One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 899

All along, Huang Lili has always regarded cloud poetry as a powerful enemy.

This has been the case since college.

On the surface, Huang Lili looks polite to Yun's poetry, and she doesn't know how to run it behind her back.

In school, Huang Lili didn't pass on all the gossip about Yunshi.

Everyone in the class knew it, but they were too lazy to point it out.

Cloud poetry sees people's eyes and lips. "Don't compare me with you, Huang Lili."

"What do you mean?"

"You like luxury because it brings you face. How low do you have to be? Do you need to save money and buy luxury goods to support your appearance? "

In a word, but she asked.

After drinking wine, yunshishi Xu's head suddenly became hot and blurted out: "a person's value is not reflected by how expensive a necklace is on his body and how expensive clothes he is wearing. Today is the student union, not your personal love show. Everyone knows you love your boyfriend, well, yeah. For you, having a golden boyfriend can not only fill the scene, but also satisfy all your vanity. But if he is no longer so beautiful and falls to the bottom of the valley, will you accompany him? "

Huang Lili's face is green and red, so she can't argue with herself.

Her vanity is known to all.

Tonight, Huang Lili shows off, and everyone feels tired.

Huang Lili's heart is empty. She takes a subconscious look at Du Jiayan around her, but sees his meaningful eyes, and immediately says, "no matter whether Jiayan is rich or poor, I will accompany him for life!"

"That's a very high sounding remark. After all, wealth is not an endless waste! I think women should have their own career, at least respect their dignity, right? "

Xiao Xue almost can't help it. She's so amazing!

Poetry, great!

That's what she said.

Yunshishi said with a smile, "do you like his people or covet his wealth? You know it in your heart and he knows it in his heart. Just, about the past of your love, or stop it? Today is the student union. Don't show off your vulgar view of love. "

What he said made Du Jiayan's heart mixed with five tastes.

He doesn't know what Huang Lili is after all!

However, when the words were put on the table, it was revealed that Huang Lili had another feeling in his heart!

Think about today, Huang Lili defeated him by millions just to support the so-called scene.

If you really love him, will you be so extravagant?

Is face less important than him?

Du Jiayan's face suddenly became cold.

"Hum! Cloud poetry, frankly, you are jealous of me! " Huang Lili doesn't want to go back.

"That's right, Yun Shishi. Are you jealous of Huang Lili, that's right?" Another female student sneered.

"Someone's got a red eye attack!"

"Huang Lili is going to marry into a rich family soon. Someone's envious heart is going to be pierced!"

There was a moment of tension on the court.

Huang Lili stared at her hatefully, gnashing her teeth.

"Jealousy? I envy you what? What do you have to make me jealous? " Yun's poems ask questions with interest.

Jealous of her beauty?

Or jealous of her so-called rich second generation boyfriend?

She just thinks that Huang Lili's poor

is a vase. She has nothing but a beautiful face. She can only rely on her rich second generation boyfriend to prove her only value!