Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

109 March of the King 2

Rodenius continental south side maritime

Sky without one cloud.

The blue, clear sky spreads everywhere, and the sea waves gently.

The seabirds were floating relaxed.

Peaceful landscapes everywhere, heavenly landscapes, with the arrival of their people, turn into a pressing look in an instant.

Rip the waves, and the steel ship proceeds vigorously. In the sky appeared an overhead vigilant steel bird, making an unpleasant noise.

The iron ships that initially appeared rapidly increased their numbers and proceeded to become fleets.

The fleet was going from west to east and was about to rendezvous with other fleets coming from further southwest.

The first advance party of the Gras Balkas Empire, which was supplied and departed in the Kingdom of Chiaids, and the second from the Groot Cavalry, were about to rendezvous in this waters.

That number totals 440 ships......

Milekenes, commander of the 1st advance party of the Gras Balkas Empire, was looking out at the sea from the bridge of the flagship, the superbattleship Balsar.

Empress Milekenes, the bearer of strength known as Empire 3 General... is a young maker for the year and a lot of shadowy fans.

"Commander, the rendezvous with the second advance team will be completed shortly.

Second Fleet Commander says hello. "

After the first and second advance fleets rendezvous, the second fleet moves on.

Even the second fleet was strong enough with 210 ships, and the exposure before the arrival of Japan's front-line base was the role of this second fleet.

After the rendezvous, Imperial 3 General Milekenes was to be the Fleet Commander and Second Advance Commander Aurones was to be the Deputy Commander.


Exhale weakly.

"But... my army is overwhelming..."

A battleship, a cruiser, specializing in anti-aircraft in a circle so as to surround the flagship balsar, can be placed, and furthermore, on the outside, the fleet can be seen to the horizon.

Nearby, the Empire's proud large aircraft carrier proudly progressed.

The sight of a large fleet going over 200 large ships was an overwhelming sight.

"Commander, a perimeter alert fighter fleet called in, about 300 km south at sea, said that the Wyburn 40 horsemen were on their way to the fleet, so all planes were shot down.

All planes down, zero losses, no bombs. "

Captain of the battleship Balsar, reported by a correspondent, the report raises the report to the command.

"Hmm... you wasted ammo again"

Milekenes looked uninterested and crushed.

"Not at all. Barbarians in different worlds do not understand the difference in power.

They don't have the ability to fly at night either, so it's no threat whatsoever.

The problem with training and wasting ammunition... is that if you insist, you won't be relieved... but when it comes to flagships, we're also going to consider measuring the marvels of our enemies and, if you don't have a problem, reducing your posture. "

The attack by sailboat had stopped after leaving the Kingdom of Chiaids and the fleet had taken its path to Japan. This fell short of the initial assumptions, and the Imperial Navy had wondered, but there had simply been a state in which the fleet speed of the Gras Vulcan Empire had far exceeded the naval invasion speed assumed by the nations and had not caught up at all.

Wyburn, instead, was flying like May rain, but was caught lightly in the empire's air defense network and had been shot down one after the other.

"It's a rolling march, seeing this great fleet, the frightened will not exist in this world."

"... right. Overwhelming quantity crushes all the clever maneuvers"

"Ho...... report!!

A correspondent breaks in between the commander and the captain.

The correspondent's face was puzzled.

A little nervousness runs, enough to block the command and the captain from talking.

"What's up!?

"We received a warning from your radio.

Received 5 repetitions of "Warning from Japan, turn back immediately, or we will attack."

"Well, it would be silly to even emit a radio with the risk of a misalignment. Have you been able to locate it?

"That's... I don't know at the moment."

Confused correspondent.

"What? Why don't you understand!!

"The position...... has been significantly uneven all five times. One of them is calculated as being in our fleet. We're currently doing everything we can to locate the source… the wave strength and location don't match."

"I guess there are multiple sources. But you think one of them is in the fleet? No way, there's a submarine in the way?

The report raises questions.

"It's not the type of frequency a submarine emits. I wonder if it's unlikely in the ocean."

Milekenes opens his eyes.

"Rendezvous later!!

It is also likely that the transmitter was sent out to sea by wire for radio transmission from the sea.

From the source, far away, carry out an enemy attack by an aircraft, and from the source in the fleet, expedite the destroyer and drop a lightning blast nearby!!


The orders were communicated accurately.

◆ ◆ ◆

Empress Milekenes gazes at the sea on the bridge of the flagship Balsar.

"Still no enemies to discover!?

"Ha!! I'm hostile near where I think the radio came from, but I haven't even gotten to the discovery yet.

In addition, the suspected location in the fleet has been detonated in case of enemy attacks, but no enemy has yet been found. "

"... where the hell did you get the radio from..."

Sweat transmits to Milekenes' forehead.

The radio emitted five times, all from a remote location.

Besides, one of them is in the fleet... no verse comes to mind other than a submarine.

