One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 945

When the shopkeeper was frightened by his eyes, he was smart. He didn't dare to question. He didn't even contradict. He turned around and locked the door!

In the heart dark stomach Fei, this man uses not to be so ferocious? Look at that look, he owes him millions!

He's just running a pet club, don't you mind offending anyone?

What a terrible man, isn't he a gangster? If he doesn't open the door, will he shoot himself?!

As a result, a boss who was going home for dinner was forced to stay in the shop and began to work hard to check the dog.

Fortunately, although the dog was abandoned, it has all limbs and good health. It has been more than three months old, but the breed is small, so the dog will not grow much.

It's a lovely little bomme.

It was because of the rain that I had a slight cold.

After taking a bath for the dog, trimming his hair, getting a shot of vaccine and insect repellent, it's done!

Yunshishi holds the clean puppy and looks around. After bathing, the puppy is very cute, with big bright eyes, beautiful hair and sharp ears.


This time, she is satisfied.

Muyazhe left the money and decided to leave. The boss was an honest man. He gave too much money. He couldn't help saying: "that gentleman, there is a little more money!"

Muyazhe suddenly looked back at him and said, "take it, don't talk nonsense."

The boss is smart again. He sent the army to answer the general's instructions, just as he left Zhengzheng for a while: "yes!"

At this end, yunshishi is complete, the dog is good, and she is in a good mood. I bought some lovely things from the pet club and went back to work on the second floor for a long time, so I arranged the kennel.

The kennel arranged by yunshishi is very warm. So, happily put the dog in. At first, the dog didn't get used to it. But after a while, he got used to it. He also liked the bed arranged by yunshishi.

So, she was very interested in feeding it. She had been busy on the second floor for a long time, which made her reluctant to go down.

Just after walking down the stairs, yunshishi hears the dog's restless cry. It seems that yunshishi has lost some sense of security or is afraid of darkness like yunshishi. In a word, it's uneasy.

Yun Shishi's heart was also flustered by this pitiful cry. He looked back three times. Finally, he couldn't bear it. Turning around, he ran to the dog's nest and called out: "little philosopher!"

Little zhezhen, this seems to be the name she gave the dog!

Sitting on the sofa, he was reading the financial newspaper, but his face was blue.

This woman, do you want to give the dog such a name! What a rasp he is!

Cloud poetry nest in the second floor has not come down, some dissatisfied with muyazhe, the heart of all sour thinking, but he is some regret to take this damn dog!

This woman is really too much, after the work is finished, it's just a little time, now it's all divided up for this stupid dog!

I don't know where the damn puppy is? Is he handsome? Is he rich? Do you have the masculinity of him?

What is the point that this woman is infatuated with?!