dozens of eagle feathers from his body, and the flying riding tribe soldiers behind reacted far less quickly than the leader. With a little hesitation, they collided with the sword Qi.

The guardian of the spirit eagle, when the crisis came, the eagle and bird sitting down screamed bitterly and bumped against the sword Qi. A large number of eagle feathers spilled blood from the air. The sword Qi pierced through the body of the eagle and bird without suspense. As soon as it passed through, it killed one person and one eagle who rushed up behind on the spot.

In an instant, the flying riding tribe, which had dominated the airspace for many years, even if the friar Jindan was seriously injured, he just raised his hand and killed two of the four eagles and seriously injured the other two.

"Damn, I\'m going to kill this man today!" the strong old man didn\'t expect that the Jindan friar in front of him was so fierce. The tragic death of his people and spirit Eagle made him angry.


More than 20 heavy arrows were also killed at almost the same time. From the front and back of the dongfangyi, there are heavy arrows made of fire and thunder stones.

Dongfang Yi\'s eyes were slightly cold and her fingers pointed forward. A piece of flowing fire ice shield appeared in front of her. The ice shield was crystal clear, but there was a beating flame on the surface. One cold and one heat were perfectly combined. The flowing fire ice shield revolved around the body of dongfangyi at a speed difficult to distinguish by the naked eye.

Ding Ding, the heavy arrows made of fire thunder stone hit the flowing fire ice shield, lost their original impact and fell from the air.

The flying cavalry tribe soldiers were shocked. Nearly 20 heavy arrows were blocked by ice, fire and ice shields. Even if you replace any foundation friar, you will be killed on the spot by this dense attack. After all, it is equivalent to the joint attack of nearly 20 flying cavalry soldiers, and its power is definitely more than the scattered attack of more than 30 mobs.

It was the three late foreign friars who bit the tail of the flying tribe all the way back. When they saw the scene in front of them, their faces also changed color.