"No way... super high altitude...? No, if you could just approach me from super high altitude, the radar would notice."

Major ships are equipped with anti-aircraft radar.

There were no reports from any of the ships that they had discovered the enemy aircraft yet.

The odds of radar failure on all ships are close to zero.

Radio warnings emanating from artificial satellites have greatly disrupted the Gras Barcus Imperial Navy.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gras Vulcan Empire, 2nd advance fleet, approximately 130 km east, in the sea.

Depth 650m...... a black cigar-type object was progressing without sound.

An unreachable area, far above the maximum depth of the Gras Barcus Imperial submarine.

Japanese Marine SDF Sauru Submarine 11 "Uru" … It is the most advanced submarine in Japan and is the first non-atmospheric propulsion (AIP) submarine of the Marine SDF, allowing it to sail without going out at sea for long periods of time.

The underwater sound-absorbing material stretched out on the hull had a very difficult structure to find in the ocean, which relied on sonar.

"Captain, the Imperial Fleet will be in range shortly… it's an amazing number"

Large fleet of more than 400 ships. 2: 00 Technical skills during the World War… just nervous before overwhelming quantities.

An operation designed to disrupt the opponent. Start by adding an attack by a submarine.

The number one spear was hit by an "oodle".

A silent onboard accelerates tension even further.

The distance from the enemy cut 110 km.

The captain meditates on his eyes.

In their own words, those who have no resentment whatsoever pass away.

However, if they do not join the attack, many of the Japanese people will be killed.

I know there must be no militia, but I didn't want to kill anyone. I honestly don't want to kill for the sake of my country, for the sake of my people... but...

We have to throw that kind of personal affair away......

The enemy was expected to invade Tokyo.

Tokyo has its own family, as well as the families of its crew.

I convinced myself not to condone those who put their blades on my family.

The captain opens his eyes.

"Attack started!! We sink enemies wherever possible!!

The Marine SDF Sauru submarine Ouru points its blade at the Gras Vulcus Imperial Fleet.

Later, the Great Naval War, said to be a turning point in history, was about to open its curtain.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gras Vulcan Empire 2nd Advance Flagship Quesa

"You still can't find the radio source!!

The second advance party goes ahead of the first advance party.

The unexplained warning statement from the source was irritating Commander Aurones.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I find it!!

It's been hours since radio detection.

To an attack that we don't know when it will take place, but to an enemy that we still can't find, Aurones struck a frustration with the Second Fleet Deputy Commander, which goes by next door.

"We're definitely doing the enemy, but we haven't found it.

... how the hell did you emit the radio... "

"Naval headquarters points to the possibility that the Japanese state is strong.

There are also big assumptions about induction bullets and such, but perhaps deceptive information.

Equipped with high-precision large-calibre guns, it has been pointed out that anti-aircraft capability can be extremely high "

"The national fleet that attacked Ottaheit has been wiped out... even though the attacking unit was a small unit, high-precision large-calibre guns are a threat"

Naval headquarters had conveyed information to executives that the Japanese State could be strong. Possible deceptive information has also been pointed out together.

For executives who had won streaks of battles in experience, there was also a mix of information that was incredible.

But the mysterious radio, and the creeps of being undetectable, irritate them.

"When the enemy shows up, he'll be stomping on us in the big fleet!! I hear their entire country has fewer ships than our advance party, the second fleet.

The power of the Imperial artillery, the maximum speed of the ship, has in theory reached a level that cannot be raised any further.

The ship performs slightly better and will crush you with an overwhelming amount of material, even if it has a high hit rate!!


Few enemies. Besides, no large-calibre cannons have been confirmed that are larger than our army either.

There is never a difference like in our country between the barbarians of the other world.

Whether you have a good hit rate or not, you are not an enemy of our army. "

Second Fleet Deputy Commander also laughed at the Naval Headquarters information.

"But it's calm..."

View the calm waters everywhere.

The appearance of the Gras Vulcus Imperial Ship is powerful. Unleash enough beauty to believe that whoever comes will never lose.

Wireless is creepy, but perhaps over-thought, Aurones denied his instincts with reason.


Slight discomfort.

"Check the radar for light points!! Distance…"

Those who were watching the radar report aloud. Shortly after, a forward destroyer suddenly emitted a shock wave.

At the next moment, the destroyer was engulfed in flames.


A blast that sounds late.

"What!! What the hell happened!!!

Tensions run to the Second Advance Fleet of the Gras Barcus Empire, which was progressing sparingly.

"Landing on Destroyer Itkuwa!!

"Fuck!! How powerful!!

Far bigger than the destroyer Itokuwa, far beyond the main guns of a battleship, an explosion like none I've ever seen.

War runs on the battlefield.

"What happened to Itokuwa!?

Look in the direction of the explosion.

The smoke cleared slowly and only wavering sea levels at sea... there was nothing floating.

"Itokuwa Boom!!

