One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 905

She looked at the face in the mirror and frowned slightly. For a while, her eyes were complicated.

Her physiological period has always been stable.

A deviation of up to two or three days.

But now

Is it?


Everyone stood at a loss and looked at each other. They didn't know what to do!

Meng Qinghe took a look at the direction of Mu Yazhe, but saw him sitting in his position gracefully and calmly, holding the goblet slowly, sipping the foreign wine slowly, and his eyes did not look at the conflict on the field at the moment, but silently closed their eyes.

As if for the current farce completely outside the matter, indifferent.

In his heart, he was surprised that this man, at this juncture, still had the leisure of tasting wine alone?

However, he did not feel it.

Even though he was a man, he also felt that there was a unique temperament in Mu Yazhe, just like the noble superior, who showed a look down at the world.

Different from the average man.

Meng Qinghe was secretly surprised.

He suddenly decided that this man would never be as simple as Yun Shishi said.

Company staff?!

Can a company staff have such a commanding presence in the world!?

Such temperament, should be long-standing fame and wealth field, play against how many bloody heroes, there is a special aura!

At the moment, the scene was a mess.

The table has been half overturned, and all the precious dishes have been sprinkled on the precious carpet at the foot, which can't be seen.

Seeing that Du Jiayan was already at a disadvantage, Huang Lili could no longer watch it helplessly. Then she rushed forward and hugged Gao Nan's waist tightly.

Her strength is not small. Gao Nan can't move for a moment.

Huang Lili bit his arm, but Gao Nan felt nauseous.

Du Jiayan found the right time. Taking advantage of this time, he waved a fist and beat Gao Nan's face.

Gao Nan was caught off guard. He took the sharp and windy punch and stepped back. Du Jiayan took the advantage of the situation and continued to fight. He directly threw Gao Nan to the ground.

Xiao Xue was frightened to see that Huang Lili had used such a mean means to rush up.

But Meng Qinghe stopped him.

"Meng Qinghe! What are you doing to stop me? " Xiao Xue's eyes were red with anger.

"Xiao Xue, why are you not calm down?! Don't make things too big! " Meng Qinghe was in a cold sweat.

How to have a good classmate's meeting? It's so noisy.

Besides, it's still in such a place.

You know, there are many antique vases in this box. If they are broken accidentally, it will be out of the ordinary!

Xiao Xue said angrily, "don't make things too big!"!? Did I make it? Do you want to protect her even now? We have a good classmate party, poetry never likes to make trouble, but this is Huang Lili, small bellied chicken, with a rich boyfriend, it's self righteous, think it's great?! Yes? Does a boyfriend who bullies poetry have the right to be powerful without your boyfriend?! Is it good to bully poetry? Four years of college, you are always aiming at poetry, but what does poetry say?! Four years! It took four years for poetry to bear you, isn't it enough?! First of all, you are the unmarried son of the rumor poetry, and the rumor poetry is fostered! Huang Lili, why is your heart so vicious? You are a snake and a scorpion, shameless! "