One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1029

However, this rose is not lack of followers like him.

However, Li Dongliang was very sad and bitter because he was so arrogant and didn't care about him.

At that time, he was just the boss of a small company. He was not very rich, and he really had no ability to compete with those top-ranking bosses.

But on the day of his successful career, the city suddenly disappeared from the capital, and there was no more news.

At present, although the girl's beauty can't be compared with that of the city, her facial features, even the charm, are like seven or eight points.

If you dress up again, it's almost the same!

At first sight, if it wasn't for the age difference, he thought that the woman in front of him would be the city!

It's a common thing to give women away in business. In this era, how many public relations departments are clean?

Since it was Kong Xiaoqian who sent people to him, he naturally didn't need to be polite!

He was very satisfied with the woman. Looking at the small green face, just thinking about the flirtatious gesture on the bed, he could not help but feel a little anxious.

If it's not for the sake of face, he really wants to finish the boring banquet and have fun with this charming little woman!

But this woman doesn't seem to give him face. Look at the wine in front of her. She doesn't move.

No matter how you try to persuade him, he has repeatedly refused to drink.

Ha ha, this is a joke! Can't drink?

Entertainment is undoubtedly half a vanity fair. She said she can't drink?

It seems that this woman wants to hide!

However, he is not worried about it!

He's a great president of Li's, and what woman is he uncertain about?

These women, nothing more than the money, power, to give a little benefit, everything is done!

It's nothing more than checks, villas, luxury cars, jewelry, jewelry, what women love. It's nothing more than these!

He is not as good as he used to be. He has a great fortune and nothing can satisfy her.

Thinking of this, he smiled and asked, "Miss cloud, can you sing?"


Cloud poetry forced the face to laugh, the heart silent stomach Fei, will sing with you need to report it?

It's none of your business.

What's more, when will the liquor store end?

Seeing her absent-minded appearance, Li Dongliang abruptly filled the wine in front of him, raised a goblet at her, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Miss cloud, I have the honor to offer you a toast."

Yunshishi is a little anxious. Look at the time and the sky outside the window.

Seeing that the big boss even wanted to respect his own wine, he got embarrassed, took a sip of his lips, and apologized: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry! I can't drink today! "

"Isn't that right?"

Li Dongliang was a little dissatisfied. How could this little woman not even sell her face? Slanting his eyes, he said angrily, "how can I have a drink anyway? Don't spoil everyone's interest! How can there be a reason not to drink on the table? "

Yunshishi is extremely embarrassed. Li Dongliang says so. She won't give him face if she doesn't drink!

However, Li Dongliang is also right. Since she comes to the banquet, she naturally needs to understand the rules on the table. If she doesn't drink, it's her fault and neglect. But