Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 241

In the evening, the setting sun slants on the other courtyard of Feiyun. Li Changqing, who is reading the documents, has a unique aesthetic feeling, as if his hair is coated with a soft light.

Life expectancy in the world is not high, but it is a stage of polarization.

The average life expectancy of ordinary people is 53 years old, but the average life expectancy of consortia has reached 95 years old.

The level of modern science and technology is reflected incisively and vividly in every member of the consortium. At this time, Li Changqing, 34, said in the world that she was twenty-four or twenty-five.

At this time, Li Changqing was looking at the documents about the No. 1 city, but he saw the old 61 limping out of the other yard and said cautiously, "boss, I'm back."

The woman looked up at him and asked, "where's Qingchen?"

"I sent him back to the dormitory, all of them have been arranged, and he is very satisfied with the dormitory," Liu said.

Li Changqing put down the paper documents in his hand and looked at Lao Liu with no expression: "what are you doing back then?"

Old six: "I'm not sure."

"Did I ask you to arrange a dormitory for him?" Li Changqing said: "Lao Liu, I keep you by my side. I really value you, but I didn't expect you to be a heartless person..."

"Ah, this!" Lao Liu was stunned.

"Forget it," Li Changqing waved helplessly. She couldn't get angry with the old six: "take him to the stadium today. How's the progress of the training?"

Seeing that she was no longer angry, Lao Liu said in a low voice: "boss, you don't know. That boy is so amazing..."

When he said the cause and effect again, Li Changqing frowned and said, "are you sure you haven't touched firearms before?"

"No," Lao Liu shook his head. "I saw it specially. He didn't have any cocoons in his hands. Even if he rubbed it with special liquid medicine, it couldn't be so clean."

Li Changqing thought deeply: "when I go to test the sniper gun tomorrow, I'll go with you."

However, at this time, a subordinate in a black suit suddenly walked into Feiyun bieyuan: "boss, the club is ready to start. People from Li Dongze and hengshe appear. You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of" the naming of night jiutao novel (9txs. ORG) "!