One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 165

Gu Xingze coldly clenched his lips, grabbed his hair, dragged him for several meters, and then pulled him up.

His scalp was pulled violently, which made him cry.

He used to laugh at Gu Xingze's small white face in private. He has a beautiful face, but unexpectedly, his strength is so strong!

Between his staggering steps, Gu Xingze ignored his frightened voice and bumped his head against the wall!

He Lingxiang didn't understand what was going on. He felt that the phantom in front of him was shaking, and his forehead was pulled by him. Then his scalp was pulled violently, which made her and his tears flow.

"Ah Help, help... " Then he was pressed on the wall with a heavy head. He snorted, and his head burst.

Gu Xingze ignored his frightened voice, grabbed his hair and hit his whole head against the wall again! He Lingxiang didn't understand what was going on, so he was heavily pressed on the wall and snorted!

Gu Xingze's strength is not vague at all, so when he collided, he Lingxiang's forehead looked very good. He broke the bloody mouth, and the blood spread half of his cheek!

He soon stood precarious, and felt that a thick blood had wet half of his face. The sharp pain from his forehead proved how hard Gu Xingze's hand was!

He was a little confused at once! Is this Gu Xingze really cruel?

One shot, but let people have no backhand force, immediately he Lingxiang scared half of the whole person!


He Lingxiang bumped into the wall again. This time he bumped into his nose. He Lingxiang's eyes were full of stars. His eyes were white. His voice was choked on his teeth. After a long concussion in his brain, an icy and cold face appeared in his eyes.

Through the thin red and blood line of vision, I saw Gu Xingze staring at him coldly, but his lips slightly raised a soft arc, and his voice was soft and creepy: "what did you just say? Well? "

He Lingxiang gasped a few times. Now even if he knew what to say, the whole man's tongue was numb with fear. His lips trembled violently, and he was so scared that he was at a loss.

A few big guys on one side were also shocked.

In their eyes, even if Gu Xingze is the king of heaven, he is just a actor, and they are the king of gold, and their life and death are decided by one word.

How dare he be so bold as to refute their face?

"Gu Xingze, how dare you! Believe me or not, kill you! " One of the bosses pointed to Gu Xingze's nose and scolded.

"Oh? Kill me? "

Gu Xingze sneers. "Well, wait and see!"

After that, he glanced at him with cold eyes, pulled him over his shoulder and bent his knees, and hit him hard on the abdomen.

"Ah -" he Lingxiang groaned with pain, and turned back with a pale face. The back of his head hit the ground heavily. He was dizzy at the first sight, and his nerves were all twisted. Even crying was not easy!

"Woo Save Help... "

He Lingxiang's whole face is twisted. Gu Xingze stretches his legs expressionless, puts his foot on his face, rolls and rolls, and his voice is crystal clear: "shut up."

In short, he Lingxiang stopped the pain. He even dared not to hum. Let the dusty soles of his shoes crush on his face.