Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 240

Which novice familiar with guns will remember the sound of the gun directly, and close their eyes can distinguish the model of the gun?

We are familiar with guns in the common definition. Can't we just use them?

Old six's heart is blocked with a big slot, but he can't spit it out.

At this time, Qingchen looked at Laoliu with an open mind and asked, "brother six, aren't you so familiar with guns? What else did I miss?"

"Cough," Lao Liu said, "when you are familiar with guns, it's important to know what type of guns you have. But during the battle, professional experts can't always let you find the firepower vacuum period. They will cross fire and cover their teammates to change their magazines. Some people even use their own modified guns, such as the extended magazine. If you still judge the fire vacuum period according to experience, you will die very quickly. "

Qing Chen listened and nodded seriously: "six elder brothers say of right."

The staff on one side almost couldn't listen to it. Lao Liu was just fooling new people with very few cases. The first half of the sentence was true, but the second half was bullshit: in literary and artistic works, he likes to elevate the status of refitting firearms, but in fact, refitting firearms without permission will affect the stability. So the real professional Gunners generally don't choose special guns. Instead, they use leather and real goods that have been tested by history for countless times. In real combat, what experts want to avoid most is "accidents.". You can fix the bullets at most. You won't change the guns.

However, the staff also hoped that the old six would suppress the new man's arrogance, so they didn't tear it down.

At this time, Liu continued: "what I just said is very important, but it's still not the most important. What's the most important thing to be familiar with firearms? Gun sense. With a gun in your hand, you know how heavy it is, so you can drive your arm muscles to aim as fast as you can. For example, if you want to lift a bag of rice, the rice is 20 jin, and you think it is 15 Jin, will it be misplaced when using power? "

"Well," Qingchen thought, suddenly took out a pistol, without hesitation in a second pulled the trigger, the bullet hit the bull's-eye: "six brother said this, I am also familiar with."

Old six stagnated for a while: "there is more important, that is familiar with the recoil. When you fire repeatedly, every recoil will cause your muzzle to deviate. Only when you are familiar with the recoil of the gun in your hand can you know how to fine tune the muzzle after you have fired a gun so that you can continue to hit the target.... "

Qingchen thought about it, then suddenly reached for another completely different gun to shoot.

However, this time Lao Liu stopped him directly and said calmly, "OK, I know you're familiar with this. Take the magic power."

"Well," Qingchen nodded, "I continue to be familiar with the rest of the guns."

Old six big hand waved: "familiar with it, just play."

One side of the staff whispered: "brother six, your quota has been played out. If he plays again, it will be deducted from your annual salary."

Old six Leng for a while, he quickly stopped clear: "cough, brother Qingchen, you don't want to play sniper gun, I'll take you to the sniper gun shooting range behind Beishan, where I also have the quota of sniper bullets."

However, Qingchen shook his head at this time: "brother six, I suddenly feel that it's important to be familiar with ordinary guns. You wait for me first, and I'll get to know the rest of the guns."

I have to say, Qingchen along the way, every step of the way are trying to make themselves go down to earth..

After becoming a knight, I still keep training every day.

After becoming an extraordinary person, he still polished his basic fighting skills.

He is like a bamboo, hungry and thirsty to absorb all the useful water and nutrition in the soil.

Now it's the same with firearms training. At the beginning, Qingchen especially wanted to have a sniper gun and use a sniper gun, so that he would have the ability to snipe others across the level.

But at this moment, after using more than ten guns, he finally calmed down. Life needs patience, and growth also needs patience. He must be here and take this opportunity to lay a solid foundation.

When he left Li, where can he find such a complete range of gun magazine? Where can I find these free ammunition?

But old six in the heart bitter ah, he which count to celebrate dust just hit how many bullets, how know the other side consume ammunition speed unexpectedly so fast?

Old six whispered to Qing Chen: "don't be familiar with conventional firearms, brother. You are already familiar with them very well."

"Six elder brother, I haven't touched the automatic rifle yet," Qingchen is really reluctant to leave now, he is very worried about missing this time, he won't have the chance to spend so much.

Qingchen has been poor for many years, so he will never let go of the chance to collect wool.

What if Lao Liu is not so generous in the future? He said just in case.

Old six see Qing Chen do not want to go, immediately uncomfortable.

However, when he saw Qingchen's firm eyes, suddenly his heart of talent also rose. Lao Liu called the staff: "continue to press the magazine for this boy, let him have a good time."

The practice lasted from the morning to the afternoon. Even the staff in the hall changed a lot, while Qingchen knew all the guns in order tirelessly.


