Nihonkoku Shoukan (WN)

108 Hao's March $ 1

The Holy Millitorial Empire The Imperial City Runepolis Albion Castle

An emergency meeting was being held at Albion Castle in Runepolis, the Imperial City.

Emperor Myricial VIII

At the top

Minister of Military Schmirpao

Secretary of Defense Agra

and other military executives, and usually do not interact

Hirkane Palpe, Director of the Anti-Demon Emperor's Anti-Weapon Analysis and Tactical Operations Division

Captain Meteos, an aerial battleship Pal Chimaila, who participated in the battle against Gra Barcas

And Arneus, director of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, in charge of information

Furthermore, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pecras, Minister of Foreign Affairs Liage

And other prominent members were participating.

For the Holy Military Empire, an important project that cannot be removed.

"I'll hold a meeting."

The information director, Arneus, who has facilitated the moderation, declares the start of the meeting.

A report begins on the movement of the Empire of Gra-Barcas, which the Army and Intelligence Bureau have taken full advantage of.

Characters emerged on the slabs of each person by magic.

"Last time, a magical maritime radar installed at the civilized area foreigner Maez senses that a large number of personnel are advancing at sea, and there is no doubt that the scale, lack of magic, and speed are to the Gra Barcas Empire. It turned out that it was heading east in the eastern sea area of the world.

In addition, it is estimated that the speed is 13 knots and the number of ships is more than 1000. "

The place is noisy.

"Is it better than fighting the World Fleet !?"

"How did such a large fleet pass through the southern waters of the Central World!"

Arneus continues the explanation.

"The fleet seems to have bypassed the central world.

The fleet discovered this time is much larger than the intelligence agency assumed.

If all of these vessels were hit by attacks on Japan, intelligence analysis would cause considerable damage to the Empire of Gra Barcas, but probably the Japanese capital would be burned and many warships would be sunk. Or be destroyed.

In addition, the industrial zone will be unable to restart due to air strikes and naval fire.

I think that the expected enemy strength has changed so much that we need to make a decision again for operation. ''

There is a doubt in the head of Secretary of Defense Agra.

"What's the supply of them?

Even if it is a machine-powered ship, a huge fleet or a supply ship alone will be huge in number? "

"It is assumed that the primary resupply was from Reyfjord from its homeland. The civilization of the third civilized nation, Ream, the national chaises on Newland Island outside of the third civilized territory, and the groot of the same island substantially descended to the Empire of Gra Barca. We are.

They are building a harbor here and have a supply base, so it is estimated that they will stop at the island once. ''

"Is replenishment possible?"

Even if you pursue, the size of the enemy will be too large, and by the time this fleet is gathered, it will be replenished and will leave for Japan.

In the first place, at the last meeting, the Imperial Majesty said that he would watch the attack on Japan and aim at the returning fleet, so the Secretary of Defense could not say anything.

The place was even more crowded.

The emperor Myricial VIII raises his hand and the place calms down.

"Is it possible that Japan will not be able to restart if this is the case?"

"Yes. This fleet of the Gura Barcas is such a large fleet."

"So what happens if you destroy a fleet?"

"Hah! As expected, this fleet size is still unknown, but how many fleets are still home is unknown, but if any fleet is destroyed in any country, reconstruction It will take a few days! "

"Hmm ..."

Millisial thought.

"I can't help saying that other countries have forsaken friendships. You should do the minimum ....

Tell Japan about the size and direction of the latest Gura Barcas Imperial Fleet.

The army ... "

The emperor saw the Secretary of Defense.

"I can't make it anymore"

"Hah! I can't make it in time"

"Then, the military prepares for a return intercept. And Hirkane."


"Is the aerial battleship Pal Chimaila ready in time?"

"It is under construction now! Even if we dispatch after finishing parts replacement, refueling, and ammunition replenishment, we will be able to arrive by the time we arrive in mainland Japan.

Assuming you are heading to Tokyo, it will be in time if you take longer than expected to resupply, or if you make a large detour from the south of Rodenius continent. ''

"Good, one is good, so send me, but Meteos."


