One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 930

"It doesn't matter if you bully anyone, but you can't bully Mu Shao's head. Do you understand? I want to live for a few more years. I'm not easy to climb to today's position. Can you give me some way to live? " Du Jiayan listened, the expression on his face was mixed.

He gaped with his mouth open, still a little dubious, "Dad, that moyazhe Is it really that terrible? "

"Ha ha, I can't figure out how powerful the Mu family is. I only know that if someone steps on it, all my foundation will be destroyed! "

Du Jiayan is silent.


After taking a bath, muyazhe went to the bedroom with two small milk bags.

Push the door open and the bedroom is warm.

The electric fan was blowing. The air conditioner was not turned on. Two small milk bags and a blanket were sleeping.

Youyou's sleeping posture is still elegant, but xiaoyichen's sleeping posture is still as arrogant as usual, with one foot hanging on youyou's body and crying out to sleep.

When muyazhe passed by, he saw youyou frowning and frowning. Even if he fell asleep, he seemed to dislike him.

Most of the time, little Yi Chen was too restless to sleep. The two little guys struggled for a long time before they went to sleep.

He stretched out his finger and twisted it in the middle of the little milk bag's eyebrow, until he flattened the wrinkles in the middle of his eyebrow, then he held back his eyes and fell a kiss on his forehead.

This is what he always wanted to do.

In the past, if his company had any business, he would come back later, and Xiao Yichen would have gone to bed early, so he would come to his room and give him a good night kiss.

Almost every day except for business trip.

However, youyou's good night kiss seems to be seven years late.

It's not too late!

Muyazhe spoiled and rubbed his forehead, then went to xiaoyichen's side, kissed his forehead and left.

When the door closed, youyou opened the dim voice. It seemed that a tall figure came to his window, kissed his forehead, and then left.

Is it Daddy

When muyazhe walked into the bedroom, yunshishi was so strange that she didn't sleep. She leaned against the bed and held her heavy eyelids firmly. When she saw the room, she immediately pulled up the quilt and covered herself tightly.

He closed the door. "Still up?"

"Well." Yun Shishi nodded absently, "waiting for you."

Muyazhe was stunned, and then the corner of his lips drew up a light arc and his heart was warm.

On the other side, he calmly took off his pajamas and said in a deep voice, "if you are sleepy in the future, go to bed first, don't wait for me."

With his pajamas removed, his strong body was exposed to the air. His hardcover chest, clear texture, perfect curve of his abdomen, and his body was as lean as that of a top model!

Yunshishi doesn't care about what he said. He likes to appreciate his body as soon as he / door / heart / thought, and his eyes are a little crazy.

Muyazhe is a refined character. At the sight of her eyes, she knew that she was thinking carefully. She asked with her lips, "have you seen enough?"

Yunshishi returns to her mind with difficulty, licks the pink lips, and then nods, "that's enough!"

Muyazhe said again, "do you want to touch it again?"

It's just playing hooligans!

Yun Shishi shakes his head decisively and says: "what's great about a good figure?"

She solemnly pinched her fists and said angrily: "I also want to keep on exercising, lose weight and practice vest line."