One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 931

"No." He sat by the bed and refused without thinking.


"You're so skinny, and then you're going to be skinny and white?"

Cloud poetry said pitifully: "thin point is more beautiful, thin point is more photogenic!"

"So what?"

Holding it makes me panic.

You still have to have some meat on your body, otherwise, you will be dissatisfied with his bosom.

Yunshishi said: "I feel a little fat recently, hum. You say, if I get fatter, will I become a pig? "

"Don't wait until then, you're a pig now," he said quietly

In a word, as if a thousand arrows pierce the heart, cloud poetry is very hurt.

The light in the bedroom suddenly went out, and muyazhe covered the quilt.

In the dark, she couldn't see anything.

Since she was a child, she lost a lot of nutrition, so she had a serious night blindness and was very afraid of the dark.

It is also from a very small time, a person stay at home, a person in the face of darkness, a person is afraid to hide in the quilt, also because this formed a bad sleeping habit.

She fumbled with her hands in the direction of muyazhe, "Hello, muyazhe You... "

The hand is suddenly held tightly by a warm big palm. With a strong pull, it is squeezed into the spacious chest by a pair of arms.

There was a faint voice over his head, "I'm here. Go to bed and have a good time! "

"Do I sleep restlessly?" Yunshi's poems are not well tempered.

"It's a bad sleep, just like a koala."

Cloud poetry, "..."

Muyazhe took her into his arms, locked her arms and said with a smile, "go to sleep!"

Yunshishi blushed, mumbled a little uneasily, then closed his eyes gently, and soon went to sleep.

Muyazhe gently stroked her hair, pursed her lips, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The next day, yunshishi got up early specially, and muyazhe was still sleeping. She specially made a quilt for him. She rarely took a holiday, so she let him sleep for a while.

He walked to the bathroom, straightened himself out, and set off for the theatre.

When she went out, she received several strange missed calls. She sipped her lips, but she didn't go back to the past. She hurried to the crew and ignored them.

After that day's elevator scare, Muxi exposed the hotel on the Internet, which immediately caused the accusation of Internet public opinion.

At the same time, it exposed that there are often people blocking color / love cards in the hotel, and the privacy is not guaranteed.

The hotel is a chain of fast hotels. The general manager of the hotel specially opened a micro blog and apologized, but still could not calm the anger of netizens.

Jokingly, Gu Xingze and yunshishi are trapped in the elevator, and the video is also exposed on the Internet.

It caused Gu Xingze and the fans of yunshishi to unite and suppress.


It's going to be tough enough.

The hotel manager would like to kneel and beg for mercy. It took a while for the wind to subside. Of course, that's all later.

Put it back into shooting, after adjustment, the state of cloud poetry has also recovered to its best.

On this day, she received a mysterious gift.

A Mercedes babysitter.

When Qin Zhou handed her the key to the baby sitter's car, she was surprised. "What is this?"


She looked at it carefully. The Mercedes Benz on the car key said that she had some doubts: "Mercedes Benz?"

"Mmhmm." Qin Zhou said, "nanny car."

"So generous?" Yunshishi chuckles, "boss Qin, how are you doing?"