One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 964

It's rare for yunshishi to see his expression. He immediately felt very interesting. He swallowed a few puffs, his mouth was bulging, and the cream was stained with his lips.

Muyazhe turned his eyebrows and stopped looking at her.

Yunshishi laughs and says, "you don't like cream!"

"You are disgusting," he said

Cloud poetry is silent.

Seeing that he was ahead of us, he quickly followed him. He offered puffs on his legs. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Hey, how many puffs do I have here? Don't you eat them?"

"Don't eat it."

Cloud poetry sighed and stood in the same place sullenly.

All right!

If he doesn't like eating, he doesn't like eating. Why should he show such an expression? It's like he hates what she eats!

She lowered her head, left her lips, picked up the last puff ball, and just grabbed it. Before she swallowed it, her jaw was clasped and raised with one hand.

Cloud poetry raised his face, he saw the suddenly enlarged handsome face of Mu Yazhe, a pair of long and narrow Feng Mou evil four hook pick, thin lips slightly open.

Then, the puff she was biting gently bit the other half, and the lip gently pasted on her mouth, and the cream overflowed.

He lifted his lips slightly, and the tip of his tongue removed the blisters from the corners of her lips and licked them. With a soft kiss, Yunshi's face was red and his ears were red. He was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time!

Muyazhe bit the second half of the puff and raised his head. With a smile on his lips, he seemed to have more than enough. The cream on his lips was hooked on the tip of his tongue, and he said: "it's very delicious."

I don't know whether it means puff or something.

Cloud poetry pursed her lips, and her eyes showed shame and anger. She said, "you..."

Her voice has not yet fallen, but his hand was gently led up, moyazhe looked down at her, asked: "have you enjoyed yourself?"

"Ah? What? "

"First date." Muyazhe smiled and rubbed her forehead and hair. "It's so late, can you go back?"

Yunshishi originally wanted to nod, but when he thought that he would go back to bed, he was not happy with it, so he said again, "after a while, it's still early."

Muyazhe glanced at her coolly, stretched out his hand and handed the wristwatch to her. He twisted his eyebrows and asked, "what time is it now?"

Cloud poetry looked at a glance, obediently replied: "eleven o'clock."

"It's so late, I have to go back to the company."

Thinking of the cases piled up in the company, Mr. muyazhe has a headache.

Hearing that he was going back to the company, the smile on yunshishi's face suddenly froze.

"You can Don't go to the company? "

She needs him.

She had been used to him, to the security of opening her eyes and being held in his arms every day, and to the fresh fragrance of his hair by the pillow.

Some, not willing!

Muyazhe grabs her chin, the tip of his nose is close to her: "what? Don't give up on me? "

"I want you to accompany me..."

Yun Shishi mumbled a sentence.

Mu Yazhe looks at her, her eyes are slightly changed.

But she wrapped his arm around his waist and said, "I want you to accompany me. Don't go to the company. Stay at home tonight, OK?"

"OK, let's go home."

Muyazhe smiled and pulled her wrist to walk to the parked car on the side of the road

The doting in his words made her taste a little sweetness.