Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 242

"Is there no exchange?" Qingchen asked curiously: "for example, how can I help you run now again? Or do something else for you? "

"Not this time," he replied.

Qingchen thinks something is not right: "I'll help you run now again, or I'm not sure about your taboo..."

Ace-011 is a sniper gun used by Yang Xiaojin, and it's in one hand.

But Qingchen really can't figure out why he is willing to give his mother's goods to himself for free?

How can't you come out on time before you put it?

"Said this time does not need to exchange terms," a reply: "annoying."

"OK," Qingchen asked, "then why give it to me?"

"Because you meet the conditions for giving," Yi said calmly, "my mother said that if someone is patient, tough, calm, and has the talent to use guns, I can give them away. However, this sniper gun is not in No. 18 city now. It will be given to you after a while. I hope you will live up to this sniper gun and its reputation. "

Qingchen nodded: "I see, I will cherish it."

However, he always feels that things are not so simple. After all, there are many people who meet the conditions of snipers in the Federation. They don't give them to others, but to themselves?

There must be a special reason.

"By the way, what's unique about ace-011?" Qingchen asked.

"I haven't seen it used, so I only know some paper data. After all, after I was born, my mother Yang Xiaojin didn't use it any more, "she thought about it and said," the only thing I know is some shooting data. In addition, it can be carried in the body. "

"Wait a minute, can this sniper gun be put in the body?" Qingchen was shocked.

"Yes," Yi answered calmly.

Qingchen knows very well how terrible a sniper gun that can be carried around without occupying space or weight.

You know, most of an ordinary anti equipment sniper gun weighs about 12 kg and is more than 1.2 meters long. It's very inconvenient to run with this kind of thing on your back.

But if you can keep the sniper gun in your body, this problem will be solved immediately.

At this time, Yi continued: "the total length of ace-011 is 1.4 meters, with a diameter of 12.7 mm. There is no need to load additional flame eliminators, with an effective range of 2600 meters."

Qingchen was really shocked this time. The effective range of an ordinary 12.7mm anti equipment sniper gun is only 1600 meters. Can this taboo reach 2600 meters?

It's against common sense.

However, when Qingchen thinks that this thing is taboo, well, it's OK.

"In other words," Qingchen thought and asked, "in fact, your parents are still alive. If Ren Xiaosu dies, the sniper gun should dissipate."

"Well," he replied calmly.

"Are they still in the Federation?" Qingchen said

"No, I'm going out for a tour," Yi said, a little wronged..

Qingchen suddenly feels that the sentence "going out to travel" is not so simple

"The taboo ace-005 is called" Dafu ". What is the taboo ace-011?" Qingchen asked.

"It's called 'persuading people with virtue'," Yihui replied.

"Ah?" Qingchen was stunned for a moment.

"It's said that my father told my mother not to like fighting and killing so much, but to convince others with virtue," Yi explained, "so my mother carved a word" Virtue "on the butt of the gun, and from then on, shooting and killing is to convince others with virtue."

To tell you the truth, Qingchen was not so shocked when he just heard about the taboos.

"Your parents are always so unexpected," Qingchen said in a daze, "but I'm not so surprised to think that they are in the same line as knights."

"Just get used to it," Yi said calmly. "I feel like I'm the most normal person in my family."

"By the way, where is this sniper gun now?" Qingchen asked.

"There is something hidden under No. 10 prison," Yi said, "just as you want to help Liu Dezhu to clean up, you can naturally let him bring out this taboo to see the sun again. Don't worry, I won't tell him what it is when he gets out of prison."

It's good to be friends with a little rich woman. You see, it's a taboo.

Qingchenxin said, are there taboos hidden under these prisons? There are 26 prisons in the whole Federation, right

One suddenly said: "don't think too much, there is no other prison, don't make crooked ideas here."

"OK," Qingchen said, but he soon frowned again: "what if he lost the taboo on his way to the 18th city?"

One calm way: "rest assured, can't lose."

This is an absolute confidence.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside Qingchen's single room dormitory. Someone said, "Hey, the new comer in here has a task. Hurry to clean up and go out with the boss."

Qingchen's eyes slightly changed, because the voice... Is very familiar.

Moreover, this voice is very abrupt for him, he did not expect that the other party would appear here!

With that, the people outside the door muttered: "I've just come back from my vacation. I have to go to the task in the evening... Belch!"

