One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 900

Xiao Xue's "poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo - poo

Huang Lili is disdainful, with a look of contempt: "what's the use of handsome? Where can we compare with Jiayan? Jiayan is the only successor of Du family. Her boyfriend is just a small clerk. What's so proud of? "

Her words, however, were not taken into consideration.

Du Jiayan frowned.

If there were no words of Yunshi poem just now, Huang Lili's words would be nothing.

However, yunshishi just said that Huang Lili might have valued his family when he was with him.

Huang Lili said this again, which inevitably made him feel complicated.

Murphy, she is really like the cloud poem said, nothing more than to take a fancy to his family background.

With a smile, Yun Shishi gently hooks up mu Yazhe's shoulder: "why is it useless to be handsome? Always think about the next generation. "

Think of Youyou, think of xiaoyichen, the heart of yunshishi is full of happiness.

Xiao Xue chuckles, and Yun Shishi's words are too poisonous.

The implication is to ridicule that Du Jiayan's genes are not as good as those of Mu Yazhe.

Muyazhe could not help pinching her cheek, eyes doting.

Du Jiayan's face couldn't hang.

Huang Lili was embarrassed, but she couldn't argue.

It's true that Du Jiayan's appearance is not ugly, but when he stands with mu Yazhe, he is almost compared to the bottom of the valley.

No comparison at all.

Huang Lili can only comfort herself. What's the use of being handsome? Just have money.

Yunshishi holds his forehead and suddenly feels that some of them are very important: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Then he got up and left the box.

As soon as the man left, Huang Lili threw her chopsticks on the table with an unhappy face. Obviously, she was unhappy, holding her arms and sulking.

"Lili, don't be angry. Don't worry about that kind of person! She's blushing at you! "

"Yes! She must be jealous of you. She has such a good boyfriend! Don't be angry, Lili... "

On one side, Du Jiayan could hardly see the extreme on his face, but he did not comfort her in a hurry as usual.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for his comfort.

Huang Lili stared at him strangely, saw his silence, frowned, and said, "Jiayan!"

"Huh?" Du Jiayan did not lift his head, as if he was angry.

"Why don't you talk? You don't really believe her to sow discord, do you? "

Huang Lili snorted coldly: "cloud poetry still has the face to say, what! That's a good word. I'm not like that! "

"Lili, don't make any noise."

Meng Qinghe hurriedly came to fight with him. As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Xue asked angrily, "what's the poem like?"

"Not all of you know her!"

Huang Lili also came angry: "I was provoked by the voice of Jiayan and me, saying that I coveted his wealth! But what about her? be opinionated! The whole school knows her story! "

"Lili!" Meng Qinghe can't see any more. He reminds her not to make the scene too ugly.

But Huang Lili is really proud of her love. Since she climbed up to Du Jiayan, who has ever shown her such a face? It's just merciless. The showdown is over!


Huang Lili stared at Yazhe.

The latter raised his eyes indifferently and picked up his eyebrows.
