Night Watchman


The moment the wooden cow started to heat up, I started to get anxious.

But before I could even make a move, I suddenly felt the ground beneath my feet start to tremble. After that, I only felt the space beneath my feet empty and my body falls straight down!

"Ouch!" Your sister, you've really run into a ghost. Why would such a huge hole appear on the ground!? "

"F * cking hell, I just climbed up and then fell down, this is f * cking going to mess with laozi!"

The first sound came from a board not far from me, and the second sound came from that Little Li.

Although we fell into a huge pit, fortunately, apart from a few scrapes, the three of them didn't suffer any major injuries. Furthermore, that Ah Xi had also disappeared to who knows where.

From Li Jun's words, it was obvious that such a situation had already occurred when he was trying to comprehend a little. But why did that Ah Xi, who did not look fierce, do this to him?

Doubt arose in my heart, I directly walked towards him. "Did you encounter such a thing just now?" Can you tell me what was going on at that time? "

Hearing my words, Little Li immediately became depressed, "Let's not talk about that. I don't know if it's because of the copper statue, but not long after I climbed out of a hole, I fell again!"

After hearing that, I immediately felt depressed.

Ah Xi's fate was already miserable enough, yet you still degrade him like this. Serves you right for being unlucky! Moreover, even if you are unlucky, it's fine.

However, as much as I complained, it was fortunate that both me and Bighead were fine, so I didn't want to bother with him.

It was only then that I began to look around the place we had fallen into.

Even though the pit that we fell into is only three to four meters tall, I realized that the edges of the pit are very neat. It's almost impossible to climb up it.

At this moment, the sound of the large board suddenly reached my ears.

"Brother Zhou, quickly take a look at what this is about!"

Following the sound of the plate, I could clearly see that under the light of the plate's flashlight, there seemed to be something metallic shining inside the mud wall.

By the time I walked in, the plank had cleared the earth around it.

From the preliminary observation, this thing was probably a steel helmet. Moreover, it seemed to be stuck in the mud. The large board had tried several times but still failed to pull it out.

Why would such a thing appear here? Even if there were Japanese underground fortifications, how could this helmet be buried in the soil about 4 meters above the ground?

Just as I was feeling puzzled in my heart, the large board suddenly drags both of my hands into the edges of the steel helmet. With a slight tug, the entire steel helmet is pulled out from the ground! At the same time, a skeleton wearing Japanese military uniform was brought out from the mud and was directly thrown towards Little Li!

I don't know if it was my imagination, but when the skeleton flew towards Xiao Li, I astonishingly saw the skeleton's head actually spin a few times in the air, as if it was sizing up the three people present! Furthermore, before that skeleton landed on Little Li's body, I clearly saw that skeleton's forearm was stretched out towards Little Li, as if it was unwilling to give up!

As that skeleton is no different from an ordinary skeleton after it landed on the ground, in order to not affect their mood, I can only treat it as I saw wrongly and didn't say anything.

However, when I turned around to look at the direction of the big board, I found that there was a huge depression in the wall due to what happened just now. And behind the wall, there was actually a passage!

"F * ck, no wonder there are evil soldiers here. So the place we fell down on was that devil's underground fortifications!"

As he spoke, the large board immediately began to dig.

According to the shape and height of this pit, it was impossible for us to climb up. If someone came to save us, who knows how long it would take?

Furthermore, calling for help in this kind of environment was completely futile. If there's no one near the pit, no matter how we shout, the sound won't come out. We might as well find a way out ourselves. Maybe we can even find some good stuff that the evil spirits left behind!

However, right at this moment, Little Li suddenly said that he felt cold and even shouted at us not to move, telling him to dig.

Someone took the initiative to request hard work, and of course, this was exactly what the big boss wanted, so he took the initiative to step down.

However, when I turned my head to look at Little Li, my scalp couldn't help but go numb!

Because I astonishingly saw, A Xi actually climbed on Li's back, and was currently staring at Li Jun with a face full of resentment!

Although this matter did not concern him, anyone who saw such a scene would feel weak in their heart.

Sensing that something was amiss with my face, Zhang Xuan walked over and asked me what was going on. At this moment, Ah Xi seemed to have noticed me looking at him and he immediately retreated behind Little Li's back, disappearing without a trace.

Could it be that he implicated us in his revenge on Little Li, afraid that we wouldn't help him bury the bronze statue, so he didn't dare to see me?

Thinking of this, the previous feeling of fear in my heart immediately lessened by quite a bit. Furthermore, I started to sympathize with this Ah Xi.

How can Japanese bastards do thousands of evil things in our country? A pitiful ghost like Ah Xi, who knows how many … Sigh, I'll just help him out a bit if I can. Just treat it as accumulating more merits …

Seeing that my expression changed again and again, Big Board couldn't help but place his hand on my forehead and circle around me. When he was sure that I didn't fall, he asked curiously, "Brother Zhou, did you fall somewhere that can't be told? "I've been seeing your expression ever since I fell into this pit."

Hearing that, I directly gave the large board a shot at the head, "Fuck you, we are all men, what place is there that can't be said?"

Big Board and I were playing, while Little Li was desperately trying to wrap up the mud. After a short while, he had managed to make a path for himself through the mud wall.

However, when I saw that the passage was sloping downwards, I couldn't help but frown. On the other hand, when Little Li saw that the passage was heading down, a trace of happiness vaguely appeared on her face.

Even though I felt that his expression was a little strange, I didn't put it to heart. I directly followed him into the passageway.

The tunnel was very long, and he had no idea where it led to. Fortunately, Xiao Li's flashlight had a strong penetrating power, so even though the tunnel was narrow, it did not seem dark at all.

When we came to a trident, Xiao Li hesitated for a moment before heading to the left.

I felt a little odd about his actions. Had he been here before? Or did he have a map of this underground fortification?

The deeper I went, the more I felt that something was wrong. Every time we meet at an intersection, he hesitates for a moment before making his choice. Not long after, the wooden cow in my hand starts to heat up!

So I simply went up and asked, "Do you know the way here? Or have you been here before? "

Just as I finished asking, Xiao Li replied impatiently, "Didn't you guys push me from behind? I thought you guys knew the way! "