One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 881

Muxi soon arrived.

The car took them back to Xiangmin for a walk.

When Xiao Xue saw Xiangmin's garden house, her face was full of exclamation: "Wow!"!! It's a garden house! God, there are only two sets of garden houses for Xiangmin's stroll! Poetry, is this your new home? "

"Well, yes."

Xiao Xue can't believe it.

"I heard that this garden house is not for sale."


Xiao Xue said: "when my brother got married, he took a fancy to the garden house here and planned to buy it as a wedding house. The price is not expensive, but it is said that this is the project reserved by the real estate business, not for public sale! The whole Xiangmin strolling real estate, just this garden house, almost occupies all the gold resources. Poetry, how much did you buy the house? "

"Well Maybe tens of millions? " Cloud poetry is a bit confused.

To be honest, the house was given to her by muyazhe, and her name was registered on the property certificate.

The whole Xiangmin stroll is an industry under the name of Mu family. It's not a matter of words that mu Yazhe gives her this house.

"My brother didn't make it to 100 million yuan." Xiao Xue's face is more regretful than envious.

Yun's poems can't help but be a little lost.

So, she took Xiao Xue and visited the villa. Xiao Xue especially loved the back garden. Girls like romance. The back garden is full of rose flowers.

"Poetry, do you still like the rose so much?"

"Well! Because, before my mother was alive, she liked rose flowers the most. " Poetry answers.

"I like roses. If I have a back garden like this, it must be full of roses. It must be very beautiful." Xiao Xue turns a circle in the flowers, with a bright smile on her face.

Youyou comes home after buying vegetables. He hears the noise coming from the garden. When he looks in, he sees yunshishi and Xiaoxue sitting on the swing, swinging gently.

"Mommy! Auntie snow! " Youyou shouts cleverly.

As soon as Xiao Xue saw him, she was hit by his cute face and rushed to rub him into her arms.

"You you, Auntie miss you so much! Do you want to miss aunt? "

I don't want to.

Forget who you are.

In spite of this thought in his heart, youyou still has a bright smile on his face: "think."

"Ouch! So cute, so cute! My heart will be melted by you! " Xiao Xue hugs him and doesn't let go. "I'll have a lovely little girl like you you with Gao Nansheng in the future!"

Cloud poetry loses its smile.

Youyou came out of her arms without trace, smiled elegantly and said: "Auntie, you play slowly. I'm going to make dinner."

"You can cook?" Xiao Xue was stunned and couldn't believe it.

However, at the dinner, when she sat at the table and looked at the table of delicious food, she almost stared out her eyes

You you are lovely and lovely. You even arranged the housework!

When I think of her cousin, he is the same age as you you, but he can't do anything but eat, drink and play.

No comparison.

People are more popular than people.

Xiao Xue is envious and jealous.

To boast that poetry is blessed.

Yunshishi is tickled by her envious and jealous expression. "Ann! You will have one in the future. "

"Poetry, or else, you let youyou recognize me as a godmother!" Xiao Xue is biting her handkerchief, tears are streaming.

"No way." Youyou first refused, raised his head and said earnestly, "I have only one Mommy."