"What's that now!? Lightning?"

"No, Itokuwa exploded from the top. Not a torpedo, not a torpedo!!!

"What the hell is that?! Just one shot...... you couldn't detect it!!

"Shortly after the radar showed a thin light point in the immediate vicinity of the fleet there was an explosion!!!

The Uluru submarine Harpoon is switched to a turbojet flight after seven seconds of acceleration with a solid rocket booster.

He flew a sea level sleigh at a speed of Mach 0.85 and jerked off a radar detection net.

Once the enemy fleet is approaching, it turns to a steep ascent and pierces the Gras Vulcus Imperial Destroyer from the diagonal top.

The landed missile unleashes its power, causing a huge explosion.

The air outside the explosion pressure far exceeded the sound speed, creating a shock wave.

A far bigger explosion than the hull of the destroyer appeared in the ocean.

"All battle deployments!! Enemy attack!! Intercept them at all costs!!

I don't understand what the attack was.

But Aurones decides that there has been some kind of attack from above.

The orders were communicated accurately.

A pressing buzzer rings aboard the ship.

The soldiers during the break also rushed to their positions.

The aircraft carrier accelerated, starting one fighter launch after another, and the warplanes on alert over the sky also widened their range of opponents even further.

"Where the hell did you attack from?!

There is no enemy response in the sky.

Not at sea, of course, and not yet found in the sea.

"Report from the 31st Air Force!! Flying object approaching lower altitude than 2 o'clock in the fleet!! Distance 30km!!

The sighting speed is about 1000 km/h, interception by the air force, we can't make it!!

"Hour...... he said it was 1000 km/h!? Can't even catch up with fighters...... how about that!! Prepare for anti-aircraft combat, shoot them down with all your strength!! Start shooting at the discretion of each ship!!

The distance of 30 km is terribly close.

If it's around 1000 km/h, it'll only come in about 100 seconds to over the fleet.

However, if you have 100 seconds of prep time and can identify the distance and orientation, the possibility of interception increases.

Anti-aircraft fire begins from the fleet running forward.

Visual standard, anti-aircraft fire with crossed tracer shells rains light in the sky.

Rain-like anti-aircraft fire emanating from many ships, targets rising, so close to horizontal shooting they turned up simultaneously.

"That one!!

I manage to see an elongated object flying.

Until now, a ship that could not be identified and shot has joined the attack.

Many rains of light are launched towards the sky.

If you eat one shot, it will sink if it is a destroyer.

Too much fear, they intercepted desperately.

Shooting sounds that split your ears...... there are too many light bullets that can be launched, fantastically coloring the sky.

"Shoot him down. YAYYYYYYY!!!

Aurones looked up at the weapon he was attacking and screamed.

A miracle blow.

One of the anti-aircraft guns launched from the flagship Quaesa captured Harpoon with a radar installed on the bullet.

Imperial pride melee tubes work properly, bullets explode in the air, and blast pressure sharpens the rear of the harpoon greatly.


Aurones gripped his fist and crowded.

Missiles that lost their posture control abilities rotated slowly and fell.

Anti-ship guided bombs that collide with the sea level cause a huge explosion.

"Whoa, whoa!

The cheer arouses.

"I want to see!! This is the power of the Empire!!

"Empire air defense net, you guys can't tear it!!

Strong statements come from soldiers temporarily opened from fear.

A similar cheer rolled up in the flagship Quesa.

As the surroundings boiled, sweat was transmitted to Commander Aurones' forehead.

"Lieutenant... instruct them to locate the firing source quickly... this is no good."

"You have been instructed to locate the firing source.

No response to the anti-aircraft radar, and no ships found at sea. I can't think of anything other than flying from so far away or a submarine.

But it's not good...?

"That one earlier... if that's what sunk the destroyer, it's terribly hard to detect.

Horizontal to upward shooting, which means they've flown close to sea level.

Positions close to sea level are difficult to detect radar.

And then that one shot... just one shot goes to the ship to suck.

It's a terribly high hit rate attack.

The concerns of the Naval Headquarters were centered in the worst possible way.

What if that weapon has the ability to attack at night? "

"Sure, that's not good.

But as long as we can detect it, the Empire's air defense network has proven to be high enough to prevent even unknown weapons. "

"I hope so."

"Report!! Contact from the Air Force!! From 7 o'clock to 2, 9 o'clock to 3, 12 o'clock to 2, 2 o'clock to 1, 5 o'clock to 3, the earlier flying body is on its way!!

Distance, currently checking due to wireless mixing!!

A screaming report sounds.

The air on the bridge changed.

"Become!! What the hell!!

Eleven times more attacks were directed at the fleet than earlier.

"Interception!! Intercept!!

Aurones has a voice turned upside down.

The radar, which I couldn't help but glance at, had a thin light point… coming towards me as if surrounding the Imperial Fleet.

A chill runs on Aurones' spine.