One Step to Become an Immortal

Chapter 143

Not only Su Qing, but also Luo Qian, who was hurt and whose combat power was greatly reduced, felt so, but Su Qing was more confident and had more reasons to fight than Luo Qian.

However, just as Su Qing took a few steps, a white light broke through the air with a destructive breath. Su Qing did not make any action, but narrowed her eyes and looked up.

The white light did not directly attack her, but rather just a deterrent. The white light hit the exposed rocks in the riverbed. In an instant, the rocks melted in a short time like snow and sunshine. People who saw this scene around were shocked. If this light hit people, I\'m afraid their fate would be similar to that of melted rocks.

It was quite powerful. At first, Lu Xiaotian felt that the white light stabbed the Yang, so he used the spirit eye technique. When the white light was a little weak, he saw one of the transparent several foot long swords.

"Blazing sun sword!" Lu Xiaotian was surprised. Someone couldn\'t help crying out.

"Blazing sun sword?" although Lu Xiaotian spent some time in the library Hall of LingXiao palace, he had never heard of this kind of weapon.

"The Lieyang sword is a kind of extremely powerful magic weapon, which is refined by the ancient sword sect with the inheritance secret arts. It is said that the friar who can drive the Lieyang sword must be the pure Yang sword body. It can double the power of the magic weapon." Wu Yan\'s face is very dignified. The emergence of the Lieyang sword is undoubtedly the strong help of the ancient sword sect, and the strong help is a top expert.

"It\'s equivalent to double ordinary magic tools. Doesn\'t it mean that his strength is equivalent to two elite disciples?"

Lu Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and asked. If so, I\'m afraid he\'s the owner of the sword. He probably won or lost. The pure Yang sword body not only has a very high understanding in kendo, but also the fire spirit root value has reached an amazing 90 points or more. People with this spirit pole almost cultivate all the way to the golden elixir period, and there are not many bottlenecks. Among people who cultivate immortals, there is no one in ten thousand against the sky.

"It can\'t be calculated in this way. Ordinary magic tools can\'t compete with the fiery sun sword for a long time, otherwise they will be destroyed by the fiery sun sword over time. Moreover, monks with pure Yang sword body use the fiery sun sword, which consumes far less mana than us. The ancient Jianzong is worthy of being the largest sect in the moon watching cultivation world, and it has such a talented disciple."

Wu Yan shook her head and said with a wry smile that even the two elite disciples may not be able to hold on to them for a long time. At this time, Wu Yan also showed that Lu Xiaotian could not compare with the scattered repair of the wild road. Although Lu Xiaotian has many means, he can\'t compare with Wu Yan for some recent masters or changes among the Xiuxian sects.

Lu Xiaotian was so shocked when he heard the blazing sun sword. According to Wu Yan, I\'m afraid even he is not his opponent. Thinking of this, Lu Xiaotian couldn\'t help smiling bitterly. Among the many monks who entered the bloody forbidden area, his exposed strength was only a small part, but few people could match his hidden strength.

In his hand, he has six attack magic tools, one defense magic tool, one fourth-order defense talisman, and two small green beads that can pollute magic tools. Ten drops of cold marrow dew that can quickly restore half of mana. Although the leopard, a third-order spirit beast, has average strength in the blood forbidden area, he also prepared a blood demon rune. It can make the leopard\'s strength soar several times in a short time. No less than ordinary elite disciples.

After receiving the storage bags of Qian Xu, two base building friars of Yuanxing palace, four elite disciples of Yin Yimu of xuanbing gate, and many ordinary friars, the middle grade spirit stones in the barrier have reached an amazing loss of more than 700, and the lower grade spirit stones are close to 100000. In addition, there are various healing elixirs refined by him and a large number of herbs collected.

Just listening to Wu Yan\'s words, I\'m afraid he may not be the opponent of the master of the blazing sun sword even if he has all his cards. There are people outside the people and there are days outside the world. There are many people who cultivate immortals, and it is very normal for several demons to exist. He couldn\'t help sighing. I heard that the ancient Jianzong also had a disciple of the spirit sword body for a month. It seems that it is not much different from the pure Yang Sword. The ancient sword sect can sit still and watch the moon. It is the first immortal sect in the fairy world. The inside information is really unusual. It\'s really more popular than people. He has lived and died for so long and has experienced countless fierce battles. If he is willing to operate, people can crush his efforts for so many years only by virtue of his qualification.

Su Qing, who has always been arrogant, put away her pride on her face after seeing the blazing sun sword. She looked sluggish and stopped her steps.

At this time, a young man with a slightly short Jianmei in white, about 12 or 13 years old, came through the air by a spirit eagle. After the spirit Eagle fell, the Jianmei boy jumped down from above. The blazing sun sword inserted obliquely on the ground trembled. The white light flashed, and the scorching sun sword returned to the sword eyebrow boy\'s hand.

"This younger martial sister is so handsome, but now my fellow disciples of the ancient sword sect are fighting with the disciples of the Moyang sect. I\'m afraid it\'s wrong for you to break into the neighborhood like this."

Although Jianmei boy is shorter than Su Qing, I\'m afraid he is the youngest in the presence at his age, but he talks like an old-fashioned and transverse study. It seems that he doesn\'t pay attention to so many monks present. But he does have the capital to be crazy.

"Elder martial brother yuan, it\'s great that you finally come. Now it\'s up to us to stay." the disciples of the ancient Jianzong were overjoyed when they saw Yuan Hao\'s appearance. The disciples of Moyang sect and Taiqing sect looked like earth. The original stalemate completely fell to the ancient sword sect at this time.

Lu Xiaotian\'s face flashed a strange look. In front of him, the old boy was just a little guy on the tenth floor of gas refining. However, at the age of 12 or 13, he can reach the tenth level of Qi refining. It is expected that most of the monks present lament that they are inferior. In addition, they have the talent to change their state, and there is an extremely powerful blazing sun sword. It is really reasonable to call Su Qing a younger martial sister. The immortal cultivation world always respects strength, and the people present don\'t think there is anything wrong.

"Elder martial brother yuan is joking. As the saying goes, there are treasures in the world. Those with strength live in it. Although the sect strength of our LingXiao palace is only medium, it also has the right to take a share here. The monk stationed in Yanguo should also take a share."

Su Qing felt uncomfortable. She had always been indulged in LingXiao palace. She was scolded by a hairy child four or five years younger in an adult tone. After exchanging eyes with Wu Yan and Lu Xiaotian, Su Qing was delighted to get Lu Xiaotian\'s approval. Since the land subsidence came to this inexplicable place, she often made up her mind with Wu Yan and Lu Xiaotian. Wu Yan is quite convinced of Lu Xiaotian. Once Lu Xiaotian decides, Wu Yan will not object. When the three of them advance and retreat together, she doesn\'t believe that the fierce sun sword can defeat three with one.