One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 965

The doting in his words made her taste a little sweetness.

Being held by him, the tall man walked in front of himself and held her hand tightly. Somehow, there was a trace of satisfaction in his heart that even he was not aware of.

This night, she pushed the company's business aside. He didn't stay up late, so he went to bed with her early.

In the dark, yunshishi hugged his waist tightly, put his head on his chest, and listened to his powerful heartbeat.

"Dong Dong -"

just listening to it, I feel very relieved.

Yun's poems can't help but hold him closer.

However, when he was about to fall asleep, Lu Jingtian's laughter rang out again in his mind.

- you are just a canary kept in a cage by him. When you are happy, you can make fun of it. If you are tired of it, it's the same thing! So I think you're pathetic! You see him as the whole world, but he does, but as a plaything! Do you think he really cares about you so much

The voice is so real and harsh, as if it is ringing in the ear.

Yun's poems were suddenly awakened by the words that flashed into his mind.

Even if she knew what Lu Jingtian said, it was just to provoke her, but she still felt a little uneasy.

Women are always insecure.

In fact, she is also an extremely insecure person.

Some of them are prone to gain and loss!

In particular, her man, is such a high figure, call the wind and call the rain, people in the dragon and Phoenix.

There are many women who covet him.

But will he really end up with her?

Yunshishi raises his head and looks at the man. At this moment, in the darkness, he closes his eyes. The darkness seems to give him something more charming.

Delicate facial features, deep eyebrows and eyes, and beautiful outline, especially the narrow and long eyes, even when closed, still show a little bit of inevitability to stare at all beings.

He is a man as arrogant as a God.

Even if he is on her side, but still let her feel so little untrue!

Suddenly she came close to him and made a kiss on his thin lips.

The taste of kissing him was so beautiful that she could not help but for a long time did not want to move her lips. She covered his warm lips and gently opened his lips with the tip of her tongue and slid in.

The man suddenly opened his eyes and squinted at her.

Yunshishi immediately raised his head and saw that he woke up with a red face and a little shy lips.

"You You didn't sleep? " Her face was embarrassed and she gave a dry smile.

For the first time, she kissed him so actively that she was hit by him So, a little embarrassed.

In fact, he is asleep.

But, he always sleeps very shallowly, has the movement slightly, will wake up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw her kissing him. For a while, I was surprised.

Never seen her so active.

"What? No more? " His voice was hoarse and a little subdued.

After that, he turned over and pressed her under his body. He did not kiss her completely until then, and he lived in her lips deeply.

He sank into her.

It was not until we had a good time.

Before he went to sleep, he held her. The woman in his arms was exhausted. After the fall of the Phoenix and the Phoenix, he was paralyzed.

Two people embrace each other and fall asleep.

This night, yunshishi slept with extra peace of mind, but it was a night without dreams.