One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 866

You you're already there, gaping!

This stupid brother, he thought he was nothing but a lovely face.

I didn't expect that he was more powerful than he thought, just like a cold and Cold Warrior.

For a time, he seemed to see some arrogant and strong shadow of the moyazhe.

…… Some handsome!

Even if I don't want to admit it, I have to say that at this moment, xiaoyichen in front of him is elegant and handsome!


Xiaoyichen looks back at him.

You you immediately walked over: "elder brother......"

"This guy, where did I touch you just now?"

"Well He just slapped me in the face

"What else?"

Small Yi Chen asks again.

"Kicked me in the shoulder."

"Come here and return what he just gave you!"

Little Yi Chen said.

Youyou is stunned and shakes his head.

"What? Dare not? " Little Yi Chen's eyes are confused.

But the man at his feet did not dare to open his mouth casually, as if he were a dead fish to be slaughtered by others. He had no choice but to catch it without hesitation!

Even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he had to say that the child was a cruel character!

"Don't be afraid."

"Not afraid."

Youyou looks at the man who is subdued on the ground by xiaoyichen and can't move. He says coldly, "I just feel sick and don't want to dirty my hands."

He has a serious habit of cleanliness.

This man is so disgusting that he doesn't want to touch him.

Xiaoyichen chuckled, then turned around and looked at the man at his feet. "It's disgusting! But daddy told me that force is not used to bully the weak, but to protect the beloved. "

Force is used to protect the beloved!

It's also used to protect the family!

He thought so, and immediately stepped on the man's hand, heel heavily a crush, only to hear a strange sound, the man's wrist was born by him to step on the bone fracture.

The bald man groaned with pain. His eyes were as red as if they had been pricked!

Xiaoyichen stepped on his other hand again, and then crushed it heavily. He only listened to "GADA", and this hand was also abandoned by him.

"Ah --"

a man can't help it any more. He makes a pain like killing a pig. His forehead is blue and his tendons are bursting. But he can't help it. He immediately changes his mouth to beg for mercy: "please, don't......"

For his plea for mercy, Xiaoyi Chen chose to ignore it to the end. He grabbed his lapel and Leng Shengsheng pulled him up from the ground and kicked him for several meters like a ball.

"Bang," a man like a broken kite, decline in the corner, the whole head are knocked blood crossflow.

"Vulnerable!" Xiaoyi Chen snorted coldly, then turned around, with a gentle smile on his face, and gently took youyou's hand. "Let's go, let's go back."


Just as the two little milk bags were leaving, there came a cold and vicious curse from the man behind: "two little bunnies, do you know who I am? Move me! Don't let me meet you next time, or I will kill you! "


You you suddenly stopped and looked back slowly with a cold voice: "whose are you? May I know? "

"Hum! I'm a silver wolf! Dare to give up my hand, we'll see! The capital is so big. Don't let me meet you in the future! " The man is still swearing.