One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 226

"Woman, what's your identity? Don't you know? Do I have to remind you of your present identity before you can understand what you should and should not do? "

"My identity? What identity am I? You tell me, what identity am I?! "

Yunshishi is very angry and aggressive. Under the extreme shame, she seems to understand the meaning of a man's words at once. Her hands grab his lapel, and her voice trembles. "You mean, I am your lover, your woman, your belongings. Is that the identity you said?"

Muyazhe looked down at her coldly but quietly.

As if, as if acquiesced to her questioning?

Cloud poetry suddenly smiled coolly.

"How can you go so far?! What do you think I am? What do you think I am? Do you have any toys? Is it your product? Come at call, go at wave?!

"Isn't it?" The man asked coldly, obviously also was driven out of control by her words, his face was livid.

"Your mouth is really fierce. Must it be so hard? You are my woman now. Since you are my woman, please be a little self-conscious. Don't attract bees and butterflies again. I don't like my things being touched by other people! I don't like it. "

"Your stuff?"

"Isn't it? All of you, including your people, are mine! "

The Manifesto of man's domineering is like an iron law, no doubt.

Cloud poetry sneers, but it seems to hear the funniest joke in the world. She chuckles and looks at him unbelievably, with a gleam of tears in her red eyes.

"Am I your thing? What do you think I am when you say I am your woman? Do you have any toys? Is it your product!? Well, in that case, I'll give it back to you! "

Then she quickly unbuttoned her coat, took off her coat and threw it on him, saying in a hoarse voice, "give it back to you, and give it back to you! Give back what I owe you! Take it, take it all! "

Mu Yazhe's face is thin and angry. He holds her shoulder and stops her movement. Why is this woman so stubborn? Is that what he said? Do you mean this?

"You must belittle yourself so?"

"Do I belittle myself? You are the one who belittles me! "

After a pause, she sneered coolly again.

"What attracts bees and butterflies? You come to provoke me! Did I provoke you? Do you want me to be your woman? Have I put it shamelessly on you? No You have been provoking me! Why do you force me so hard, muyazhe? What's wrong with me?! I just signed an unequal treaty with you six years ago! I admit that I signed this agreement voluntarily. You didn't force me! Based on this contract, you have given me a great reward! But That's my right to be a mother in exchange for a reward. If it wasn't for my father's distress, do you think I would be willing to do such a thing? Ten million, one hundred million? Can I have my child back? Can I have my mother's rights back!? I'll give you a hundred million yuan, and you'll give me your children, will you?! Would you like to?! "

A confession, as if a sharp blade, she tried to hide a sad knife cut open, blood dripping.