Noble Wife Wants No Love

Chapter 27

What is this? Does the heart have a little connection?

Pooh! impossible!

Killing her won\'t believe that she has a good heart with a dog man.

If she hadn\'t checked the room before checking in, she really suspected that there were surveillance cameras hidden here.

Put down the nail clippers, Xu Xinyi pinched his throat and said angrily in a voice that could kill him: "husband, what are you talking about? I\'m eating potato chips and what kind of toenails. How can I cut my nails by myself? Well, I won\'t disturb your work so late. Have a rest early. I love you. Bye."

Then he hung up the phone with a snap.

Dog man is so annoying!

The image was almost destroyed.

No second person will ever see her cutting her toenails!


The next morning, the crew of "Huangtu" held a startup ceremony. On the calculated day and hour, the crew and several leading stars arrived on time.

At the first sight of Han Xiao, Xu Xinyi knew that the man who was wrapped in a windbreaker and couldn\'t see his face in the elevator in Yipin Lanting that night was him.

Speaking of Han Xiao, there should be few people who don\'t know him now. His debut is the peak. The first film with Director Chen Mingyu won countless awards. At film festivals, the awards won a grand slam. His acting skills are recognized by all directors in the entertainment industry.

Many people are popular for right and wrong, but in this case, Han Xiao can move forward steadily step by step, be a low-key man and make high-profile films. In the entertainment circle, no matter how powerful the paparazzi, he has not been able to dig out a bit of black material. The fans are sensible and not rampant. He is the best star among passers-by in the circle.

Han Xiao\'s acting skills over the years have been fully dedicated to the film industry, and his personal box office ranks in the forefront in the mainland. Originally, he has been stable in the film industry these years, but when everyone guessed Han Xiao\'s next film, to everyone\'s surprise, he announced to participate in the production of the TV series "Huangtu".

This news shocked many fans.

Some fans more or less think that movie cafes are so superior to TV cafes, and are very dissatisfied with Han Xiao\'s behavior of "self descending style".

Of course, some rational fans said that as long as Han Xiao played it, they would support it.

The rest of the fans are ecstatic about this and can finally lick Han Xiao\'s face in front of the screen!

The reason why Xu Xinyi was able to pick up such a big leak was that he had a cooperation with director Xu Siming before. At that time, Xu Xinyi was a rescue scene. A little star stuffed into the group was dissatisfied with his part of the play and forced to change the play. After angering Xu Siming, the little star angrily broke the contract and left the group and talked about the entertainment industry. Whoever dares to play this role is against her.

How could Xu Xinyi let go of such a good opportunity to make enemies?

Immediately contacted director Xu Siming and entered the group for filming.

Later, Xu Siming promised her that he would compensate her in the future

Xu Xinyi didn\'t take it to heart until later, Tianyu contacted her and said Xu Siming wanted to sign her as the heroine.

Although there were many ups and downs in the middle, Xu Xinyi finally chose the hostess.

Xu Xinyi stands beside Han Xiao. The man who was once handsome on the screen is now standing beside him.

I couldn\'t help glancing quietly.

She can see that Han Xiao has no make-up, her skin is in good condition, and there is no defect on her face. She can be photographed without adjustment. Looking at Han Xiao, Xu Xinyi needs to look up, and her height is about the same as that of Yi Yang. People like Han Xiao who have been in the entertainment circle for many years always have a strong aura of hope and fear and dare not come to chat up at the first time.

But strangely, the pair of gold wire glasses on the bridge of his tall nose miraculously neutralized the indifference of strangers and weakened the sharp edge of his facial features. When he was indifferent and didn\'t speak, there was a thrilling abstinence and fatal attraction.

Xu Xinyi\'s small heart beat.

At one glance, she took back her eyes, opened her eyes wrongly, and glanced at the small fresh meat behind her, all young and handsome.

Is this the paradise where she will live for the next six months?

Anya\'s happiness, she can finally feel one or two.

But there was a stabbing eye that was not very friendly. Xu Xinyi had seen someone against her, but it was the first time she showed naked hostility to her on the first day of the crew.

