One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 221

The man sensed her subtle movements and woke up.

His sleep has always been very shallow. When he was young, he once entered a special military camp under the arrangement of Mu Sheng and took special training. He had an amazing sense of crisis. Even in his sleep, he was awake for a moment.


Muyazhe lowered his head and came close to her. His warm lips brushed her cheek, and all of a sudden her face was red.

His voice, with the husky and lazy voice lines that had just woke up from sleep, was so magnetic.

The man's question, but startled her, the heartbeat like thunder.

She did not respond, immediately closed her eyes tightly, the whole person was as stiff as petrified, dare not move.

The first time she slept with a man, she was so nervous that she couldn't control the flow of her breath. At one time, she was short of breath, at another time, she held her breath. Her nerves were tense to the extreme.

Do you know that I haven't had a serious love since I was so old, and I haven't even held a man's hand. For the first time in my life, I was in the same bed with a man. I was so nervous that I didn't know where to put my hand?

Muyazhe smiled a little.

This woman pretends to sleep in front of him?

However, her acting skills are not as good as her precious son's natural acting skills. She saw through at a glance. She was pretending to sleep.

"I know you're awake."

Hearing the words, Yun's poems and poems are still dead with their eyes closed.

She suddenly turned around, pretending to be a dreamer, murmured a few inarticulate "dreamwords", but moved to the bedside little by little, just want to stay away from this bad man.

The man then slightly gets up, one hand is supporting the head lazily, some are smirking to look at her.

As if everything she has done now is a meaningless struggle.

Seeing that she had moved to the bedside, he would roll out of the bed if he moved a little bit. He could not look down any more and said: "now he knows how to run?"

Mu Yazhe chuckles. If this woman is really stupid, she has been wiped out by him. Now she wants to run away. Is there time?!

As soon as the man reached out his hand, his long arm fished her out. Yunshishi felt that there was a whirl in front of her. She was breathing tightly and almost cried out.

Once again secretly opened his eyes a gap, but saw a man in front of her infinite magnified handsome face.

Muyazhe turned over, supported by her arms, controlled her under the body and enjoyed her extremely shy expression.

Yunshishi is very upset. God, why does she wake up? Why doesn't she sleep all the time? Can she sleep to death!?

Wake up, the scene is so embarrassing, she does not know how to deal with it at all?

"Wake up and pretend to sleep?"

Cloud poetry tightly pursed her lips. She was too shy to make a sound. She just closed her eyes tightly and wanted to muddle through.

But the man didn't seem to give her the chance.

The corner of Mu Yazhe's lips makes a smile of evil quality, holding her cheek with one hand. "Open your eyes and look at me, eh?"

His strength is not heavy, cloud poetry clenched his teeth, but still unwilling to open his eyes.

Opening her eyes will only make her more ashamed.

On the soft kingsize big bed, now, it's the world where he's turned over.

She didn't want to open her eyes, but he had a way to wake her up.

Press her, and take her in this position.