One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 880

Cloud poetry suddenly said: "just the two of us, OK? Some private words, want to talk with you! "

Finish saying, she said to Gao Nan again: "Gao Nan, you won't mind!"

"How can I?" Gao Nan smiles, but the skin laughs and the flesh doesn't.

Gao Nan took a deep look at her, then she bowed her head and kissed Xiao Xue on the cheek, saying, "home, give me a call!"

With that, he left.

Yunshishi also made a phone call to Muxi. Muxi just had free time and replied that he would arrive in 15 minutes.

At the moment, there are only two left.

Cloud poetry suddenly said: "Xiaoxue, how long have you talked with Gao Nan?"

"More than half a month!" Xiao Xue said, suddenly unconsciously sketching a smile, "time flies! I feel like a dream. Poetry, do you know? When I expressed my love to Gao Nan, I never thought that he would agree to be with me. However, the fact is, we have been dating for more than half a month, which is incredible! "

"You like him so much?"

"Of course! You know, I'm picky about my boyfriend! Gao Nan is in line with all my fantasies about my boyfriend. "

Xiao Xue talks about how she fell in love with Gao Nan at first sight when she joined the company. On the first hand, she adores him.

"Tall, handsome, talented, and capable. I never believed in love at first sight before, but it turns out that there is such a thing as love at first sight in the world! "

"Then..." "Do you know him?" Yun asked tentatively

Xiao Xue was stunned, and her face suddenly lost.

"If I knew him, I would not be so insecure."


"You know what? Gao Nan is so excellent. Many girls in the company like him. What a nuisance! Every day I go to work, I always have to face so many enemies. That's why I have been in the company for so long. "

Xiao Xue was lonely and said: "sometimes, I love his excellence, but more often, I hope he doesn't be so excellent! You know what? Last time I accidentally saw his text message, a girl even told him when she knew he had a girlfriend! "


"Poetry, I'm really not safe, so afraid to lose him."

"You don't have a stable relationship?" Yunshishi was a little confused. "I'm going to see my parents. Will it be too soon?"

"Because I really like him!" Xiao Xue said wrongly, "poetry, ask you something."


"Do you think that when two people love each other, they should give everything to each other without reservation? Well I mean that. "

Xiao Xue said very vaguely that her face was very red. "He said more than once that he wanted me..."

Cloud poetry was stunned, and soon understood the meaning of her words.

"Xiaoxue, I remember you said before that you are more opposed to premarital sex."

When he was in college, Xiao Xuexin swore that he would leave the first night for the wedding night.

"Well! But Gao Nan said It's not that old, it's not that heavy. " Xiao Xue's face was troubled.

"In fact, the times are different now. There is no need to uphold those old ideas. But the premise is that this man is worth it! Moreover, if he really loves you, he will not force you to do anything, and he will not question you because of such things, understand? "