Li Hanxing.

Once as artists of the same entertainment company, the relationship between them can be summarized in the word competition.

Seeing that the female owner of the play was about to get into her own hands, she blinked and became the third female. No one could bear this tone.

In the future, we have to play in the crew.

Xu Xinyi held back her excitement as if nothing had happened. If nothing had happened, she followed the crew to worship the Buddha and get a red envelope.

She was calm, and Han Xiao was obviously more calm. During the whole ceremony, she didn\'t say a word and kept a certain distance from all the people present except for a brief \'um\' nod with the director.

Big star, the high cold point is normal.

Although the male and female protagonists are Gao Leng, other students dug up by director Xu Siming from the film academy are full of youth, which dispels the cold and embarrassment brought by Xu Xinyi and Han Xiao.

"Xinyi, let me introduce you." after the opening ceremony, Xu Xinyi was quietly enjoying the face of a large group of small fresh meat on one side, and saw director Xu Siming and Han Xiaochao coming to her.

"You must know Han Xiao, too. In the next six months, you will be partners," said Xu Siming, who introduced Xu Xinyi to Han Xiao and said with a smile: "this is Xu Xinyi, the one who had an affair with you some time ago. You two tell me what happened at that time. I read that gossip magazine very seriously. Tell me?"

Director Xu Siming is good at everything, but he loves gossip too much.

He can talk about all kinds of gossip in the entertainment industry. One day he doesn\'t dare to direct this business. If he turns to be a paparazzi, he will make a lot of money.

Xu Xinyi knows that Xu Siming said it on the first side. It\'s not that he has low EQ, but to get straight to the point and make clear the only misunderstanding between her and Han Xiao. Whether it\'s written in gossip magazines or really misunderstood, it\'s better to make it clear face-to-face than to delay the progress in future shooting.

"Director Xu, don\'t make trouble. Can the entertainment magazine be serious? I met Mr. Han Xiao for the first time this time. How can there be such a deep origin?" after that, Xu Xinyi stretched out his hand to Han Xiao and said with a smile: "Mr. Han Xiao, it\'s all a misunderstanding. Please take care of him in the crew in the future."

Her outstretched hand stopped in mid air, and Han Xiao\'s sight fell on her hand. In that look, he seemed hesitant, and there seemed to be an element of his fear. He refused to reach out and hold it.

For such a long time, Xu Xinyi felt his arm sour.

"Mr. Han Xiao thinks there is something..."

"It\'s a misunderstanding. Happy cooperation." he was concise and just nodded slightly.

As for Xu Xinyi\'s outstretched hand, she was embarrassed and took it back.


"Why don\'t you shake hands with me?" Xu Xinyi nestled in his chair waiting for shooting. During this period, he couldn\'t help thinking about the section with Han Xiao in the morning. The more he thought about it, the more confused he was. "When did I offend Han Xiao?"

She thought carefully about the intersection with Han Xiao, which was the last scandal.

They say it\'s a misunderstanding. Why are you still like that to me?

Is it because of her reputation that even Han Xiao retreated from her?

Xu Xinyi sighed sadly. If it\'s really because of this, then... There\'s no way.

If you can\'t make friends, lick your face from a distance.

"Xinyi, come here and discuss something." director Xu called her from afar.

On the first day of shooting, the plot was actually quite scattered. Xu Siming did not arrange the play between her and the male host, but arranged the opposite play with the supporting actor first.

Xu Xinyi got up and went to Director Xu, "what\'s the matter?"

Director Xu glanced at Li Hanxing sitting on one side.

"Well, Li Hanxing said she was not feeling well. I hope she can play tricks in advance and want to go back to bed early. Can you accommodate yourself?"

uncomfortable? Wasn\'t it okay at the boot ceremony? How come it\'s time for a meal and it\'s like dying?

Ugly people do more mischief.

Li Hanxing is obviously hostile to her. Just now Anya still told her to be careful of Li Hanxing. There is a gold Lord behind this woman, so she is arrogant.

It\'s inevitable.