At first he felt OK, but gradually his palm began to hurt.

If it wasn't for his extraordinary constitution, I'm afraid the recoil alone would be enough to hurt him.

After Qingchen became familiar with automatic rifles, the damage of this overload training method to the body became more obvious, especially when the shoulder butt transferred recoil, and even involved the pain of two broken ribs.

Also until then, Lao Liu looked at Qingchen and said: "I know you suffered multiple injuries yesterday, so you will be more confused. Don't you feel pain? If it hurts, why train by abusing yourself? "

Qingchen pulled the trigger and asked: "sixth brother, is there any pain in training?"

Old 61 thought, it's really like this... How can training not be painful?

Qingchen continued: "training is always painful, but if you don't have to spend money, it will reduce part of my inner pain."

Old six is speechless. With you, I'm transferring the pain to my brother. No wonder my brother's heart is so painful.

One side of the staff looking at Qingchen side, yellow shells have been piled with the hill, so whispered: "brother six, according to his shooting efficiency, you are afraid to bleed."

Old six Eye Bead son turned, suddenly shrewd way: "you know a fart, just let him hit, money all I come out."

At this time, he suddenly figured out a thing. Qingchen is not a real bodyguard. He is raised by boss Changqing

So, all the expenses of Qingchen today, as long as Laoliu goes back to boss Changqing to explain the situation, it's not his turn to pay for it!

What can he do with the boss?

According to the atmosphere of boss Changqing, a set of genetic medicine has been given. Even if the teenager demolishes the stadium today, what's the matter?!

The next moment, the gunfire suddenly stopped.

In the quiet venue, Lao Liu and the staff were not used to it. After listening to the gunfire all day, they were almost deafened.

At this point, after the gunfire stopped, people even felt their ears buzzing.

Qingchen looks at old six: "six elder brothers, they are all familiar with each other."

Old six hesitated: "do you remember the sound of all the guns?"

"Almost," Qingchen replied.

"Do you remember the recoil of all the guns?"


Old six heart said, you boy now know humility.

Then, Qingchen excitedly said: "let's try the sniper gun."

Old six can't laugh or cry: "don't you have to rest for a while?"

He looks at the expression of Qing Chen, the heart says this kid won't be worried that there will be no free ammunition available in the future, just so anxious one day to practice?

Old six thought for a while and said tentatively, "brother, that's right. My old six guarantees with his personality. As long as you come to the venue to practice your guns in the future, the account can be charged to me."

"Really?" Qingchen's eyes brightened, and then he rubbed his shoulder socket which was hurt by the gunstock: "that really doesn't need to be too urgent."

Old six stare big eyes, you really want to save money is so hard ah!

To tell you the truth, he was thinking about a problem at this time. The data showed that Qingchen family was backward for more than three years, and finally had to sell his property.

Today, the performance of Qingchen can only be shown by those who have suffered.

Only those who are poor and afraid can cherish opportunities so much.

Old 61 limped to the outside of the stadium: "let's go. I'll take you to the airport in the back mountain tomorrow to let you have a good time. To tell you the truth, I also want to see how accurate you are when you take the sniper gun."

Qingchen followed with a smile: "thank you, brother six."

"But you can be psychologically prepared," Liu said. "The sniper gun is not the same as what you practice now. It's not as simple as increasing the range. The most important thing is that when the range increases, the wind on the ground, the water in the air, the earth's geostrophic bias, and gravity will all be against you."

Lao Liu continued: "your ability now is that you can hit the target as long as the trajectory is straight, but the sniper bullet's trajectory is more than 400 meters, it is no longer the traditional sense of straight trajectory."

With a sniper gun, 100-300 meters is the minimum deflection trajectory, which means that you directly aim at the enemy with the sight and pull the trigger.

After more than 400 meters, it is a professional category. After 600 meters, the kinetic energy of the bullet decreases, and it begins to increase under the influence of external factors. Therefore, 800 meters hitting the target can be called a real sniper.

At 1600 meters, the target is invisible in the eyes of the sniper. At this time, the sniper no longer needs the naked eye, but a more mysterious absolute sense of gun.

Therefore, those who can still hit the target in more than 1600 meters are the gods in the sniper.

This is also the reason why the sharpshooter's treatment in the consortium can be equal to that of the B-level experts.

"There are so many so-called sharpshooters in the two subjects of pistol and automatic rifle in the federal army. You are just one of them now, but many of them fall on the threshold of 600 meters," he said

Qingchen nodded seriously: "thank you for reminding me. Try again tomorrow."


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