One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 246

Aston Martin galloped all the way, and the green shadows of the trees kept passing through the window.

Villa manor is located in the elegant landscape garden, with towering green mountains, trickling streams and small canals, as if a large green sea at a glance.

The evening wind blows, setting off green waves, and the moonlight sprinkles, the beautiful scenery is fascinating.

However, at the moment, Yun Shishi is sitting in the passenger seat, looking ahead nervously on her face. On the one hand, she glances at the tachometer carefully with the remaining light, and the pointer points to the 4500 number. She looks at the speed of 180 yards per hour again, and her heart suddenly hangs in her throat!

Come on, come on!

The high-performance sports car is like a runaway wild horse, roaring on the mountain road, as if to tear the silent night!

Although she didn't know the sports car, nor what the 4500 RPM meant, at first, she didn't feel much, but such a speed, when turning, can intuitively feel how terrible. At the moment, she only felt as if the car would float up in the next second if it was a little faster!

When leaving the villa manor, you need to take a long mountain road. There is only one railing around the mountain road. Under the fence, there is a cliff. Once hit the fence, the consequences are unimaginable!

Although these fences look solid, but in fact, under the impact of the sports car, they must be weak, equivalent to no, they are nothing!

If the car is out of control, don't say it's a fence, for fear that the fence will collapse!

She can even imagine with pictures and texts that once the car goes out of control and breaks through the fence and rushes to the cliff, as shown in American movies, with an explosion, the car is really destroyed!

"Mu Muyazhe, it's too fast! " Yun Shishi covered his heart and said to the man nervously.

She looked at him, but saw that at the moment, the man was holding his head in one hand, looking forward indifferently, and seemed careless.

The view flashed out of the window.

In the moonlight, his handsome face didn't have any expression ups and downs. He only controlled the steering wheel with one hand and looked calm, as if he could handle all this.


Just after her voice fell, Yu Guang, a man, glanced at her gently, smiled playfully, suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the engine gave a roar of ambition, and sped up!

What she didn't know was that for him, let alone 180 yards, 200 yards were completely under his control.

There is a continuous bend in front of us. On the left side is the craggy mountain wall, but on the right side is the bottomless cliff. On the mountain road, the streamlined sports car is a beautiful and elegant one, which smoothly turns. In the moonlight, the bright silver body outlines a dazzling silver line.

"Ah -" yunshishi cried out in a frightened voice. His face suddenly exuded dense cold sweat, which made him lose a trace of blood color!

This man, should not be intentional?!

When the car slowly drove into yunshishi's residence, her face was already pale and colorless.

The car was parked downstairs, stalled, and muyazhe untied his seat belt. He leaned his lips and bullied her. His voice was full of teasing. "What? Scared? "

Said, stretched out the long finger, gently, but some bad to play her cold cheek.

Yunshishi returns to God, glances at him, stares at him fiercely, and doubts: "muyazhe, do you mean it?"

She didn't stare at him angrily, her face was so small that she was very angry. In a pair of black and white eyes, she was full of fear for the rest of her life. At the same time, she was dissatisfied and angry with his racing behavior.