Night Watchman


Right after he finished speaking, Little Li immediately became scared. Her face couldn't help but become pale and her entire body began to tremble.

"F * ck, so the Japanese have killed quite a number of us Chinese. This, this bunker, shouldn't, shouldn't …"

Before he could finish his sentence, Little Li directly exclaimed and ran out. I originally wanted to give chase, but at this moment, the big boss behind me also gave a scream!

"Brother Zhou, look! What are those following us?"

Following the light of the flashlight, the floor was covered with a layer of unknown insects!

Although the worms looked like snails, their bodies were pitch black and shiny. Furthermore, their mouthparts were actually similar to those of blood-sucking mosquitoes. They were thin and long black needles! On top of their heads was a fiery red eye. Seeing it in this sort of environment would cause one's hair to stand on end!

When the board discovered those bugs, they were already not far behind us, and were rushing towards us in a formidable array!

Although the scene was spectacular, I still felt a little numb in my heart when I saw so many bugs. Furthermore, the closer those things got to us, the hotter the wooden cows in my hands became!

"Not good, these things can be very dangerous! We have to find a way out of here as soon as possible! "

After saying that, I pulled on the large board, intending to turn around and escape. However, at this moment, Little Li's scream suddenly sounds out from in front of us!


The moment the voice was heard, Little Li's figure appeared in front of us. It was as if he was extremely frightened, so he ran back the way he came from without saying anything. I didn't even have the chance to stop him!

However, when Little Li ran closer to those bugs, those bugs that were quietly moving forward immediately rushed towards Little Li like a frying pan, instantly wrapping around Little Li!

It could be seen that after those strange bugs climbed onto Little Li's body, they immediately inserted that needle-like thing into Little Li's body!

Following that, Little Li's heart-wrenching scream echoed throughout the underground fortifications!

In the blink of an eye, Little Li's originally robust body was directly sucked into a dried up corpse by the bugs. She fell down right in front of our eyes, no longer carrying any life force!

He had read a novel about it before, and had also read about it later. It was a type of insect that specialized in eating other small insects. However, the behavior of these things was too terrifying!

Furthermore, under the nourishment of Little Li's blood, those worms seemed to become even more lively, and they surged towards me and Big Board at an even faster speed!

Although we don't know what Little Li saw up ahead, but when we saw this scene, we still turned around and ran forward without saying a word!

"Brother Zhou, what are those things? It's too terrifying! "

"Who am I supposed to ask if you ask me!"

After running forward for a short distance, an intersection appeared in front of us. This time, the tunnel on the left seemed to lead to a room, while the tunnel on the right led to an unknown place.

At that moment, I suddenly saw Ah Xi standing at the door of the room and waving at us!

In this completely unfamiliar environment, running around like this is no different from courting death! Furthermore, if we were to encounter those terrifying worms again, our fate would be the same as Little Li's!

Rather than facing an unknown danger, he might as well choose to face this Ah Xi! In any case, we still need to find Ah Xi's bronze statue. Before we bury that bronze statue, I believe that Ah Xi shouldn't harm us!

Thus, just as I was about to run towards the room where Ah Xi was, I was pulled back by the big board.

"B-Brother Zhou, this place has been deserted for a long time. T-that kid couldn't be … could it be a ghost?"

He could actually see Ashes? Or could it be that it was to give us directions that Ashes finally revealed herself? In that case, could the ghost that Little Li shouted earlier be Ah Xi?

Although there were many questions in his mind, now was not the time to think about it. Despite his reluctance, I dragged him into the room.

However, when we went in and locked the door behind us, I immediately regretted it.

This was because this room seemed to be specially used to burn corpses!

There was a large incinerator in the small room. There were countless corpses piled beside it, and a rancid smell wafted out from them! And right at this moment, that Ah Xi actually stood in front of the entrance of the incinerator, waving his hand towards us!

Don't tell me you want us to go in there! Although that item was indeed sealed, to enter it …

When I saw this scene, I was on the verge of tears.

However, looking at the situation now, we have no other choice but to believe that Asher won't harm us.

Because not long after we entered this room, bugs crawled in through the vents!

"Quick!" Hide in the crematorium! "

"What?" Burning, a corpse incinerating furnace? "

After hearing what I said, Big Board's face started to turn pale, "Brother Zhou, can you not go in? Do you really believe in that ghost? "

After killing the bugs that were crawling in, I shouted at the big board angrily, "If you don't want to die, then stop bullshitting me!" Do you think I want to go to that damn place! That little brat is Ah Xi, and he wants us to bury him, so it won't harm us! "

Maybe it was my words, maybe the bugs were too scary. After I finished speaking, the large board immediately bent over and entered the furnace.

The moment I entered the furnace, a pungent smell immediately made me unable to breathe. Although it was a bit painful, it was safe for now.

The sound of the bugs crawling outside the furnace walls was terrifying, but it proved that Ashe was really saving us.

Feeling the cool breeze from the chimney, I began to miss the life on the site.

Even though it was scary all day long, it was still better than suffering like this.

"Bro, quickly take a look at these bugs that came out of the ground."

A voice came from the chimney, and at once, as if seeing a savior, Broad and I began to shout at the chimney. However, the people up there acted as if they couldn't hear our cries for help at all, and not long after, screams and screams could be heard!

It's over, now that our only hope is gone, am I and Gao Dazhi going to be trapped in this place and die?

Just as this thought surfaced in my mind, Zhang Zi Kong's voice suddenly came from above!

"Is it Zhou Yu? Where are you? "Where did these blood snails come from?"