One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 220

Lezhi immediately took advantage of the hot iron, issued a notice letter, threw out an internationally authoritative product test report, and mercilessly criticized the bad behavior of mitel toy company.

As a result, Lezhi company held a grand product Conference on the basis of mitel company, and fought a beautiful turnaround.

In that quarter, Lezhi company accounted for 60% of the global toy market.

After that, the board of directors was in awe of the mysterious shareholder.

Yuntianyou once said that he would not easily do it, but once he did, he would not give his opponent any room to turn over.

When he said this, the clouds were light and the wind was light. Now he thought about it carefully, but it was chilling.

A six-year-old child has such a business skill and a city. What's more, he has such an amazing courage. No matter who he is, he will be shocked!

Yuntianyou will not tell him exactly what time he is waiting for. He has his own plan.

*…… *

warm in the room.

The precious cloud poetry sleeps very steadfastly.

In the past, her sleep has been not good, many times, nightmares haunt her, but this night, the sleep is especially quiet.

When it was light, the ever precise biological clock made her wake up.

But the curtains were tightly drawn and covered, and they were opaque.

A room of thick darkness, but almost to put her out of breath.

The head of the hangover began to ache, and the sour water in the stomach was constantly turning, which was extremely uncomfortable.

She was sleepy and reached out to touch the temple, which was dull and painful. However, she took a step to build a broad palm on her acupoint. The slender fingertip held the right strength and kneaded it for her.

With a moderate kneading, the swelling of her head was better.

But when she responds, where does this hand come from

With a buzzing sound, a white light exploded in the head of yunshishi, dazzled to blindness!

She secretly opened a gap in her eyes, afraid to open it up and peep at the scene.

Only meet opposite, a man lies beside, long arm, hold her domineering in front of the chest, two people are not inch, only a quilt is covered.

Her remaining light went down again, but she saw the hot picture. Her cheeks were very hot all of a sudden, and even her ears were bleeding.

The man's body is strong and strong. She has seen him in a suit. He is tall and tall, but she doesn't know that the body under the suit is so fit.

This picture, no doubt is stabbed her brain derangement.

Chaos Breathing is also disordered!

Vaguely recalling last night's scene, the blushing and heart beating picture flashed in front of her eyes, and yunshishi could not help tightening her throat and suffocating her breath.

Although she is not good at drinking, she can vaguely remember the memory when she is drunk.

Memory of the picture, sports cars, woods, men will hold her in their arms, will hold her on the body, gentle lingering, as if to integrate into each other's blood.

The more you think about it, the more frightened you are.

So involuntarily, the eyes turned red.

God, she did something stupid.

I blame myself secretly. Obviously I can't drink, but I still have to work hard to have a drink. This one will happen!

How could she be so eaten up?

She felt a little remorse and chagrin, and her whole body trembled with anger, and her breath grew heavier.