"This time, the purpose is to show Japan and the world that Millicial will come to help.

It will also help to show the power of the military to Japan.

Don't allow it to be dropped too close to it like Unit 1.

Don't engage in unreasonable battles, and take the time to attack.

If fuel ammunition is running low, make sure to throw it back without overdoing it. ''

"Haha! I understand!"

The emperor continues the instructions.



"Tell the civilized foreign nations that if you destroy at least one of the ships of the Empire of Gra-Barcas, you will be raised from a Class 5 target country to a Class 3 target country.

Also, tell the same Newland Islands that if you launch an attack on Chiaise and Groot, you will receive support from the Holy Military Empire later.

The nation that takes a licked attitude is Usu.

Reem can be crushed by the Myriad Empire. ''

Grades exist for the diplomatic objects of the Empire.

Special nations including Japan and powers

11 advanced nations and first-class nations that are Central World Civilizations

Second-class nation, the second civilization zone

Third-level nation, the third civilized sphere

And a 4th grade nation that is a civilized foreigner

Foreign civilized nations, and nations outside the third civilized sphere, were the lowest ranked fifth-ranked nations for the Holy Military Empire.

If at least one of the Imperial warships is sunk, it will be treated as a third-class target nation.

Since it is at the level of magical technology release, national power will be greatly improved.

From the standpoint of civilized foreign households, it was an exceptional improvement in surpassing neighboring countries.

"Yeah ... are you sure?"

"Good, the appearance of Japan will disrupt the current power balance in the near future.

I want to use it when I can use civilized foreign houses.

Oh, and the Oriental Guild of Guilds of the Eastern Nations can be notified if the enemy fleet hits a single fire-bomb or a single hit with a magic cannon, and the rewards are rewarded by Milial.

I don't care about your status or gate.

In particular, tell them that the guilds of Qaiz and Groot will be rewarded and a third-class citizen of the Holy Military Empire if they are hit with an attack.

Please add that pirates are fine. ''

"Haha! Immediately !!"

The results of the meeting will be immediately reflected.

The Holy Military Empire circumvented the plot.


Civilized foreigners Island Nahanath Kingdom North Town Tavern Iron Claw

About 400 km south of Rodinius continent, there is a small island nation, Nahanath Kingdom, a civilized foreigner.

This small country, which is only about 70 km long and short, which is only visible on the world map, has flourished as a transit point connecting the third civilized sphere to the southern world.

Rice and liquor are both delicious and popular. The iron claws were full of energy.

"Hey, hey! Did you hear about the adventurer's guild?"

An adventurer-like man talks to a pirate-like man.

"Oh, it's likely that you'll pass here and there, and you'll get some rewards from the Holy Emperor, just attacking the Imperial ships.

Moreover, it doesn't matter what the gate is, right?

It's good to be a pirate like me. With the reward of Emperor Millisial, he can play and live all his life. ''

"Oh, don't burn ... it's good that I hit one shot with my Wyvern and leave right away, but that's fine."

The people who get drunk talk about their dreams.

"Wait wait, isn't that easy too?"

"Oh? Husband of the Knights? Why did you come to catch us? Oh? Is it liquor. Can I drink at a place like this?"

"No, pirates and adventurers are now a valuable force. It is indispensable in our country ... The Myrical Empire treats our country and even one enemy as a 5th to 3rd class nation ... After this notice, the Royal Palace is in turmoil.

Wealth gathers when we become the third grade. I can live a much more luxurious life .... I can see big faces in other countries. "

"Oh, it's full of good things!"

"Things are not that simple. In this country where there is no magic TV or radio,

You may not know because of the slowness ... the Empire of Gra-Barcas has destroyed the mighty Reyfol. I know that much. "

"O ... Oo"

"In the Central World, the Holy Military Empire took the initiative to form a fleet that could be called the World Union, and tried to eliminate the Grabarcas empire.

It seems that you have put in ancient weapons but failed.

It's a monster like that. ''

Those who talk about their dreams are silent.

"Everyone who knows the adventurer's guild is emperor Mircial.

