Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 231

There are a lot of people in Haitang boxing hall. Ticket sales alone are 40% higher than usual. Some staff members recall that the last time it was so busy here was more than a year ago.

That time, it was because ah fan, the champion, was graded all the way here and became a land cruiser fighter overnight.

At this time, the host is playing with the audience on the stage, which can be regarded as a warm-up session before the game.

However, Li Changqing didn't want to listen to this kind of irrelevant role noise at all. She called out to the door: "yue'er, you go to Haitang boxing house and let the host go."

Li Yinuo looked at the aunt, who was famous for her thunder tactics, and said: "aunt, this is a necessary process. Moreover, the boxers are warming up in their respective dressing rooms at this time. If they rush on, the boxers may be injured because of insufficient warming up, and the fight may not be good."

"Well," Li Changqing thought for a while and said, "it's reasonable. It's my aunt who doesn't think about it. Xiaotu still has to warm up. Let's wait."

This sentence let Li Yinuo immediately feel, before that kind of strange feeling suddenly clear.

The other side is not really looking for themselves, the other side is not just to watch the game, but to see qingxiaotu!

Li Yinuo knows that Qingchen has a lot of mom fans now, but she never thought that Li Changqing would become one of her fans.

Wait a minute, Li Yinuo suddenly felt that his aunt, who is really going to powder? can't.

If Li Changqing is not a fan of Qingchen, is that another possibility?

Li Yinuo said tentatively, "is it lovely?"

Li Changqing patted her on the head: "who can be cute and love, no big or small."

"Wrong, wrong," said Li Yinuo, covering her head. She originally guessed that Qingchen had won her aunt's favor through the Internet, but now it seems not?

Of course, she did not know that one can have so many vest.

Serious people who open so many waistcoats?

Now Li Yinuo feels even more strange. Both of them may have been denied. Why did my aunt come to Haitang boxing hall?

It's not really for boxing.

Li Tongyun nestled in Aunt Li Changqing's arms and suddenly asked, "aunt, why did you suddenly come to see the fight? Did you pay attention to which boxer? "Little earth?"

Li yinuoxin said that Xiao Tongyun really handed the pillow when he was sleepy. As an adult, he had some words that he couldn't ask, because he would appear to have a strong purpose, but it would be OK for a child to ask.

Li Changqing said to Li Tongyun with a smile: "aunt is really here because of qingxiaotu."

For Li Changqing, she plans to let Qingchen to be a bodyguard, naturally there is no need to hide. Moreover, she doesn't know the other identities of Qingchen. She doesn't know that Li Tongyun and others are already familiar with Qingchen.

For a moment, Li Tongyun, Li Yinuo and Nan Gengchen felt that a stone stirred up a thousand waves, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Everyone guessed a certain direction, but they did not dare to continue to guess

Suddenly, there was silence in the private room. Li Changqing glanced at the three people, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the arsonist in a calm manner: "little liar, why didn't you tell me you still played black boxing before?"

Heartthrob: "I'm afraid you don't like this profession."

"Yes, of course," Li Changqing replied, "if I tell you that I am waiting to see you in the Haitang boxing hall, will you be surprised?"

Heartthrob: "of course. Octagonal cage is like a monster that chooses people to eat. It's hard for everyone to predict their fate before they go in, but if you are on the scene, I will fight for you.. Tonight, I will win. "

Li Changqing has never heard such straightforward words. In the past, even if a man dares to approach her, he is still scared

I don't know why, Li Changqing felt fresh, as if there was a peach just picked from the tree in front of him, but the hairy one was very delicious.

Qingchen, who is warming up in the dressing room, still doesn't know what he said to Li Changqing.

He is really doing the warm-up and stretching before the competition, careful like a college entrance examination students to check their stationery.

At any time, he is ready to deal with everything, and never lazy.

The door of changing room suddenly opened, Jiang Xiaotang walked in as if nobody else.

Qingchen got up and put on her coat. She said with a smile, "why, afraid of seeing my sister? When you go to the ring later, you're only wearing shorts. "

Qingchen thought for a while and said seriously: "different, different scenes, different dress requirements. Now we are the only two in the dressing room. I dress well and I respect you, my sister

Jiang Xiaotang praised: "before, I was worried that you would learn bad in the Fourth District, but now it seems that you will not. Remember, be careful that there are no good things for the men and women in the Fourth District, including me."

Qing Chen is surprised, this elder sister is ruthless rise unexpectedly is to even oneself all scold.

But listen to Jiang Xiaotang continue to say: "tonight I always feel a little uneasy, so special to see you, are you ready?"

"Ready," Qingchen nodded.