"No problem."

"Well, you\'re ready to play against Li Hanxing. We\'ll start in ten minutes."

Xu Xinyi promised, walked up to Li Hanxing, looked down at her and said, "director Xu asked me to play with you. How are you? Can you hold on for a while?"

Although she wore makeup, Li Hanxing\'s look and eyebrows looked like a sad and bitter woman\'s face.

We shouldn\'t play the arrogant and domineering female third in this play. We should play the female Lord who is shackled by fate in the bitterness play.

Li Hanxing pressed his voice, "I try my best, but I..."

Xu Xinyi was disgusted and said, "can you still play? Who can I show you? If you can\'t stand it, go to the hospital. It\'s like director Xu is so mean to you. If you\'re sick, don\'t let you go to the hospital and press you to play here?"

Li Hanxing\'s face was stiff, but then he lowered his eyelids.

The crew looked over.

"I\'m sorry, sister Xinyi. I... I\'m not good at acting. Please bear it."

"I know you\'re bad at acting. Don\'t remind me," Xu Xinyi glanced at her. "If you don\'t have acting skills, learn more from me. Don\'t fix these moths all day. Come on, check the script."

In the play starring Xu Xinyi, the heroine of revenge and counter attack is designed to suppress her growth in the early stage and later stage. The role played by Li Hanxing once regarded her as a thorn in the eye. Now when people are down and out, they naturally have to step on it.

"Qi Mingyue, you also have today?" Li Hanxing said. Next, it should be the act of female Sanla\'s hatred.

Slapped the lady.

"Sister Xinyi, don\'t worry, I won\'t really hit you."

Xu Xinyi smiled sarcastically at the corners of her mouth, "I\'m afraid you don\'t dare."

"Xin Yi, Han Xing, are you two ready?"

"All right, director."

"All departments are ready to officially start shooting in five minutes."

The staff of each department of the lighting photography crew took their places, and everyone looked at the middle of the shooting site.

Xu Xinyi looks sad and angry. Li Hanxing\'s attitude is arrogant. He looks down on Xu Xinyi and spits out the lines that a vicious woman should say.

The lines are vicious. Unfortunately, with that bitter little white flower\'s face, it\'s really a bit nondescript.

"Qi Mingyue, do you have today?"

If it weren\'t for Xu Xinyi, the heroine\'s part would have been hers!

Li Hanxing raised his hand excitedly and slapped Xu Xinyi on the cheek.

That angle, that strength, hit her in the face, Li Hanxing\'s hand is estimated to be swollen for two days.

Such inferior means and outdated bridge sections have simply lowered the IQ and grade of vicious female matching groups.

Xu Xinyi raised his hand to block Li Hanxing\'s hand and sneered, "do you want to hit me? Let me teach you how to be a vicious girl."

"Card --" Xu daoning eyebrows, "what\'s going on?"

Xu Xinyi looked back and said, "director Xu, Li Hanxing said she hasn\'t mastered this role yet. She wants me to show her again."

Director Xu listened, "wasn\'t that the right play just now?"

"Director Xu, give me another chance."

After taking a deep breath, director Xu raised his hand, "hurry up."

The positions were reversed. Xu Xinyi stood on the steps, his toes high and looked at Li Hanxing.

"Remember, you don\'t play a vicious girl like that. First, your eyes must be arrogant. You can turn your eyes at each other like garbage, but remember, don\'t turn your eyes into dead fish eyes. Second, your tone must be Yin and Yang. The last sentence should be a cold hum to show your disdain. When you talk with your expression, you can do some little actions of bitchy bitchy bitchy, one He raised his hair and laughed. "

"Finally," Xu Xinyi smiled at her and raised his hand, "the slap must be fast and accurate."

PA --

Hands rise and palms fall.

The marks on Li Hanxing\'s white cheeks and five fingers can be seen swelling with the naked eye.

Xu Xinyi covered her palm and looked at Li Hanxing complaining, as if blaming her for her thick skin and fanning her palm.

She yelled, "get me an ice bag. My hand hurts!"