One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 946

Muyazhe gnashed his teeth and thought, look for an opportunity, oh no

When yunshishi is away, he kicks the stupid dog out! Save his personal life!

After a long time, yunshishi reluctantly went downstairs and saw muyazhe sitting on the sofa, which seemed to be a little unhappy.

It seemed that he remembered something, so he sat beside him with a smile on his face and leaned on him.

Muyazhe glanced at the little woman coolly. Why, does the woman know to thank him now?

You know you left him out? Do you know how to please him?!

Where did he not understand the little woman's mind, so he pretended not to look at her coldly. His voice was cold, and he had no emotion: "what's the matter?"

"Moyazhe! Let me tell you something! "

The name of the dog is so intimate, but it's so strange to call him. So, muyazhe is very bitter about it.

There must be nothing good to say.

What can she do to compensate him?

Seeing that muyazhe didn't speak, yunshishi simply said, "let's hire a nanny for the dog."

Hearing the words, mu Yazhe immediately gave the corner of his eye a hard slap!

A nanny for the dog?!

I thought that this woman's mind is easy to understand. Now he has seen it. Woman's heart, sea needle!

Seeing that his face became more and more gloomy, yunshishi was also puzzled. She didn't know what the man was thinking. Her face was so ugly. She didn't seem to say anything wrong!

So regardless of him, she said her doubts, "I think so, you think, usually this apartment is just two of us. You usually have to go to the company, and I have to go to work. The dog is so small and nobody takes care of it. Or have a babysitter! "

Muyazhe gave her a cold look. He looked away childishly and hummed, "wasting money."

Waste money?!

At that time, yunshishi was thundered, her body trembled and her mouth became a big "O" type!

Waste money! This word can be said from the mouth of the local tyrant who has always been a spendthrift. This sense of disobedience is really too strong! What a shock! Cloud poetry is not convinced!

So she put forward a good suggestion: "since this is the case, please help to keep it for a while! When you go to the company, take it with you! "

"I'm sorry, I'm busy!" Mur said coldly

Yunshishi choked again. He could not help holding up his face with some worry and muttering to himself: "ah, is that little philosopher so small at home, will he starve to death?"

Muyazhe reached out and clasped her chin. He took a punitive bite of her lip and said, "change the stupid name of this stupid dog!"

Yun Shishi pushed him aside with some dissatisfaction and said seriously: "little philosopher, how lovely the name is! How kind do you listen? "

She put her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

The cool handsome face of the young master Mu was suddenly dyed with a strange red.

He stared at her coldly again, but he saw yunshishi pointing at his face with surprise and said: "you blush, muyazhe!"

A man became more and more angry: "shut up!"

Feeling the murderous look in her eyes, yunshishi was bluffed when she appeared, and she sat on the sofa obediently and did not dare to move.

"Send the dog off by tomorrow night."