"If you want to cancel tonight's game, I can cancel it for you at any time," Jiang said.

"No," Qingchen shook his head.

Jiang Xiaotang thought for a while and said: "although the octagonal cage is closed and can't be opened again, I can make an exception for you. In the process of boxing, as long as you put up the thumb of a certain hand, I will let Ji Hao in to save you immediately. Do you understand?"

Qingchen said sincerely, "I understand."

He didn't know why Jiang Xiaotang had made such preparations. He just felt that the other party shouldn't be so kind to him.

"Sister," Qingchen asked, "Why are you so nice to me?"

Jiang Xiaotang smiles calmly: "because your master had nurtured me. On the night when they were arrested, I was supposed to protect some people secretly, but I didn't do it because I was afraid. This is what I owe him. Since I can't get back to him, I'll give it back to you. "

In fact, when Li Shutong brought Qingchen here for the first time, she knew the identity of Qingchen.

And Qingchen also understood at this time, no wonder Lin Xiaoxiao has always been resentful of Jiang Xiaotang, because of some old things.

He thought about it and said, "sister, you should have been young then, right?"

"I know what you want to comfort. I was 19 years old, but that's not the reason for timidity," said Jiang Xiaotang. "When I was very young, he rescued me from the human traffickers. Without your master, I would have been like many women in the Fourth District in the street to solicit visitors, instead of sitting in the Haitang boxing hall and enjoying life. I, Lin Xiaoxiao, ye Wan, Li Dongze, he gave us all our lives. Eight years ago that night I should have given them back, but I was afraid. "

Jiang Xiaotang still remembers clearly that at dusk on the day Li Shutong saved her, he asked her if she would like to return her life one day. If she would like to, she would be given a new life. If not, she could find someone to foster her.

Jiang Xiaotang answered yes, and then Li Shutong bought her delicious candy, bought her a lot of new clothes, and gave her a home, brothers and sisters.

Today, she remembers that the new clothes on that day were printed with small red flowers. The candy was Lin Ji candy in Changming lane, the Fifth District of No.18 city.

But eight years ago, she didn't keep her promise.

After the accident, Jiang Xiaotang has been waiting for Li Dongze to kill himself, but he has not.

In the past eight years, she hasn't taken a step out of the fourth district. She knows that Li Dongze wants to kill herself very much. It must be because Li Shutong didn't agree that the other party didn't do it.

Li Shutong is still the emotional Li Shutong who has never changed at any time.

Qingchen shook his head: "elder sister, I have no position to forgive you for anyone, but since master has brought me here and let you know my identity, it means that some things have passed."

Jiang Xiaotang touched Qingchen's cheek with a smile: "maybe."

Qingchen originally wanted to avoid this hand, but in the end, he didn't, because he felt that the temperature in this hand was not mixed with any thoughts.



In the private room.

"By the way," Li Changqing suddenly said, "do you know the boxer named qingxiaotu?"

Li Yinuo replied, "I've seen him fight, but I don't know him."

"Yes, I heard that Yinuo, the three of you often come here, and when the qingxiaotu boxer appeared, he worked very hard," Li Changqing asked with a smile. "It used to come at the end of every week, but now it comes every day."

Li Yinuo is awe inspiring. She knows that her aunt is one of the real powerful figures in the second generation of Li family.

Li is a giant, so even if Li Changqing is only in charge of a small part of the power, it's enough to make people scared.

You know, in the power struggle of No. 1 city, Li Changqing did not fall behind even in the face of Chen's older generation.

Today, more than half of the city councillors in No. 1 city support the Li family.

This kind of character is definitely not as easy to fool as expected. The other party has done enough investigation before coming here!

Li Yinuo thought about how to answer, but Li Tongyun said sweetly: "aunt, I begged Yinuo sister to bring me. I like the boxer named qingxiaotu. I'm his fan! He played fiercely in the first game, and even made a tiger heavyweight fighter cry. Later, he even played six games, and all the tiger heavyweight fighters were not his opponents. I think he is very powerful! "

"So it is," Li Changqing said with a smile, touching Xiao Tongyun's head. "It's normal for you to like him, but remember not to delay the family's homework. I heard that you often doze off in the family school recently, and bully other boys."

Li Yinuo did not expect that Li Changqing even investigated Xiao Tongyun.

And Xiao Tongyun today in the face of a strong Li Changqing, not only not nervous to dare not speak, but the performance of everywhere appropriate and tactful.

Every sentence is just right.

"I think I'll change it later," said Xiao Tongyun. "But if someone says I'm bullying boys, it's wrong. Isn't it that some boys in our family are too weak?"