The door opened, and the Kunlun hawk outside saw the dust inside, and immediately interrupted the conversation.

Xiaoying looks at Qingchen as if he is scared out of his mouth, and Qingchen looks at him without expression. Two "old acquaintances" who show the world suddenly meet

For Qingchen, there are only three people he knows best in Kunlun: Zheng Yuandong, Lu Yuan and Xiao Ying. Zheng Yuandong is the boss, calm and intelligent, and his hidden strength may be very high; Lu Yuan is the person in charge of the secret service department; Xiaoying is desperate to hit any car.

The corridor outside the dormitory, there are other security personnel are out of the footsteps.

Qingchen asked softly, "is there a task?"

"Yes, please come downstairs with me. The vehicles are waiting in Feiyun other yard," said Xiaoying. He knew that Qingchen was reminding himself not to expose the identity of time traveler, otherwise everyone would not have good fruit to eat.

A group of people walk down the stairs, Qingchen follows the crowd, and from time to time, the security personnel look at him in surprise.

Half of these security personnel have followed Li Changqing to watch Qingchen's competition, so they have also seen how the teenager leaps to kill Miao Qifeng in the octagonal cage.

We don't look down upon the identity of the black boxer. On the contrary, we admire Qingchen's fighting skills. If they only face Miao Qifeng at the E level, they will surely die in the octagonal cage.

However, we all know why Qingchen was recruited into Li Changqing's secret service team... It's a pity

A group of people were downstairs to collect the guns distributed by Lao Liu. At some time, the motorcade was replaced by an off-road vehicle on the ground instead of the float vehicle that Li Changqing used to ride.

Moreover, there are no signs on the bodies of these off-road vehicles.

Qingchen silently observed, this time out to carry out the task of the secret service group a total of 26 people, by 7 off-road vehicles.

Those off-road vehicles are rough in shape and look like wild animals. They are vehicles used to drive in the wilderness.

Not only that, but also Xiao Gong and Wang bingxu.

If Lao Liu is included, there will be two B-level experts in this team. What does Li Changqing want to do? If only to interfere in the community struggle, it should not bring such a high-level staffing.

At this moment, Wang bingxu's eyes swept through the crowd, not noticing Qingchen, an old acquaintance.

Qingchen had appeared as a wild hunter before, but that time he and Li Shutong smeared dust on their faces. Wang bingxu's attention at that time was all on the shendai family, and he was soon attacked by the wild people, so he didn't look at him carefully, and now he didn't recognize him.

Laoliu simply explained: "tonight, your task is to protect the boss's safety, remember your mission, now the 18th city is more dangerous than the 1st City, get on the bus."

The next moment, everyone gets on the bus. Qingchen sees Xiaoying get on the No. 2 SUV, and immediately goes back to avoid riding with this desperate sanro.

As a result, before he took two steps, Li Changqing in the back of No. 2 SUV pressed down the window and waved to him, "Qingchen, you get on my car."

The security guards in the secret service group looked strange and said one by one that it was true

But there is another thing that makes us even more surprised. Lao Liu even asked someone to take a gun bag with a sniper gun and put it into the huge trunk behind the No. 2 SUV.

This is very strange. There are snipers in the secret service team, but at this time, the snipers are sitting in car 6, and the sniper guns have been loaded into car 6.

So why prepare a second sniper gun?

Seeing Qingchen standing still, Li Changqing said in a voice, "hurry up, don't delay."

Qingchen reluctantly got into the back row of No. 2 car, while Lao Liu was in the co driver's seat of the car and used the walkie talkie to command: "let's go."

Seven SUVs roared out of the Banshan manor and sped all the way to the fourth district.

Hawk through the car's rearview mirror, carefully looking at the back.

But listen to Li Changqing in a serious account to Qingchen: "this No. 2 car is bulletproof, later in danger, you stay in the car, other people will solve the problem."

Small Eagle heart said, this special is serious security? Whose boss will remind the serious security personnel to stay in the car when they are in danger?

He was shocked

Because of his status in the outside and inside world, he knew the existence of nangengchen and what role he played beside Li Yinuo. But he never thought that even Qingchen, a cruel character, would go this way!

What's more, Qingchen and nangengchen belong to the same organization in the world, right? What kind of organizational culture is this.

Think of here, Xiaoying heart even some envy.


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