One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1015

As soon as Lu Jingtian was aroused, she turned around with her lips trembling. She pressed her lips, but she still didn't care to raise her head. She just cried out stiffly, "Dad!"

Usually, when she came back late, Lu Bosheng had a long time to rest.

Why did you come back tonight and bump into him!?

Lu Bosheng asked coldly, "where did you go so late? You have not come back until now! Do you know about this family? "

"I......" Lu Jingtian feels that countless grievances and despairs are choked in her throat, and it's hard to speak.

Once again she thought of what happened tonight, which made her feel extremely humiliated!

The pain of tearing deep in her body reminded her that she was dying of shame and anger.

Struggling with the clarity of collapse, Lu Jingtian said in a muffled voice: "go to play..."

She didn't want anyone to know about it.

Even the closest family doesn't want them to know!

It's a shame.

I have no face at all.

If you let dad know that her place / body has been given to a group of unknown ruffians, dad must kill her!

It's a nightmare.

It's the stain she wants to wipe out anyway, but can't.

"Go to the bar again!?"

Lu Bosheng snorted coldly, obviously extremely dissatisfied. Just about to start teaching, Lu Jingtian said in a hurry: "Dad, I'm sleepy and tired. I'll go back to my room first!"

Lu Jingtian was eager to avoid him, but Lu Bosheng said angrily: "stop! Did I let you go? "

“……” Lu Jingtian stood awkwardly in place, sweating.

"Before I finish speaking, you are leaving. Is that your attitude towards the elders!? What time is it? I don't come back until now. Do you still have this family in your eyes! "

Lu Bosheng criticized and said, "don't come here yet!"

It's time to lecture!

But how can she face him now?

Lu Jingtian bit his teeth, but did not move.

Lu Bosheng is more angry: "what? I asked you to come here. Why didn't you move? Grow a year, wings are hard!? Don't come here! "

His sternness gave birth to her tears.

Lu Jingtian suddenly sobbed in a low voice.

She felt embarrassed. If Lu Bosheng could see her now, she would have no dignity at last!

Lu Bosheng became more and more angry. Suddenly, he got up, walked to her and grabbed her arm.

Lu Jingtian stumbled and ran into him.

What I saw in front of me shocked Lu Bosheng!

Her bare / exposed arms, shoulders and collarbones are densely dotted with various ambiguous and interlaced pinch marks and kiss marks.

Look at the face again. It's red and swollen. It's clear that there are traces of violence.

When Lu Bosheng saw all this clearly, subconsciously, he had slapped his face.

Lu Jingtian does not support, fell to the ground, lowered his head, let his hair bury his face in the shadow.

"You What's the matter with you!! A girl's home, how can I make myself look like this! "

Lu Bosheng hates that iron is not steel and hates that she is not ambitious.

The first reaction was that I didn't know who she was fooling around with!

Lu Bosheng has a high expectation for her, but has been expecting her to marry into a famous family.

Famous families pay most attention to the innocence of girls.

Her appearance really disappointed him!

Lu Bosheng's rage made Lu Jingtian feel ashamed, angry and aggrieved. She stroked her face and her lips trembled. Big drops of tears rolled down from her pale face. It was really heartbreaking!

She kept whimpering, as if she had been greatly wronged.