This sentence seems to be right on Li Changqing's mind. The young aunt said with a smile: "I just talked with the person in charge of the school this afternoon. The family school must offer fighting courses to cultivate the masculinity of the family children. Yinuo, look at your brothers. Half of them are so fucked up that they don't do their work. I'll cry after a few words to them. "

Li Changqing is very strong among the Li family, so he can never see the weakness of his younger generation.

When she learned that Qingchen was still a black market boxer, she didn't feel any bad. Instead, she added a bit of liking.

At this time, Li Yinuo grasped a detail from Li Changqing's words and set up a fighting course... There must be a teacher, right?

This teacher, can't have already decided to celebrate dust?

This typical post is set up according to people. It is a post specially set up for this talent!

The next moment, the audience stood up and watched Qingchen enter the octagonal cage.

Nangengchen and Li Tongyun also got up and went to the glass, watching attentively.

Li Changqing suddenly said with a smile: "you may not know that Miao Qifeng suddenly bought a gene medicine from black market businessman Su Xingzhi seven days ago, which I released earlier. Therefore, Miao Qifeng's rate is no longer E level, but D level. There is a business in the martial arts center, which is jealous of Begonia. It wants to cut off Jiang Xiaotang's wealth and kill qingxiaotu in the octagonal cage. "

Li Yinuo suddenly widened her eyes. She didn't expect that there was such a thing. Miao Qifeng wanted to cheat under everyone's eyes!

Generally, there is no boxer hidden level, because the dividends of tiger level and land cruise level are very different, and your hidden level means that you have to earn hundreds of thousands less each game.

If Miao Qifeng wants to live in No. 18 city, he will be chased by Haitang boxing house, and other boxers will also spit on him.

This is the rule of the world. No one will help him then.

But now it seems that the interests are big enough to make Miao Qifeng take risks!

Li Changqing said with a smile: "this matter is conspired by the four martial arts schools. If Miao Qifeng wins tonight, they are ready to send Miao Qifeng to the 23rd city of shendai family. What's more, they will give Miao Qifeng a large amount of money to settle down, including the first prize tonight. Miao Qifeng is 37 years old and can't fight any more. He wants to retire. "

"What if he loses?" Li Yinuo asked.

"Of course, the four martial arts schools killed people," Li Changqing said with a smile, "but they should not have considered this issue."

Yes, how can the land cruise class not beat the tiger class? It's not the same level!

The next second, nangengchen wants to run outside the private room. His first reaction is to warn Qingchen before the competition starts. Once the octagonal cage is closed, it's useless to say anything.

However, a small hand next to him secretly pulled his trouser leg to signal him not to act rashly.

In Li Yinuo's and Li Changqing's cognition, Li Tongyun and Nan Gengchen just like watching Qingchen competition, and there is no relationship between time walkers.

If nangengchen exposed the fact of knowing Qingchen at this time, it will soon be thought that Qingchen may also be a time traveler!

This kind of information exposure, in the world today hate time Walker environment, is very fatal.

Li Changqing looked at the three people in the private room, feeling a little strange and said: "eh, why didn't you run out to save him? According to my inference, you should go to warn him quickly. Xiao Tongyun, if you are his fan, don't you worry about him? You are a fake fan

Xiao Tongyun said with a cute smile: "aunt, you are going to hire him as your bodyguard, and the fighting teacher in our school. You must know that he can't die today. So you are not in a hurry. We are in a hurry. "

As soon as Li Changqing's eyes brightened, he immediately put the little girl in his arms and rubbed her up: "I didn't believe it when I heard that you were smart. Now I believe it. You are as smart as your aunt when you are young. In the future, you will follow her to learn more and read more!"

Li Yinuo is stunned for a moment. I'm afraid Li Changqing doesn't take Xiao Tongyun as his successor to cultivate him?

She said, "aunt, I said I would follow you before, but you didn't agree."

Li Changqing said, "when you were ten years old, were you smart? You were so stupid when you were a child. It's a burden to take with you

Li Yinuo

In fact, Li Yinuo is not stupid, but looks a little stupid.

She can think of the details that Li Tongyun can think of, so she didn't move just now.

Li Yinuo doesn't want to let her aunt know too many clues, so as not to guess something about Li Shutong.

In the whole private room, the only one who wants to run out of the private room to remind Qingchen is nangengchen.

To be exact, the three women in the private room are as good as ghosts, only nangengchen is stupid and doesn't see the truth.

However, there seems to be only the purest and most direct feelings of a fool in the world.

Even if Li Tongyun and Li Changqing said Qingchen would be OK, he still couldn't stop worrying.

"It's going to start," nangengchen said.

The fight is about to start. The private room is quiet. Everyone looks at the octagonal cage seriously.



