One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 225

At the moment, however, she is immersed in her own contradictory world, unaware of the danger behind her.

-- until her mobile phone was taken away by a big palm, she was shocked, and she turned around, but suddenly saw a cold man standing behind her, staring down at her with an extremely cold look.

Cold lips, sharp eyes, all revealed that at the moment, this man is dissatisfied with her!

"Poetry, you have..."

In the mobile phone, Gu Xingze is worried.

However, before his words can be delivered completely, with her mobile phone, it is a beautiful parabola and flies out of the window!


Her eyes widened in amazement, and she watched her cell phone fall apart, gradually chill in her heart.

The sound of her cell phone falling to pieces came from her, and she also followed with a slight tremble, biting her lips, and her shoulders were undulating.

The man pulls back her shoulder, the tone is cold and clear, a pair of deep eyes hide too much sullen. "I thought you were a sensible woman."

Yunshishi's chest is constantly fluctuating. Obviously, it's not only the man, but also her anger.

When did the man come in? Is he a ghost? How to walk quietly, suddenly appeared behind her!

This mobile phone is the best one among all brands at that time when moyazhe broke her mobile phone and gave her a new one.

She didn't really care, but she spent some time on this mobile phone. There were many precious photos in it. Before she could upload the computer, she was broken by this man.

This mobile phone is very delicate, but it was torn apart by this man. It can be seen how big his strength is, which proves how angry he is at the moment.

However, yunshishi was also angry and angrily pushed him away.

"Too much! I don't know, I don't know! What a madness! "

She was so angry that she burst out with the anger she had accumulated last night.

She always has a gentle disposition, knows how to advance and retreat, and also knows how to leave a room for others.

She seldom gets angry, or even has a good temper, and seldom quarrels with others! Because youyou said that he liked the way she smiled, she always tried to control her temper.


But this man, again and again and again deceive people too much!

Once the anger broke out, yunshishi bypassed him and went to the door.

He grabbed her by the arm. "Where to?!"

"Go home! Back to my house! "

"Home? Not necessarily! " The man sneered, "are you going to find him? Gu Xingze, the man who can protect you? "

"What if I look for him? It's none of your business! Anyway, I just don't want to stay with you crazy Cloud poetry clenched his teeth, a pair of red eyes stared at him, and vigorously shook off his hand.

She was caught off guard, but was pulled back by the man, and her back suddenly hit the windowsill. The sudden pain made her uneasy, and she cried out in pain.

"Are you crazy, muyazhe? Quietly appeared behind me, and for no reason angry attack, you are a madman

"Lunatic?" Mu Yazhe mockingly raised the corner of his lips, but also was stabbed by her words. The color of the ground changed, and the eyes were cold for a moment. "Woman, what is your identity? Don't you know?"