Many nations do not let go if they are the only nations, fearing a counterattack. However, with the involvement of the Adventurer's Guild Association, there will always be those from any nation who will take off and take off with a dragon and attack.

In the case of, nations in the passage of the empire must be prepared to fight back.

If you are attacked anyway, you will try to attack using all the power of the nation ... but the opponent came as a monster.

"How is the Knights' master, Nahanath Kingdom coming out?"

"Huff ... Actually, I was heard from Japan a few months ago. It's such a powerful country that I've sunk a ship of the Gra Barcass."

"Oh, I've heard it! It's a country that destroyed the power of the Great Emperor Papardia like a baby!"

"Yes. Is there a large port for Mu and a flight machine airport in the eastern city?"

"Oh, he told me to use it, and I want to prepare for the invasion of the Gra Barcas.

The amount of extraordinary value was presented, and the pressure of the powerful nations. The king understands.

Nine steel ships are already anchored in the eastern harbor, and there are 12 steel dragons at Mu's airfield.

In addition, there seems to be a Japanese army unit in the northeast forest.

Additionally, it seems that 120 attackers will be coming from the country of Mu via airports in other countries.

It seems that these are to hit the dropped ship after the Japanese attack. ''

"That ..."

"Hey, don't make such a dark face, this is a chance!"


"It's a bad guy. Every time the Japanese attack, some ships will fall out.

Will you get a reward for attacking the dropped ship?

It seems that the Navy is planning to sortie after the Japanese attack.

Destroy the sinking ship even if you put a stop on the dropped enemy ship. "


The thoughts crossed.


Japan Capital Tokyo Ministry of Defense Mainland Defense Operations Command

The Japanese government has set up a new mainland defense operations headquarters to unify land, sea, and air information and to make quick decisions as the threat of the Empire of Gra-Barcas has surfaced and a full-scale invasion has been anticipated. Was.

All information about the Gura Barkas Empire is collected here.

Land and sea and air experts and executives gathered at the HQ.

"Emergency sentence sent from the Holy Millitorial Empire to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"

Open the mail while operating the computer.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently sent a PDF file in its original text, which was immediately printed and distributed to each person.

Executives look over at once.

It is said that it has detected over 1,000 fleets.

"Have you caught a millisial?"

Satellites have already confirmed that the fleet that is already leading is already anchored in the port of Reem, and that the other leading fleets are already anchored in the kingdom of Chiayes and Groot, on a large island called Newland.

"There may be other nations to supply to, but there is a high likelihood that they will replenish in order, gather in one place, and then invade at once."

There are 56 vessels in Ream, 230 in the vicinity of the Kingdom of Chias, 210 in Groot, and 996 in the east of the Central World.

"The empire will probably be traveling south of Rodenius continent; the north is overcrowded with islands.

I have to keep preparing for the interception and I hate it. ''

"I would like to destroy 300 or less vessels in order if possible ... it would be troublesome if I could come at once."

"But there are many countries that have supported the base construction, only in the Kingdom of Altaras, the Principality of Kwa Toine, the Kingdom of Kuira, the Kingdom of Nahanath, and many other temporary licenses ..."

"This time there are too many enemies.

The discussion continues.


The Ministry of Defense officials, Mitsugi's eyes stopped at the end of the document.

○ Dispatch an aerial battleship Pal Chimaila to reduce the enemy fleet

"I'm in trouble, enemy and friend identification devices for the air battleships of the Holy Myricial Empire ..."

"Of course not, it will be in the way when it comes."

Currently, the development of the anti-aircraft guided missile antiaircraft target programming has been completed, but since it was before the update work, it will not accidentally fly to the antiaircraft target.

However, there is no denying that anti-aircraft guided missiles may fly by mistake.

"And ... this ..."

"Oh, there is a high likelihood that Wyverns from around the world will attack like the rains of May with the notice of the Holy Millitorial Empire.

If you join poorly around the base, you may miss it.

It is not a joke such as visual battle in anti-aircraft battle. You need to specify the area through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and make an offer to stay outside this area. ''

"But if you make an offer, you run the risk of being escorted by the enemy and breaking the strategy."

