Noble Wife Wants No Love

Chapter 26

Xu Xinyi, who was hung up, stood in front of the window with her mobile phone and looked at the building opposite for a long time.

What did Yi Yang just say?

Has it been done? The producers dare not trouble her again?


Yi Yang, the dog man, took the initiative to help without asking him?

The sun rises in the West today?

Xu Xinyi is very scary.

What a ghost!

"Xinyi, the crew official micro blogged!" Anya rushed into the office with her mobile phone and handed her the mobile phone.

The official wechat of "Huangtu" sent a microblog, which mainly answered the questions about the recent comments of fans, which can be summarized into two points.

First, Xu Xinyi is the first heroine in the play Huangtu. Since then, there has been a role change, but after the final contact, he still thinks Xu Xinyi is more suitable.

By implication, Xu Xinyi didn\'t grab the script from anyone.

Second, admit that Xu Xinyi\'s acting skills are good. Please look at and distinguish roles and actors rationally. Don\'t be impatient and wait and see.

This microblog shows the attitude of the crew. You can quarrel and make trouble. Anyway, the female owner won\'t change.

To this end, the official wechat even locked the comments.

Angry fans understood the crew\'s determination to protect Xu Xinyi, and scolded one after another, saying that they would never go to see the play after it was made, and wished the crew to rush to the street.

"Xinyi, the producer\'s intention to change people is obvious. He bit you to death. If there is a problem with your style, it will affect the crew. I\'m curious. How long will it take? How did you solve this?"

Xu Xinyi looked back and forth at the microblog several times. It was incredible that he said, "it was Yi Yang\'s help."

Anya suddenly realized that she looked at her meaningfully with a look of "I knew you couldn\'t help it." look, what did I say at the beginning? "

Xu Xinyi said blankly, "what are you talking about?"

"I said, Yi Yang will fall in love with you sooner or later. Can\'t you see anything from his indifference to you to helping everything now?"

If Xu Xinyi can\'t see anything, she has really lived in vain these years.

For the time being, no matter what purpose Yi Yang is to help her, he will help her. Compared with the past, his attitude is obviously changing step by step.

Is it really like Anya said that Yi Yang began to feel like her?

Wait --

When she called just now, she didn\'t have time to say anything. Yi Yang said it had been done. Does it mean that Yi Yang has been quietly paying attention to this matter?

With this conjecture, Xu Xinyi seemed like a bolt from the blue.

Is it because she has been too busy recently to do the work of heaven and earth, so Yi Yang feels that she has reformed? Interested in yourself?

no way! Absolutely not!

She must not allow the situation to continue to expand!

"Yi Yang did it for you. You have to thank him. Maybe this will be a big turning point in your relationship."

Xu Xinyi couldn\'t say enough. She really wanted to roar at Anya. She didn\'t want this turning point, but she endured it and said with a smile: "I will."

In the evening, Xu Xinyi came back to Yi Yang\'s study and handed the gifts he had soberly selected from the mall to him.


Xu Xinyi smiled, "gift, thank you for helping me solve the crew today."

She opened the gift and put a beautifully wrapped leather belt in the box.

Yi Yang\'s eyelids jumped when he saw the belt. He thought of the three hundred dollar folded belt in his drawer. He didn\'t want to close it very much.

Push the gift in the direction of Xu Xinyi, "OK, it\'s just a little effort. You\'re welcome. Take back the belt. You don\'t need it."

"Yes, yes!" Xu Xinyi insisted on pushing the gift back and said, "how can I not thank you for helping me so much? I chose it carefully in the mall, and it cost me almost 50000 yuan!"

Yi Yang now has a headache when he hears almost these three words. Last time, it was almost 100000, and the actual price was 300. Now it\'s almost 50000. Doesn\'t the actual price have to be compromised? One hundred and five?

"How much is it?"

Xu Xinyi thought for a moment and said, "it\'s two thousand."

Forty eight thousand?

Yi Yang raised his eyebrow. "OK, I\'ll take it. If you\'re okay, go back to your room and have a rest."

Xu Xinyi clubbed and didn\'t go.

"What else?"

"Husband," Xu Xinyi twisted from the front of the desk to the back of the desk, stood beside Yi Yang, blinked and looked at him with a shy face, "you weren\'t like this before. How can you be so good to others recently? Do you like others?"

People are so tired that they get goose bumps all over.

He frowned. "Speak well!"

Xu Xinyi said angrily, "Oh, there\'s nothing wrong with admitting this kind of thing. If you really like me, tell me. Anyway, you know, people like you."

"Push me away! Tell me you don\'t like me. Point at my nose and let me stop daydreaming!"

Yi Yang looked at her.

Xu Xinyi\'s heart beat faster unconsciously.

Don\'t get me wrong. It\'s not romantic, but frightening.

"God bless, Jesus is on the, although I love flowers, but this dog man must not like me!"

"It\'s not good to have a little feeling for me! Am I a dog man like this?!"

"I really didn\'t like you very much before, but mom was right. Feelings depend on time. During this time, I saw and heard a lot of different things in the past, which really changed you."

Xu Xinyi blinked, "change?"

"Sure enough, it\'s because I\'ve done less bad things recently. This bastard thinks I\'m a good man!"

Yi Yang was satisfied and said, "if there\'s nothing wrong, go back to your room and have a rest."

"Change for me? Really think I\'ve changed? Naive!"

"I\'ll show you today. What\'s\' vicious\'!"

"Husband, I know it\'s bothering you today, but there\'s one more thing, you have to help me."

Yi Yang said quietly, "what\'s up?"

