One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 144

Lu Xiaotian and Wu Yan think the same. After all, the price of mature juyanguo is higher than that of purple ginseng. Taking it out can be converted into the share of building Jidan. But if you get it, I\'m afraid Su Qing and Wu Yan won\'t want to exchange it. It would be much better if you could make the resident Yan pill through the alchemist in the sect. According to the reward system of LingXiao palace, as long as they can obtain four or five spirit objects, they can take any spirit object as a reward.

They are not without strength. In the face of the treasures they can fight for, Lu Xiaotian also feels the need to fight. It\'s just that there are some skills in how to compete. We can\'t ask for too little, and we can\'t really fall out with the strong friars of the ancient sword sect.

"Really? So you Lingxiao Palace also plans to come to this muddy water and become enemies with our ancient Jianzong?" Yuan Hao said with a heavy face. He was just a friar team. He dared to talk to him like this. Although he was young and his cultivation was only ten layers of Qi refining, the burning sun sword was tailor-made for him, and the mana consumed was greatly reduced. The support time of true fighting Dharma is longer than that of ordinary alchemists.

"Naturally, we don\'t have the idea of making enemies with the ancient Jianzong, but there are eight stationed in Yanguo. The ancient Jianzong is the largest gate in the world of looking at the moon and cultivating immortals, and it should account for the largest share. However, our strength is not weak. It\'s not impossible to take two or three stationed in Yanguo."

Lu Xiaotian is worried that Su Qing is greedy and makes a random offer. Wu Yan is also relieved to hear what Lu Xiaotian said. Zhu Yanguo wants to, but she doesn\'t want to really fight with the strong disciples of the ancient Jianzong.

"Two or three standing Yan fruits? I can\'t see that you have this strength." Yuan Hao glanced at Lu Xiaotian and others and said disdainfully. Even the monks around him were in a great uproar and laughed at Lu Xiaotian. They were just whimsical.

"The boy wants two or three Zhuyan fruits when he opens his mouth. He doesn\'t pee. Look in the mirror and see what he is. LingXiao palace is only a medium-sized sect. It\'s a dream to dare a lion to speak." immediately, a friar ridiculed him angrily.

"Yes, I dare to ask for so many shares in front of the owner of the blazing sun sword, the first ancient sword sect. I really don\'t know the heaven and earth are thick. If I have the blazing sun sword, I will stab the boy directly, so that he won\'t make noise in front of me and pollute his ears." another monk of the beast Pavilion shouted unkindly.

Su Qing, Wu Yan and Lu Xiaotian looked at each other and showed their magic weapons.

Luo Qian was surprised to see the black Jiao scissors used by Lu Xiaotian. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaotian still had this skill. However, at this time, many sects were surrounded and filled with a large number of friars from various sects. Luo Qian unconditionally supported Su Qing. He didn\'t think about it. At the same time, he sacrificed his magic weapon thunder gun.

The friars of all factions who were still laughing at Lu Xiaotian\'s lion\'s big mouth were like a male duck pinched by his neck. There was silence on both sides of the riverbed. The most rampant two people have quietly retreated behind the crowd, for fear that Lu Xiaotian will take revenge and settle accounts with them after autumn.

Seeing such a big formation of Lu Xiaotian and others, Yuan Hao also changed his face. He could not expect that there were only four elite disciples in a LingXiao palace team of more than ten people, and Su Qing had two magic weapons. Compared with ordinary elite disciples, their strength is a little stronger.

Yuan Hao thought to himself, relying on the blazing sun sword and another magic weapon in the storage bag. Give him some time, he can defeat or even kill Su Qing, plus another elite disciple. Carry three magic weapons at the same time. But that\'s his limit. But if he faces four elite disciples at the same time, even if he is proud, he will not last for a few seconds. He will be torn to pieces by several magic weapons at the same time.

"So, are you going to be the enemy of the friars of our ancient sword sect?" Yuan Hao asked with a condescending voice, although the situation had exceeded his expectations.

"We don\'t want to make things difficult with the ancient Jianzong. It\'s just that zhuyanguo is such a strange thing that we can meet but can\'t ask. Now that we meet, we have four elite disciples and have the strength to ask for a part." Luo Qian is not satisfied that Su Qing and Wu Yan are led by Lu Xiaotian and rob Bai of Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian smiled to himself. He was happy to ignore such trifles. At present, Luo Qian has been more calm than before. As long as he doesn\'t suffer too much loss, he will be invisible.

If he had not been forced by the situation several times, he would not have bothered to make enemies everywhere and attract the attention of these strong enemies. If one day he was strong enough to sweep everything, he might be able to do whatever he wanted without taking into account the eyes and ideas of others.

At present, there are people who hide deeper than him, and often encounter people who are not weaker or even stronger than him. When they leave the bloody forbidden area, there are many people with stronger backgrounds. No matter how powerful the Qi refining period is, it is futile not to build a foundation. He can kill decisively in the forbidden area, but when he returns to LingXiao palace, he must be restrained everywhere.

Lu Xiaotian\'s family knows his own family affairs. Even if he has the same foundation Dan, he is far less likely to build a foundation than Wu Yan, Luo Qian and others. As for Su Qing, there is a grandfather of Jindan, and building a foundation is a certainty. After all, friar Zhuji may not be able to get Zhuji Dan, but it is not difficult for friar Jindan. Thinking of these, Lu Xiaotian has nothing to be proud of.

Yuan Hao weighed in his heart, even if he didn\'t fight with Moyang sect and xutianmen. Plus other disciples. They are just as strong as the disciples of LingXiao palace, maybe a little stronger, but not too much. If it were Su Qing, Lu Xiaotian would get in the way. Even if the name of the ancient Jianzong has committed public anger, driven by interests, it can\'t stop friars of all schools. The idea of swallowing Zhu Yanguo alone is unrealistic. After a little weighing, Yuan Hao said, "if you want to get the distribution, you need to reach an offensive and defensive alliance with our ancient Jianzong. Otherwise, if you have a share, Zhu Yanguo is not enough."

Luo Qian looked to Su Qing for advice. In his heart, Su Qing\'s attitude is the most important. Moreover, Su Qing has at least two magic weapons and has the strongest strength among several people. But what annoyed him secretly was that Su Qing looked at Lu Xiaotian again. Even if Lu Xiaotian had magic tools, he was just an ordinary elite disciple. Could it be that something special happened later? Luo Qian felt a bad feeling in his heart and was secretly wary of Lu Xiaotian.

However, Lu Xiaotian looked at his nose and heart. As if she didn\'t see Su Qing\'s eyes. Although Yuan Hao laid an ambush in his words, he temporarily reached an offensive and defensive alliance in Yanguo, that is, he said that the offensive and defensive alliance was over. This is not important. The two sides are a temporary combination of interests. Once there are enough interests, even oral agreements will not work.