One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 166

Gu Xingze squatted gracefully beside him, his thin and cool vision fell on the bloody face, reached out and lifted a thread of hair stained with blood and wet, and his voice was still empty: "does it hurt?"

He Lingxiang heard what he said and shook his head.

"Well? Does it hurt? " Gu Xingze's eyes are smiling. "Is it because I'm light?"

The man lying on the ground took a breath of cool air, but he didn't nod or shake his head!

The people around saw this scene, but they couldn't help but hit one after another.

However, Gu Xingze himself didn't realize how terrible he was. He was no longer elegant and introverted. A sharp air front spread from his whole body to every corner. In a moment, the whole warehouse was as silent as snow. Everyone was silent as a cicada. No syllable could be uttered!

Gu Xingze stood up and said coldly, "I ask, you answer, understand, eh?"

He Lingxiang just nods!

"Where is Yun's poetry?"

The man on the ground opened his mouth and made a hoarse and broken voice: " I don't know... "

"I want to be honest..."

"Xingze It's not that I said, that cloud poem is the woman that always admires. You can't rob him... "

The voice is getting lower and lower. He Lingxiang is afraid that he will turn his face.

"Oh." Gu Xingze smiled, his face recovered a gentle smile, "go on, where is the man?"

There was another shiver around.

Only then did they realize that some people are also deadly when they laugh!

“…… People should be in It's in Mr. Mu's place. "


On one side, Yang Shoucheng is furious.

Yang Shoucheng is the leader of Hong Kong entertainment, and also the president of European Emperor Entertainment. Ten years ago, he was the top figure of Hong Kong films and made many movie giants famous. So far, Hong Kong films still occupy a place in Asia. Among them, Yang Shoucheng has made great contributions.

The movie industry of emperor of Europe has always been an important position in the domestic film circle.

He glared angrily, and his displeasure at the stargazer was on his face.

In this circle, artists are nothing but commodities, tools for making money, and have no voice.

No matter who he is, he should not be so presumptuous in front of Yang Shoucheng.

Once upon a time, a new movie emperor who was praised by Yang Shoucheng became popular, played a big card in front of him, and was chopped a finger on the spot, and the star path was lost from then on.

Behind Yang Shoucheng, there are also ties with several major Hong Kong Mafia organizations.

This is also the reason why the entertainment of the European emperor has been standing for many years.

Gu Xingze looks up at him, but his face is expressionless. "It's not your turn here."

"Oh? Can't I talk? Then look at this! " Yang Shoucheng was so angry that he felt a dark thing from his waist and slapped it on the table. People looked at it and were shocked.

It's a pistol?!

When he Ling met the real guy, he was not afraid. He took a provocative look at Gu Xingze to see how he planned to finish.

"Oh? Boss Yang is bluffing me. " Gu Xingze scoffed at him and calmly kicked he Lingxiang aside.

"Hum! Ignorant young people. " Yang Shoucheng grabbed the pistol, walked up quickly and aimed at him. "You don't see the coffin, you don't cry!"

"Ouch..." He Lingxiang cried miserably, "Gu Xingze, don't you know the height of heaven and earth, do you know where boss Yang is sacred? He is... "

"Oh, I'll see the way to know boss Yang." Gu Xingze looks at him smilingly, with the no fear on his face.

Bang -

a shot rang through the room.