Xu Xinyi changed her face like turning a book. "There is an artificial rumor that I robbed the heroine of Huangtu from Li Hanxing. I\'m wronged. This is mine. Li Hanxing robbed it from me later. How can she say it\'s my fault?"

"What do you want?"

"Although Li Hanxing didn\'t take away the role of my hostess, she is still the third female in the crew. I will think of her trying to rob my play when I see her in two days. I will be unhappy. When I\'m unhappy, the play is not good, and the audience should scold me."

"So you want me to kick Li Hanxing out of the crew?"

Xu Xinyi was\' proud of being spoiled \', with a sinister look on her face. She gnashed her teeth and said viciously: "she robbed my play and dared to spread rumors outside. At least she had to be kicked out of the crew!"

Yi Yang looked at her in silence.

Seeing this, Xu Xinyi took advantage of the victory and said angrily, "husband, I\'m your wife. I\'ve been bullied like this. How can you be indifferent? You must kick her out! Also remind others that Xu Xinyi is not easy to provoke. If you provoke me again, Li Hanxing will end!"

"I don\'t have a mirror, and I don\'t know how my acting was when I performed this paragraph just now."

Under Xu Xinyi\'s expectant eyes, Yi Yang nodded and agreed with her, "well, I think you\'re right."

Xu Xinyi looked at him suspiciously.

"Li Hanxing is so vicious that she dares to rob your play. How can such a person still be qualified to act with you? It\'s a cancer in the entertainment industry and must be banned." his tone is light and clear, but it gives people a more convincing sense.


Xu Xinyi sipped his lips and hesitated for a moment. After half a ring, he hesitated and asked uncertainly, "have you been stimulated recently?"

Yi Yang asked, "aren\'t I complaining about you?"

Xu Xinyi tried to stop talking and finally went back to the room under Yi Yang\'s eyes.

Ten minutes later, Xu Xinyi lay on the bed and hated the hammer bed.

In just two days, she lost three blood in Yiyang!

Dog men are becoming more and more vicious now. They are taking the route of vicious men in advance and killing themselves! It\'s death!

It shouldn\'t be. Why is it set up in advance?

Xu Xinyi thought about it and finally fixed the reason on Qin Yan\'s birthday party. At that party, she easily lost face and saw the true face of her so-called friend. She was deeply hit for a moment, so now she began to blacken?

yes! you \'re right! It must be!

The more Xu Xinyi thinks about it, the more likely it is. Moreover, people get together and things are divided into groups. Yi Yang must be attracted by her vicious temperament, so her attitude towards her has gradually changed.

No, she can\'t give Yi Yang a chance to cultivate feelings.

Fortunately, she joined the group in two days. On the pretext that the crew was busy, she couldn\'t see him for at least four or five months. After four or five months, he was indifferent to himself. At that time, Yi Yang\'s white moonlight also came back, and she was free!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that divorce is in front of me. Xu Xinyi sweeps away the decadent mood of losing three times in a row, and cheer up again!


Xu Xinyi honestly packed up her luggage for two days. Early in the morning of the third day, after saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Yi with snot and tears, she got on the RV and went to the shooting site of the crew.

The shooting location is not far from city A. It can be regarded as the suburb of city A. there is a film and television base. The surrounding Hotel conditions are also very mature, and the food and accommodation are not too harsh.

This is the first time that Xu Xinyi and Yi Yang have been sleeping together for several months. They are excited to roll around in bed for several times. They are really happy when they think of the next four or five free and happy months.

Only after she joined the group did she know that the male actors in "Huangtu", who have a little plot, are 24 years old per capita.

Twenty four, what\'s the concept?

It\'s all small fresh meat!

This is an ancient costume group play, which involves too many young people in fresh clothes and angry horses, and needs a large number of young actors.

Director Xu Siming is also a very harsh person on the appearance and acting skills of actors.

In other words, Yan deserves to be high and has good acting skills.

It is said that he and the deputy director personally went to the film academy to pick up these small fresh meat, so the average age is 24 years old. Most of them are teenagers who have not left school or have just left school.

Maybe Xu Xinyi saw more fresh meat in the play than she had seen before.

At the thought of this, it is inevitable that my heart is surging.

But not now. She has to hold back.

The first night she came, she had to call Yi Yang to express her missing for him.

"Hey, husband, what are you doing?"

Yi threatened to be concise and comprehensive, "study."

Working again, Xu Xinyi felt that if the man continued to work like this, he would die suddenly sooner or later.

"I\'m on the crew. I\'ll call you and report peace."

Without Yi Yang looking at her in front of her, Xu Xinyi doesn\'t have to act anymore. He only works hard on his tone.

"I see."

Xu Xinyi looked bored at his long nails, pulled out nail clippers from his makeup bag, put his mobile phone in front of him, cut his nails and said in a pompous and perfunctory tone: "husband, I began to miss you on the first day of the crew. What about you? Did you miss me?"

Click ――

"In two days, when I have time, I ask the director for a leave. It won\'t be long before I go home. I\'ll arrive in more than an hour. I\'ll go back and see if you\'re good?"

Click ――

Xu Xinyi trembled and almost cried, "husband, if I can\'t go back, can you come to see me? I really want to see you."

Click ――

Yi Yang kept silent.

"Husband, why don\'t you speak?" the tone was extremely wronged.

Click ――

Across the cell phone, Yi Yang asked her, "Xu Xinyi, are you cutting your toenails?"

Xu Xinyi shrunk her white, tender, ruddy and full toes.

Dog man\'s ears are good enough!