The Ministry of Defense has been worried about the situation that continues to move.


Third civilized foreigner Newland CHAIDS Kingdom

Adventurer Alho was flying in the sky of the Kingdom of Chiaids on a dragon.

"The dragon there! ! Turn back immediately! !

Ignore all the magical sounds you heard earlier.

The dragon-controlling arm is as confident as anyone. Even the Commander of the Royal Dragon Knight will never lose.

I've only had a big hit in adventure business for 18 years.

Invasion of the evil dragon. At this time, he was hit with a Wyvern's conducting fire bomb, and his friends performed an operation and saved the kingdom from the invasion of the evil dragon.

At this time, a great reward was given from the kingdom, making him a promising adventurer, and his wife married.

However, the adventure did not go well at all, and his wife and children also felt poor.

A story about the rewards of the Myriad Empire who came down.

In addition, it is said that the Empire of Gra Barcas is anchored at the port of Chiaiz.

Regardless of power, whatever goal is stopped, it is right for me.

While iron dragons may be strong, they can't beat their dragon-controlling skills.

Shoot away from above with a conducting flame bullet. You can always hit it.

If you reach the top, you can live with your own victory, your wife and children, and the citizenship of the Holy Military Empire.

A dream-like story.

Alho cut the wind and controlled the dragon.


A dot is visible in front.

"Is it a rumored iron dragon ?!"

As a reminder, he quickly descended and crawled on the ground.

However, the iron dragon finds this and descends rapidly.

Alho had a bad feeling in his mind and made a sharp turn to the right.


A light bullet shines down on the path that you have just advanced, and the light that hits the ground explodes greatly, raising earth smoke.

After descending sharply, the iron dragon raises its nose and rises at a speed that can be called god speed.

"Ha ... fast!"

Al-Ho immediately turned his head at the enemy and fired a conducting flares.


"Baba ... Stupid! I avoided that easily !!!!

How fast it is turning performance! ! ! "

You can turn your nose right here.

The high roar of the iron dragon agitated further fear.

The ground is covered with sand and there is no place to hide.

"Ku ... Damn it !!"

Premonition of death ……. Light bullets from the enemy appeared very slowly.

The life so far comes to mind.

I felt like I finally saw the crying faces of my wife and my child.

"I'm sorry ..."

Alho was worried about his family's life in a hot sensation of running and fading consciousness.

Gra Barcas Empire Allied Fleet First Advance Squadron

In connection with the case of the Crown Prince being detained, it was decided to dispatch the largest fleet in history and attack Japan.

An unprecedented operation that uses all of the naval power, leaving the minimum Imperial City defense fleet and the Reyfor defense fleet.

The Gura Barkas Empire will form an Allied Fleet, and its Commander-in-Chief will be the most successful Caesar of the three Imperial Generals.

However, the combined fleet this time has a very large number of destroyers.

At the World Congress in the Holy Military Empire, after declaring war on the entire world, he concentrated on destroyers and started mass production.

This was due to the limited level of civilization that could destroy the destroyer due to the low level of world civilization.

The new destroyer was in service, but due to different ammunition standards, there was not enough ammunition until mass production of ammunition, and it was not counted as a combatable ship.

Although the reserve ship has also been pulled out, it is a large fleet, but the structure of the destroyer is abnormally high

Had become a fleet.

Milekenes, the only of the three Imperial Generals, has been assigned the Commander of the First Advance Corps.

"How long will replenishment last?"

"Hah! It will be finished in about an hour!"

Because the fleet was very weak when targeted at resupply, the fleet was flying in formation with Antares-type carrier-based fighters flying in the sky even while resupplying at the port.

A shelling sound is heard over the sea, and the sailing ship is sunk.

"Maybe ... idiots."

I have been shooting down the Wyvern that has entered the flight ban as if it rained in May.

We have already shot down 13 aircraft.

The sailing ship is sinking because 12 ships without prior notice came.

"Let's do it quickly and get out. I don't want to waste ammo.

Apparently, this gloomy attack will continue until it hits a real enemy. ''

The Gura Barkas Empire is plagued by savage adventurers.