Qingchen stands in the middle of the octagonal cage. Outside the black cage, there is a vast but noisy world. People are shouting, just like flames.

It's early winter, but it's like scorching summer. There are countless cicadas on the tree.

The pupil of the boy suddenly narrowed, recording and analyzing everything in front of him.

The host in Tuxedo stands outside the octagonal cage, takes off his hat and bows to the audience like a clown.

A gambler waved the ticket in his hand and roared at the top of his voice. His face was flushed due to lack of oxygen and his neck was blue.

Among these people, a middle-aged man is looking at him with a smile. His face has changed, but his white sportswear is particularly eye-catching.

In the irrational crowd, the other side's calm and rational smile is like a wisp of spring.

Just as the other party said, I only accompany you this journey, from now on, I don't care about the journey. But I'll watch it on the sly.

Qingchen in the octagonal cage smiles. It seems that the martial arts hall is quiet. The host and the audience's shouts are silenced together.

Qingchen realized that this was the last time he saw his competition before his master's long journey.

Li Shutong clearly realized that Qingchen was lack of foundation, so he personally sent his precious apprentice to the boxing ring, letting the other side experience the wind and rain in the octagonal cage.

Now, the baby apprentice is going to prove himself in this ring. How can he not come to have a look.

After reading it, he can rest assured.

Li Shutong found that Qingchen in the octagonal cage was not afraid at all.

All the insiders know the danger tonight, but he can't see any fear from Qingchen's face.

That's fine.

Those who can climb the cliffs of the green mountains with their bare hands have long abandoned their "cowardice" in life under the cliffs, and all their "retreat" dissipates in the sunrise of the sky.

There are only four words of forever youth left, and the courage that young people should have and have no regrets.

At this time, the first boxer slowly into the octagonal cage, Qingchen looked at each other, and then said to the referee: "don't close the door."

The referee was surprised for a second. He didn't even have time to understand the meaning of Qingchen's words. He saw that the boy had already flashed to the tiger heavyweight boxer.

Qingchen blows his fist like thunder, and his opponent immediately stands up in front of the door with both arms to block, taking the arm bone as the fortress.

However, before the opponent could figure out how to deal with the next attack, the boy had changed his posture. His arm suddenly retracted, and in the lunge, he hit the enemy's fortress with his elbow.

It's hard for people to recognize it even if it's a show of the world. It's born out of the eight pole boxing.

He has mastered all the techniques.

The strength of this elbow, like a lone bull in the wilderness, unflinchingly opened the opponent's defense, and his arms were broken.

Step further, the boy turns around and pushes his right foot forward on the opponent's mandible. The murderous spirit of Muay Thai is like essence.

I saw the boxer fly back, hit the octagonal cage, stagnated for a moment, and then fell to the ground.

In the last fight, Qingchen showed his unparalleled skill talent, which is a collection of all the quintessence of contemporary fighting skills. All the changes based on calculation made the skills of that night like art.

Now, Qingchen shows his strong power mercilessly. The knight's invincible power in the same level is infinitely close to the power of level D.

So, when the power shows, the unprepared opponent feels like a scarecrow in the wheat field, easily beaten through.

Only then did the referee understand why the other side didn't close the door, because it was really unnecessary.

All the people in the private room were stunned, especially Nan Gengchen and Li Tongyun.

You know, two months ago, this teenager was just an ordinary high school student.

It's really hard for Li Tongyun to connect this man with the young man who made fried rice with eggs. He has experienced more things in the inner world than himself.

And Li Changqing sat on the sofa, smiling and looking at the octagonal cage, his eyes shining.

She only knew Qingchen was powerful before, but she didn't expect to be so powerful.

It seems that only Li Shutong, a demigod, closed his eyes and pondered over something. The moment the defeated boxer hit the octagonal cage, he was already the rudiment of beating people like a picture.

Beating people like hanging a picture is not the unique skill of the knight. It is the performance that the impact of the hit's own bones and flesh can't be dissipated immediately after being hit with an obstacle. At this time, the boxer may have broken many parts of his body, and the ligament is also accompanied by tears. He can't walk into the octagonal cage again in his life.

In other words, Qingchen has just used his power skills to make a 12 point effect.

Take the waist as the axis and the earth as the foundation to move everything.

The human body is used as a cold machine by Qingchen.

"Next," Qingchen in the octagonal cage looked at the referee by the door.

"Aoao," the referee said to himself, "now let's invite the next boxer Cheng De... Cheng De to give up the fight! Now let's welcome... The third fighter has abandoned the fight! "


This is the 6200 words updated today. I'll go to have a meal and finish the story. Today, the ten thousand words will be updated to ensure the minimum

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