One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1028

"Ha ha! Not?! "

"That Lin Haiyu, I've played. It's no taste!" Li Dongliang frowned, with the appearance of an official.

"But I'm not crazy about Lin Haiyu! I want her! Then, his chairman's mother opened her mouth. If you want to marry into a rich family, you have to marry your son! "

"But Lin Haiyu's stomach didn't fight. He didn't move."

"Ha ha! What do you know! " The producer smiled and thought in his eyes, "people can't live at all! How well she used to be played by those gold masters? I heard that there was an absurd incident! "

"Tell me!" Li Dongliang is very interesting.

So the man opened his mouth and began to talk: "one night, Lin Haiyu was rushed to the hospital. It's said that she played double / fly with a director and a golden master, three of them didn't know how to figure out how to play. They put the billiard under her body and couldn't get it out! This is what Ling Xiang wrote! "

People thought it was ridiculous and funny again, and they laughed.

Only cloud poetry sits on the seat rigidly, his face is a little ugly.

What's all this about?

Li Dongliang said with a smile: "these are merciful! He Lingxiang plays with the tender model, is it still rare? "

These topics really don't enter Yunshi's ears. Gradually, she feels that she can't sit down, but she can't leave without permission.

I don't know how long it will take for this absurd banquet to end?

She pulled Li Quan's sleeve carefully, but the latter didn't pay any attention.

Li Dongliang obviously noticed her little movements. He squinted at her little face, which was a little flustered. He also suddenly remembered Kong Xiaoqian's phone call before the dinner.

On the phone, Kong Xiaoqian said that this woman was a special gift from her to "honor" him and let him have a good time and play at will.

Just don't play disabled. After all, it's Qin Zhou's artist. She's afraid she can't explain.

By the way, I mentioned the shortage of funds for the East Gulf project.

Li Dongliang naturally agreed.

Kong Xiaoqian was so happy that she said, let him have a good time and hung up the phone happily.

Li Dongliang is a capitalist. Naturally, he will not invest a loss project for a woman.

The project of Donghai Bay was taken by Mu Shi and handed over to Kong Shi. Naturally, it's a piece of gold resource, making no loss!

Li Dongliang's eyes signified a deep glance at Yun's poems.

This woman is really a special thing. She has a beautiful face and pure temperament. What's more, she is

He twisted his eyebrows. The woman in front of him was similar to the city!

No coincidence, no book. Speaking of Li Dongliang, he was one of the many admirers of the city. At that time, the status of Qingcheng in the capital was similar to that of the generation of song queen menglina in Asia.

Admirers flock.

Li Dongliang is one of them.

But when it comes to Qingcheng, it really makes him love and hate.

Love is natural. Since ancient times, my fair lady and gentleman are fond of love.

Although this Li Dongliang is not a gentleman, he hates it. This city is too lonely and arrogant. It looks like a blooming rose, but it is covered with thorns.

Once touched, it will be scarred. You can only watch from afar and not play with it.

At the beginning, in order to win the beauty a look back, Li Dongliang did not spend less money.