One Child Two Treasures The Billionaire Chief is Good Wife

Chapter 1014

"It's nothing to do with my mommy." Little Yi Chen snorted coldly. "Bad woman, it's you who bullied my mommy first. We're just tit for tat!"

Lu Jingtian only feels embarrassed and shameless, but more annoyed!

You you eyes that cold and mocking eyes, almost drive her crazy!

Lu Jingtian lost her mind completely. If she could, she really wanted to strangle him and tear his hateful face!

I wish these two little ghosts could disappear before her eyes!!


She turned over from the bed and fell down, trying to rush to yuntianyou, but yuntianyou stopped, not afraid of this crazy woman.

However, Lu Jingtian forgot how dark the battle had just been. As soon as her tiptoe touched the ground, she felt a limp under her feet and fell to sit on the ground.

The limbs were heavy as if they were filled with lead, and even the wrists could not lift!

Lu Jingtian is really annoyed.

Yun Tianyou smiles coldly, then walks into her several steps, the steps are fixed in front of her.

He looked down at her and admired the unpredictable expression on her face.

Humiliation, anger, madness, pain, collapse A panoramic view.

He admitted that his method was indeed cruel.

However, only in this way can we solve his hatred.

He will never forgive anyone who touches his scales!

There must be something hateful about poor people!

Yun Tianyou said to Li Dongqiang, "send her back!"

Li Dongqiang nodded, but he still didn't know how to breathe. Up to now, he hasn't been able to recover. His physical strength is on the verge of overdraft.

Yuntianyou turns around and wants to leave. Suddenly, he thinks of something. Suddenly, he turns around and bends slightly. The cold and unpredictable handsome eyes are on Lu Jingtian's lost eyes.

"If you dare to speak up about what happened today, don't blame me for being cruel."

Lu Jingtian is shocked. This child has the courage that can't be looked at directly.

That pair of cold eyes, actually oppress her breathless!

"Today, I'll bypass you. If you dare to bully my mommy again..."

Yuntianyou's voice stopped, but suddenly narrowed his eyes: "do you believe it? In one word, your Lu family will die overnight! "

Do you believe it? In a word, your Lu family will die overnight!

The words with great courage seem to come from a powerful emperor.

Lu Jingtian opens her mouth, but she doesn't get back to God until yuntianyou and xiaoyichen leave!

The fear in my heart is suddenly magnified infinitely!


Land house.

When Lu Jingtian got back to Lu's house by taxi, it was almost light.

She held back her tears and clenched her fists tightly. Though she tried to suppress herself, her shoulders were still shaking!

She feels like a mermaid. Every step is like walking on the edge of a sword. She is miserable!

Lu Jingtian walked to the gate and slowly pushed the door open to meet her, but it was a bright room.

She was stunned and stunned in the same place.

Only to see the huge reception hall, Lu Bosheng is sitting on the sofa, as if he has been waiting for a long time.

Lu Jingtian was stunned for a few seconds. When she came back, she immediately lowered her head and hurried upstairs.

"Stop for me!"

Lu Bo opened his mouth in anger, full of dignity.

It looks like you're holding back your anger.