One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 4732


There was a huge crowd.

Many fans hold flowers in their hands and look forward to their idols.

They all looked at the screen and waited for the plane of the flight to land their idol in front of them.

Mu Yueyao stands at the nearest place, leaning against the railing, holding flowers in her hands, and gets nervous.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the crowd, "here comes the scenery!"

The next second, a group of amazing bodyguards appeared at the airport.

The man in the uniform black suit opened his way in front of him. Though surrounded by so many bodyguards, a tall figure still stood out.

Then, immediately, the media waiting for the scene went crazy and rushed on. The flash of the magnesium light made Jingyang's Black Sunglasses useful in an instant. He was wearing a slim coat and a mask. The map from the United States to Hong Kong was very long. He looked tired and walked forward with his head down.

When muyueyao saw Jingyang, she immediately greeted him with flowers.

"Brother Jingyang!"

Voice did not fall, surrounded by the core of the man cold not Ding turned around, but, in the eye contact with her, immediately, and indifferently turned back.

Mu Yueyao was shocked.

He had seen her, but turned a blind eye to her.

In her stupefied Kung Fu, the crowd rushed to the ground in an instant.

In order to get closer to the idol, the fans tried their best to push forward.

When mu Yueyao was pushed to the ground and stood up in a daze, the crowd was far away.

The flowers in her arms, between pushing and shoving, fell to the ground, and countless feet trampled on them. The petals were scattered, crushed and soon turned into mud.

Mu Yueyao looked at the bunch of flowers, tears fell down suddenly, and her heart seemed to be the countless petals, heartbroken to the extreme.

He saw her, but still did not stop, but under the protection of bodyguards, he left the airport quickly.

In an instant, I was full of trouble in the airport reception hall, only her lonely one was left. When the cleaning aunt saw her, she immediately came over and asked with concern, "are you ok?"

Mu Yueyao raised the corner of her mouth and smiled. She wanted to laugh, but her tears were surging.

How could it be like this

Once upon a time, he was her strongest support

Now, it has become a stranger.

He walked by her side, cold eyes, and never looked back.

Mu Yueyao silently picked up the flowers on the ground, held them silently in her arms and held them tightly.

She squatted on the ground and was stared at by the staff. She couldn't help feeling embarrassed and immediately buried her head in her arms.

"Ah, this girl is so beautiful. How can she cry so sad?"

"Like a fan of Jingyang?"

"These children, good books do not read, run to chase stars, do not know they are so good to idols, how to their parents?"

"Do you still need to ask? It must be the white eyed wolf! "

"Flowers have been trampled, idols have not looked!"

A group of people seemed to be regretting and mocking, shaking their heads and leaving in twos and threes.

Mu Yueyao didn't seem to hear what they said. She walked towards the door with her flowers in her arms.

At the door, the fans still go away every day, chatting about tomorrow's itinerary.

It seems. Jingyang has left by car.