One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 247

"On purpose? What's the intention? " He asked knowingly, with a vicious radian in his mouth. Although he was innocent, he had a smile in his eyes. He thought that she was pretty cute when she was frightened.

Some women not only have beautiful facial features, but also a pair of eyes, which are attractive. Even if she is staring at you angrily and gouging you out with her eyes, there will still be an illusion. She is coquetry to you, seducing you, enchanting you to the extreme.

His pupils were slightly agglomerated, as if bewitched by her charming appearance, and he could not help but reach out his fingertips to touch her face.

Cloud poetry coldly avoided, clapped open his hand, angrily said: "you still pretend to be innocent! What are you doing so fast? Do you know it's dangerous? "

Muyazhe frowned, pretending to be aggrieved, and asked, "it's clear that you've been urging me. I think you're in such a hurry that you can drive so fast."

The man looked at her innocently, and the tone was natural, as if he was quietly accusing her of irrationality.

If others see him, especially his close subordinates, they will be shocked by his expression at the moment!

The president, who has always looked cool and indifferent, now frowns slightly, his thin lips are slightly pursed, his face is full of innocence, and his eyes are hiding the unshaped smile. He will be stunned!

In their eyes, mu Yazhe is arrogant and indifferent. He never smiles. His cold face never seems to have any expression or emotion.

His face is naturally beautiful, but usually it is always a cold expression, people can not help but feel close.

Except for the little childe, he would not show a smile to anyone. Now, to a woman Smile.

However, Yun's poetry naturally won't have any consciousness, and he doesn't think that he has any special care for her. He just thinks that this man is very bad, and he makes fun of such dangerous things!

"Are you driving too fast?"

From the villa villa in the suburb, he walked all the way through the endless mountain road, through the noisy urban area, from the manor to her home, more than 50 kilometers away, he only took 20 minutes?!

You know The traffic in the capital city is extremely congested. It only takes 15 minutes to drive in the downtown area, which is more than 30 kilometers of mountain road. It only takes him more than five minutes!?

What is the concept?

The top speed of the fastest train on the high-speed railway is only 493 kilometers per hour. Later, due to an accident, it had to be reduced to 300 kilometers per hour.

At the speed of 400 kilometers per hour, her ears almost lost their chirp, and she kept humming until now.

Yunshishi didn't want to talk to him. As soon as she pushed the door and got out of the car, she almost stumbled.

She was a little annoyed secretly. She hated that she didn't fight, but her legs were soft because of his driving skills.

But I can't blame her! Several times she had to think that the car was going to break through the fence and fly down the cliff. She sat in the copilot's seat. The thrilling scene was more intuitive. At that moment, it seemed that she would stop even jumping!

The afterlife is really the afterlife.

Is this man's driving skill so horrible?

Raise your wrist and take a look at your watch. It's very late now. Should you sleep?

Yunshishi bit her lips with some chagrin. Since youyou was born, she has always been punctual.