One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 904

She has never been absent from any of the previous student meetings.

And Huang Lili can get along well.

However, today's cloud poetry, Huang Lili is everywhere for, even turned over those old bad accounts.

Turn over the old account?

Xiao Xue is not afraid.

Huang Lili has so many old accounts that she doesn't mind turning pages!

Xiao Xue said, a male student some can't believe the tunnel: "Xiao Xue, you said these are true?"

"Really! What am I lying about? You are changed by the appearance of Huang Lili! "

Xiao Xuedun, suddenly contemptuous smile, coldly: "Huang Lili, there is a sentence particularly suitable for you! "White lotus loves gentleman, but green tea is a real bitch!"


Huang Lili was enraged completely and rushed to Xiao Xue.

Gao Nan quickly carried Xiao Xue to his back. Huang Lili pounced on him, and her fingernails scratched a deep blood mark on his arm.

"Go away!" Gao Nan looks contemptuous and pushes Huang Lili away.

Huang Lili's center of gravity is not stable, and she falls on the ground, all in a mess.

"Don't touch me. It's dirty." Gao Nan picks up the wet towel on the table and wipes the place Huang Lili touched just now.

His action was undoubtedly the biggest humiliation to Huang Lili, which infuriated Du Jiayan for a while.

"What do you mean?!"

"Her hands are dirty."

Gao Nan repeated coldly. His publicity made Du Jiayan more angry. He suddenly reached out and wanted to kick him.

Xiao Xue exclaimed, where to think of Du Jiayan said to start.

Gao Nan, however, swifts past Xiao Xue, pushes her to one side and starts fighting with Du Jiayan. The two men tangle up.

Huang Lili was stunned at one side.

Meng Qinghe hurriedly came up to fight, but it was not a wise choice to fight at this time. He took Du Jiayan's fist and got Gao Nan's foot, but still failed to pull them apart.

Xiao Xue is frightened by this scene for fear of Gao Nan's loss.

But is Gaonan a vegetarian?

He was also half a practitioner. When he was young, he learned judo and had some fists and feet. Compared with him, Du Jiayan couldn't get any good fruit to eat. He got several fists on his face, which was very ugly.

In a struggle, he fell into a low position.

"Stop fighting!"

"Don't fight. Don't fight Ah... "

The scene was immediately chaotic.


In the restroom, yunshishi holds the glass platform, only feeling a violent wriggle in his stomach and a rush of sour water.

She felt a fit of nausea and retching in her chest.

However, after working hard for a long time, he didn't spit out anything but sour water.

I took some water and hit it on my cheek. I don't know whether it's alcohol or something. I feel like vomiting, but I can't spit it out. It's very painful.

Huang Lili's ferocious and aggressive face came to mind coldly.

All of a sudden she regretted it!

This student union is undoubtedly a Hongmen banquet.

It's very tired to witness those ugly and hypocritical faces.

She took out a wet towel, gently wiped off the water stains on her face, and then rushed to a bout of retching, holding the glass platform to a bout of retching

The heart suddenly smothers.

She remembered that she didn't drink much today.


Cloud poetry covers his heart, and his thoughts are confused.

Considering the physiological period, it seems that it has been postponed for a long time, and there is no sign so far.

Should not

Yunshi's face was dazed, some of them were afraid to think about it.